Dogecoin wikipedia platoon
Were there any organizations you know of that helped facilitate this sort of thing? There are tons of organizations that do bulk packages; the USO, VFW, and American Leigion are some of the bigger ones to name a few but there are many others. When I was in Iraq back in there was a senior citizens group that would knit beenie caps and scarfs, each one had a little card with the name of the person that made it and a kind little note on it, I liked those a lot.
You were asking about the things that would be popular down range in care packages, it really is theater dependant but there is one thing no matter where you are that will always be welcomed: At a minimum it's spreading the word to a different community of individuals. As far as not making it US centered, there are tons of Coalition Force troops that take advantage of the mass amounts of care packages in theater.
I think these Allie Nations would love to receive the generosity of our Shibe community. This is great info! I'd love to do multiple packages to different organizations around the world. One more question, are standard military troops allowed to run computers that can run peer-to-peer applications like the dogecoin wallet? Could they even use them in their day-to-day?
Are they allowed cell phones that could hold a wallet? Or would they pretty much have to use the dogecoins when they were on leave? As far as how to make those standard things doge-centric, it would be interesting to see how much I could actually buy with dogecoins online. It really depends on "where" they are at. I used it strictly to check email and log into my University Blackboard. When I was at Kabul Afgh, they were in the talks about getting a central "free Wifi" spot for troops in common areas but i've been gone for some time.
I have a buddy that was down there recently I can ask him if this was completely set up or not. This "should" support a Dogecoin wallet as well as provide an ability to download an app like MyDoge to access a wallet.
There is a base in Al Dahfra as well that has a similar set up. As for spending Dogecoin while deployed the ability to connect to the internet is pretty readily availiable. The great thing about USPS is that you can ship a flat rate box down range to troops for the same amount of shipping that it would cost to ship it anywhere in the US. So if a vendor in the dogemarket offers free shipping or Flat Rate box shipping it shouldn't cost them any more than normal.
This was all really useful information and I'm kind of excited about doing this now. Thanks for the insight and thanks for your service! I'll actually be deploying again here in the next few months. How does it work at your job?
Do you use any particular organization to facilitate it? What does it cost every month? What kind of things do you send besides letters? Create a post with the sole purpose of being obscene. Including a post that is reasonably likely in all the circumstances to start a flamewar, humiliate or intimidate another person or group of people. Do not use another reddit username in your post title without getting permission from that person first.
I've known many men and women who have been in the military, including my father and several other family members.
I'm a dyed in the wool liberal, but I also get how hard our all volunteer military works and how scary what they do is. Please try not to be so insulting even when you disagree. One of the cool things about this place is people try to be nice to each other. Leave the namecalling and exaggerations at the door like a grownup. The military-industrial complex gets tremendous amounts of money. The individual soldiers themselves make peanuts, risk their lives, and sacrifice time away from their family.
Spammy, unsolicited and cat referrals may be removed without notice. The subsequent fall could be due to speculators seeing a bubble version dumping their holdings. The currency for cats is a little hard to explain, so we talk to one of the founders, Danielle Reid. Both wallets have their advantages and disadvantages.
Apply Restore Default Settings. Sign up for FREE and get: How Do Smart Contracts Work? Log in or sign up in seconds. Setting up a Dogecoin wallet is as easy as 1, 2, 3. If we receive complaints about individuals who take over a thread or forum, we reserve the right to ban them from the site, without recourse. Github Learn Tip bot Develop. Thanks for your comment. Monacoin is not intended to be a ' national altcoin ' in the spirit of Iceland's Auroracoin and its many followers, and there is no 'airdrop' or handout planned so far.
What are the differences between the two? This form of digital currency is called "cryptocurrency"; a type of digital currency.