Applications of recombinant dna technology powerpoint
Publish Your Research Online. There are active users right now. Recombinant DNA technology is an important technique of biotech because it can be applied in medicine, agriculture and genetics. Many diseases can be treated with this technology and new hormones can also be produced Recombinant DNA technology is the technique of genetic engineering in which recombinant DNA is prepared by cutting the DNA into small fragments and joining different fragments together taken from different organisms.
This technique applications of recombinant dna technology powerpoint it possible to take any gene from any specie and place this gene in any other organism or specie. It is similar to cloning because when the foreign gene is incorporated in an organism like bacteria then multiple copies are made through applications of recombinant dna technology powerpoint to use the gene in different applications.
It has brought many revolutionary changes in the field of medicine and introduced such methods of treating diseases and delivering the drug which were just imaginary. It is secreted in the pancreas by some cells called as islet cells. This hormone is responsible for controlling the glucose level in humans. If a person has decreased amount of insulin in his body, he will suffer from a disease called diabetes. Recombinant DNA technology has allowed the scientists to develop human insulin by using the bacteria as a host cell and it is also available in the market.
It is believed that the drugs produced through microbes are safer than the drugs produced traditionally. It is injected in the body to enhance the production of antibodies against particular antigen. Recombinant DNA technology enables the scientists to develop vaccines by cloning the gene used for protective antigen protein.
Viral vaccines are most commonly developed through this technology for example, Herpes, Influenza, Hepatitis and Foot and Mouth Disease. It is responsible for growth, reproduction of the cells and regeneration in humans as well as animals. It is secreted by somatotroph cells present in the pituitary glands. In recent years, scientists have developed applications of recombinant dna technology powerpoint growth hormones using recombinant DNA technology.
The disease of dwarfism is treated with this hormone. Hybridoma technology has made it possible to produce monoclonal antibodies. In this technique, the lymphocytes or B cells are joined with myeloma cells; the resulting substance is called as Hybridoma.
This Hybridoma produces unlimited antibodies in the culture. The antibody produced is called as monoclonal antibody. These antibodies are used to produce vaccines against different viral infections. Interferon can be used to treat cancer like hairy cell leukemia. Recombinant DNA technology produces this protein using E. Interferon alpha is used to treat lymphoma and myelogenous leukemia. They can be produced by microorganisms as well as in the laboratory.
They have the ability to destroy bacteria or other harmful microbes which cause infections in the applications of recombinant dna technology powerpoint. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin for the first time in using recombinant DNA technology.
Other biotechnological techniques are also being used to produce antibiotics. Recombinant DNA technology has allowed the development of many tests which are being used to diagnose diseases like TB and cancer. Other diseases like measles, small pox and hepatitis are also diagnosed through tests and if they are not diagnosed properly, they can be a threat to human health.
In the diagnosis process, certain pathogens are isolated and identified, and then diagnostic kits are produced when the genome of the specific pathogen is known to kill it or block its pathogenic activity. Author Spotlight Ekatpure Sachin Chandrakant. Comments on this article: Is there a pathogen that can block certain types of the body by cutting certain parts off from the rest. Trending Articles Receiving maximum views in the last few days. More Bookmarks Digg etc. All articles on this website are for general information only applications of recombinant dna technology powerpoint is not a professional or experts advice.
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Recombinant DNA molecular cloning techniques enable the amplification, sequence determination, manipulation and functional investigation of DNA segments applications of recombinant dna technology powerpoint interest e. The amplification of DNA molecules of interest can take place by two principal means:. By creating recombinant DNA constructs that enable the in vivo amplification of a certain DNA segment in a host organism. During the process of cloning, one or a small number of DNA molecule s taken up by a single cell are amplified by the proliferation division of the host cell.
PCR will be described in detail in Chapter Recombinant DNA technology is an essential and indispensable tool in practically all lines of modern biological and biomedical research as well as in biotechnology-based industry. The following list contains a few examples for the areas of utilisation of these techniques. Investigation, alteration and manipulation of the sequence and structure of DNA and RNA molecules, individual genes or entire genomes. Investigation, alteration and manipulation of the sequence and structure of protein molecules encoded by genes protein engineeringor the metabolic products produced in reactions catalysed applications of recombinant dna technology powerpoint these proteins.
Investigation of spatial cell-specific or tissue-specific and temporal patterns of gene expression. Elucidation of the mechanisms of action of signal transduction pathways, cancerous malignant transformation, physiological and pathological processes, hereditary and infectious diseases, and diagnosis of these conditions. Research in the areas of developmental biology, evolution, ecology applications of recombinant dna technology powerpoint environmental science.
Legal disputes and criminal investigations; identification of samples, origins and individuals. Table of Contents Recombinant DNA techniques and molecular cloning Creation of recombinant DNA constructs Introduction of recombinant DNA constructs into host cells and the identification of recombinant colonies Isolation of plasmid DNA Analysis of plasmid DNA by gel electrophoresis Polymerase chain reaction PCR Site directed in vitro mutagenesis Recombinant DNA techniques and molecular cloning.