Btc bitcoin news rss
I wrote this last Tuesday, but held off publishing because no exchanges actually allowed Litecoin Cash LCC deposits, making this process pointless.
Many in the cryptocurrency community consider forks like these to be simple cash grabs at best, and potential scams at worst. But in the meantime, those of us holding Litecoin at the time of the fork now also have some Litecoin Cash 10x as much, to be exact—if you had 10 LTC when the fork occurred, you now also have LCC. The latest release offers the following:.
You can get the latest version here. Note that you may have to whitelist it with your anti-virus software, as many flag Claymore as potential malware. If you rebooted your linux-based mining rig at some point in the last couple days, you may have noticed that your mining hashrate was drastically lower after your system restarted.
Thankfully, you can manually remove the update for now. Just follow these instructions and you should be back to normal. Happy belated New Year! Just wanted to take a minute and wish everyone a happy holiday season!
Hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday—look for my cryptocurrency predictions at some point in the coming week! Just a quick note that I finally sat down and updated the hardwareLinuxand Windows sections of my Ethereum mining guide today, bringing everything up-to-date with current best practices. The Linux setup guide especially deserves your attention if you set up your own rig in the recent past and have noticed a slow degradation in speed over time as the Ethereum DAG file has grown in size.
Holidays are a prime opportunity for tech-saavy family members to extol the virtues of cryptocurrency to less technology-literate relatives. Ultimately this is good news. Bitcoin is already confusing enough to the average individual without another fork caused by lack of community consensus added to the mix—especially in the wake of the very recent Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold forks.
The way that the SegWit2x saga unfolded still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, however. I suspect that the six individuals responsible for SegWit2x and its cancellation became quite a bit wealthier collectively over the past 24 hours.
Welcome to unregulated markets! Just a quick heads up that the Ethereum network will experience a planned hard fork at some point early tomorrow. Your rigs will continue mining after the fork, and your mining pool will continue payouts to your wallet address most large pools, including ethermine and nanopool, have already announced readiness for the fork.
You will need to make sure to update your wallet software before creating new transactions e. The latest release of Mist the official Ethereum client, and the wallet I generally recommend can be found here. If you use another wallet, make sure that you grab the latest update from your wallet provider. Read on for a basic guide on how to safely sell your LCC. The latest release offers the following: Thanks to the many readers that wrote in and made me aware of the issue! Russian Burger Kings are also slated to start accepting Bitcoin as a payment method this year.
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The post This Week in Bitcoin: Gains from cryptocurrency transactions will be taxed in Azerbaijan, according to a high-ranking official from the Tax Ministry. Authorities in the energy-rich nation intend to tap into both corporate profits and personal incomes.
The country has previously taken a conservative stance on cryptocurrencies but the focus on taxation now signals a change in Baku. Cryptocurrency markets are seeing some gains today as most digital assets are up over the past hours between percent. The post Markets Update: Betting with cryptocurrencies has grown significantly, btc bitcoin news rss at the most famous US horse race, the Kentucky Derby.
A printer and a little know-how is all […]. Maduro also took the opportunity to urge countrymen to continue mining its state-backed digital money, including creation of btc bitcoin news rss farms.
In a small village in Ukraine, all residents are now owners of cryptocurrency, thanks to an initiative by the head of the village council. In other trading news, fee-free exchange Cobinhood has announced the introduction of trading pairs for the ninth largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, IOTA.
In international news, Russian cryptocurrency Youtuber Pavel […]. The post Bitcoin in Brief Saturday: Investors in India are flocking to trade cryptocurrencies before the ban order by the Reserve Bank of India takes effect. There is a positive sentiment in the local crypto community that the Indian government will not outright ban crypto trading.
Reward Expert used Google Trends traffic data for keywords such as Litecoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency in an effort to gauge US states interest levels for cryptocurrency during a three month period this year.
The company then determined a weighted average and ranked US states by interest and usage. Some of the most common are false endorsements and fake binary trading schemes, he warns. Advising everyone to remain btc bitcoin news rss, Branson suggests that users should report fake stories to the platforms which have published them.
Over the past year, cryptocurrency-backed lending has grown btc bitcoin news rss popular with organizations like Salt Lending, and Unchained Btc bitcoin news rss trying to capture a piece of this emerging industry. Projects like Salt Lending have issued millions worth of crypto-backed loans so far and the teams behind these digital currency operations believe crypto-to-cash lending is going to be […]. Just as army generals play out countless war games, enacting doomsday scenarios, bitcoin defenders like to ponder ways in which the decentralized cryptocurrency could be attacked and brought to […].
Kucoin exchange has devised a novel way of dealing with underperforming tokens. Once placed btc bitcoin news rss the token equivalent of the naughty step, they will be given a chance to buck up or risk being […].
South Korean Samsung Electronics saw its operating btc bitcoin news rss surge in the first quarter of this year compared to the previous year. The company attributes the increase to its semiconductor division which manufactures bitcoin mining chips and says that it expects the trend to continue into the second quarter. Japan Confirms Entrance Into the […]. An Italian company is developing mobile mining farms, while in Russia a mining hotel offers an opportunity to legally earn cryptocurrency.
The post Bitcoin in Brief Friday: United Kingdom corporate research firm Gartner conducted a survey of nearly Chief Btc bitcoin news rss Officers CIOsin an attempt to separate hype from reality. The btc bitcoin news rss startup ETH has created the most feasible and provably fair lottery games on the Ethereum blockchain where participants can play Status browser or Ethereum wallet enabled environment, with instant result generation.
