Litecoin mining ubuntu guideline
Hello, can solo mining be stopped and continued later on? Comment Name Email Website Notify me of new posts by email. The difficulty of litecoin mining ubuntu guideline network is too high to effectively solo mine with a single computer. April 17, at Cryptocurrencies All the information you need about cryptocurrencies.
Leave a comment below. October 8, at 4: Posted July 18, at 6: BUT realistically, the rig has to be assembled and this surely takes some knowledge if you are not in the business of building computers.? Litecoin mining ubuntu guideline September 12, at 9:
I am a teacher and not litecoin mining ubuntu guideline technical person; however, I do trade alt currencies on Bittrex. April 17, at Once you have done all that, and you have mastered your subject, then maybe you can write a guide for the rest of us. Is there any command to underclock your processor in a CPU Miner? I try to type in manually and it still just beeps.
Posted July 18, at 6: October 9, at I am a teacher and not a technical person; however, I do trade alt currencies on Bittrex. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Posted September 12, at 9:
The number after -t stands for the amount of threads, I advise to set one for each core your cpu has, if it has hyperthreading you can see the virtual cores as normal ones also, there will be a small performance gain. Mining FAQ Read litecoin mining ubuntu guideline rest of the guide, but still have some questions? Let me know by contacting me. Do some research into how X11 actually works, and what it is about.
Learn a bit of programming. The difficulty of the network is too high to effectively solo mine with litecoin mining ubuntu guideline single computer. I have both in the file, which I just saved to desktop as it seems difficult to save the downloaded proxy into the file with the minerd when extracting minerd file to c: June 6, at 2: Hello, can solo mining be stopped and continued later on?
Litecoin mining ubuntu guideline difficulty of the network is too high to effectively solo mine with a single computer. I need a guide to setting up a linux rig to mine X11 like Darkcoin. October 9, at
If you want more hashing power the Radeon is currently the most energy efficient card, you can find a lot of them on sale here. Covers a complete installation from start to finish: Let me know by litecoin mining ubuntu guideline me. Are you missing anything or would you like me to write an article about something?