Bitcoin miner o co chodzi napisz
So even though home mining is an expensive business there are still other option that may be relevant for you to get into the mining game at a lower cost. This means that you do not buy a physical mining rig but rather rent computing power from a different company and get paid according to how much power you own. However, when you do the math it seems that none of these cloud mining sites are profitable in the long run. But make sure to do the math before putting your money into any of these plans.
One more option you can consider is mining Altcoins instead of Bitcions. Today there are hundreds of Altcoins available on the market and some of them are still real easy to mine.
Some good examples for Altcoins are Litecoin , Dogecoin and Peercoin. I n order to understand which Altcoins are profitable you can find website indexes such as CoinChoose that give you a complete Altcoin breakdown.
On CoinChoose you can see the difficulty for each Altocoin, where can you exchange them and what are the chances to profit Bitcoins by mining each specific Altcoin.
My guess is that in the long run you could make a profit from Bitcoin mining but only if you invest a considerable amount of money in a good mining rig e.
You must really be careful as there are so many scams out there! Good Luck people, be weary. I have heard Hashflare and Genesis are trustworthy. Only ones I know for sure.
It could still be profitable. Also, they have a great support team. Been happy with them. Asic based machines only. I just finished writing an article on Ethereum mining for this site and I covered the Titan V. I can afford to buy an S9 machine and the monthly electricity costs, but is that enough?? How long is an S9 expected to be the best machine?
Thanks, Steven, very helpful. Not too sure about the DragonMint machine lots of negative press out there but Slush does sound reputable. Think my partner and I will jump in and mine Bitcoin and LiteCoin with one machine each. Is It Bitcoin, or bitcoin? The Orthography of the Cryptography". Archived from the original on 21 January Retrieved 20 January Here's how he describes it". Federal Reserve Bank of St. Archived PDF from the original on 18 January Retrieved 16 January Archived from the original on 27 May Archived from the original on 8 January Retrieved 8 January Archived from the original on 16 January Rather than storing entire network blocks full of data, the pruning node stores the final link of every transaction.
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