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Paul Austin, Rohit and Sidharth Srinivasan. In remote and impoverished areas of the world, teaching children science, technology, engineering, and math, or STEM skills can involve a lot of expensive resources.
It requires computers, labs, buildings, high-speed Internet, power supplies, and pricey robotics kits with trained instructors. They went on the trips with the Austin-based Miracle Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports orphans worldwide.
And Paul Austin, ex-chief architect of National Instruments, witnessed the same thing during visits to orphanages in Africa and India from to From teaching in India, Rohit Srinivasan and his brother learned that the kids there were very smart, but they completely lacked in creativity and problem-solving skills. Teachers need to find ways lego mindstorms nxt kit price in india teach robotics easily and affordably in the U. They partnered with the Miracle Foundation, Science in a Suitcase and a board design shop called TenX to bring the project to life.
At that event, Trashbots won the student pitch competition and had a booth at the Expo where they received feedback from a lot of teachers. They have office space at Galvanize and they regularly meet with mentors and attend sessions to learn about building out their business. Trashbots is far less expensive than pre-existing STEM and robotics kits and is easier to use than do it yourself kits, Rohit Srinivasan said.
Most current day kits, a student is confined to using the pieces within the kit, Sidharth Srinivasan lego mindstorms nxt kit price in india. That is the core of problem-solving. Paul Austin and Sidharth Srinivasan wrote the program that runs the motor or brain of the Trashbots system and Rohit Srinivasan developed the lego mindstorms nxt kit price in india. The curriculum is geared for K students with simple programs for the younger students lego mindstorms nxt kit price in india more complex tasks and programming for the older students.
And even the programs that exist are lacking in creativity skills, Rohit Srinivasan said. Everyone uses these processes. So, you are so much more successful if you think about something then you go build it and then you test it and then you think about how it can be improved. That simple three-step process is so successful and that is at the core of the teaching principle behind Trashbots. This process helps kids develop other skills too like team building, risk-taking and develop their self-esteem, Sidharth Srinivasan said.
This year, Trashbots has conducted a lot of camps to roll out its technology to students, Rohit Srinivasan said. It held a camp in Reynosa, Mexico and other camps at multiple Elementary and Middle schools in Austin. They taught more than students there with the Trashbots kits. They got non-binding orders from 50 school districts from U.
Trashbots is moving into production with design and manufacturing partners in India to manufacture the first kits. Trashbots plans its initial delivery later this year, said Austin. The nonprofit organization is also in the process of exploring a transition to become a Public Benefit Corporation. Print Share on Tumblr. Subscribe to our mailing list. Return to top of page. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts lego mindstorms nxt kit price in india email.