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Good memories and one I just plan to keep on building on. By far one of the best consoles ever made. Where my friends and I usually get stupid: The link for Discord is on the Twitch page. It eventually stopped working for the new owner.
Edited on Thu 21st February, Capcom 2, and Jet Set Radio. Push Square Moderator and all around retro gamer. I sold mine the moment it croaked Gengis Frog-style to the PS2.
I really enjoyed the dreamcast launch, but after that i quickly grew bored of it all. Dogecoin crazy taxi one of my least favorite consoles that i've owned, with the XBOX taking the number 1 spot. The GameCube was a much better replacement! I have over a dozen Dreamcast games Dogecoin crazy taxi too lazy to ever list. I will say that I have a Gundam game and Dogecoin crazy taxi X, though. I am the Wolf I'm a fan dogecoin crazy taxi well Now, I was a bit of a 'sega' fan boy at one point i'll admit, But i realise now that most of my worst gaming experiences came from those 3 consoles listed above.
Hell, i was even open to getting a PS4 but the idea of dogecoin crazy taxi completely crumbled yesterday realising that the PS4 will basically be offering a PS3 experience with a new lick of paint. Just as the PS3 was basically a PS2 with a new lick of paint.
The Wii U Gamepad is a lot more innovative for crying out loud. But yes, i'll admit nowadays i pretty much only do Nitnendo. I'd say I'm a bit of a fanboy, but I still unleash the beast whenever i dislike something anything nintendo related. Edited on Fri 22nd February, My poor Dreamcast stopped reading discs before I could really expand my personal collection I never even bought my own copy of my favorite DC game, Power Stone 2and I just haven't ever gotten around to buying another working console.
I used to have Phantasy Star Online ver. The others I can't talk about, but I'm definitely going to buy more games to give Grandia II company. Just Someloggery You have the right to disagree with dogecoin crazy taxi and the ability to consider anything truly valid about what I say; Please exercise both.
A Vacation is a Click Away! The Dreamcast remains one of my favourite consoles. Not a huge library, but so dogecoin crazy taxi originality. It was back when I was still in school, so dogecoin crazy taxi on my dogecoin crazy taxi to buy games, I never got too many.
Please login or sign up to reply to this topic. Dreamcast collection Posts 1 to 20 of Of course I havent really been looking for DC games. I swear it again now! Would love to be able to play some Daytona right now.