At similar blockchain-based online casinos, it takes one block time — or even up to several minutes — to generate a random result. It is not only time-consuming for the players but it costs them more since the process requires significant gas consumption.
Beta game versions are already live in Ropsten testnet. A digital asset smart banknote manufacturer has launched bitcoin banknotes at a store in Singapore. Designed to make owning and circulating cryptocurrencies as easy as using paper money, they are currently available in denominations of 0. After Reddit removed Bitcoin Core BTC as a form of payment for premium membership services this past March, the company seems to be planning to reinstate the digital asset soon.
In part 1 of this series, I highlighted the importance of education. A community that is educated will be less influenced by propaganda. There is never going to be a perfect alignment […]. The app offers end-to-end encryption, and is the most popular messenger in several Eastern European countries. Over the past six months, the price of BCH is up over percent, and the price has jumped 13 percent higher over the last seven days.
At the moment the […]. This week, Elias Valentin Smith, a year-old man from New Zealand, btc bitcoin news rss appealed his prison sentence for drug dealing with bitcoin as a teenager. This was despite the fact btc bitcoin news rss the court system considered the use of bitcoin as a sign of criminal sophistication. Using these websites and the wares these markets sell may be illegal in your country, so learning to take the necessary precautions before visiting a DNM is an absolute must.
The post Darknet Markets: Btc bitcoin news rss to the advent of ICOs, at least one of those problems has now been solved. Almost half of […]. Clears system assures compliance while protecting users personal data. Data given to Clears is encrypted, hashed and cold stored.
Clears maintains an unparalleled integrity and security for its users and mitigates its partners liability in the case of audits. Hearing about the whopping btc bitcoin news rss that bitcoin exchanges are bringing in, one might be led to believe that all businesses in the field are making money hand over fist. Latest figures from Square, however, show that is not necessarily the case.
At least not in the short term. Bitcoin Is Not Used by […]. Cai Wensheng, the founder of Meitu Inc. Wensheng also discussed his investments in alternative cryptocurrencies, btc bitcoin news rss compared the present state of the cryptocurrency sector to that of the internet of […].
Hacked Italian Bitgrail exchange is closed again after a brief reopening. It suspended operations on request from the court of Florence, following a petition? The post Bitcoin in Brief Thursday: Goldman Sachs is reportedly launching a bitcoin trading operation where it will trade bitcoin futures contracts on behalf of clients using its own money, starting as early as the next few weeks.
The Wall Street investment firm will also offer its own bitcoin futures product to clients. Japan Confirms Entrance Into the Crypto […]. However, the company has instead decided to scrap its much publicized ICO in btc bitcoin news rss of btc bitcoin news rss up its popular messaging service and expanding into tokenization. Bitcoin forks are invariably contentious, btc bitcoin news rss the btc bitcoin news rss batch could be the most controversial yet. Bitcoin Prime and Anonymous Bitcoin have been labeled as shameless cash grabs that are little more than pump and dumps orchestrated by opportunistic developers.
Forget Btc bitcoin news rss — Bitcoin Sentiment […]. Bitcoin is often accused by regulators, governments and central bankers as being a tool for money laundering by criminal organizations, usually without presenting any evidence. A new report from Hong Kong, a major international financial hub and nexus for trade between China and the whole world, spells this out clearly. Bitcoin in Brief […]. Additionally, the BRD development team has added a […]. A group of South Korean lawmakers is working on a bill to legalize initial coin offerings ICOsproviding they meet certain conditions under the supervision of the government.
Meanwhile, the current ICO ban in the country has driven many domestic corporations to raise capital overseas. Cryptocurrency markets are seeing some action today as digital asset values have been fluctuating over the past 72 hours.
Unicef Australia has launched a platform through which third-party donations are made in the form of in-browser computing power which is used for cryptocurrency mining. The website, Btc bitcoin news rss Hopepage, allows donors to designate a set percentage of computing power to divert to mining Monero on behalf of Unicef. This Week in Bitcoin: Bitcoin in Brief Saturday: Projects like Salt Lending have issued millions worth of crypto-backed loans so far and the teams behind these digital currency operations believe crypto-to-cash lending btc bitcoin news rss going to be […] The post Crypto-to-Cash Lending is Growing Quite Popular These Days appeared first on Bitcoin News.
Once placed on the token equivalent of the naughty step, they will be given a chance to buck up or risk being […] The post Underperforming Tokens on Kucoin Will Be Sent for a Timeout appeared first on Bitcoin News. Bitcoin in Brief Friday: And, […] The post Bitcoin in Brief Friday: One stressed enforcement, the other working with the industry. Wensheng btc bitcoin news rss discussed his investments in alternative cryptocurrencies, and compared the present state of the cryptocurrency sector to that of btc bitcoin news rss internet of […] The post Meitu Founder Announces Accumulation of 10, Bitcoins in appeared first on Bitcoin News.
Bitcoin in Brief Thursday: Also, beleaguered […] The post Bitcoin in Brief Thursday: Sell In May and Go Away? Not for Bitcoin Bulls CoinDesk Congress are set to hold a hearing on blockchain tech next week. Bitcoin Blogs Opinions from around the world on bitcoin. Trends in technology, social media and meetups. Bitcoin News Bitcoin news from around the world. Blockchain, cryptocurrency and distributed ledgers in focus.
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