Open bitcoin walletdat
Once we have exported the keys we will be able to import them into Electron Cash and then spend the Bitcoin Cash. Get private keys for them You need to do: Start getting private open bitcoin walletdat Simple take addresses that you have used previously they are in history and believe have money. Way faster than days syncing with few wallet crashes of Core.
With each private key copied to a text file, you are now ready to move onto the next open bitcoin walletdat and claim your Bitcoin Cash. Open bitcoin walletdat take addresses that you have used previously they are in history and believe have money. Remember to make sure you have sent the funds to a new Bitcoin address before importing the keys in the following steps. We will be using the Electron Cash wallet to import the private keys and claim the Bitcoin Cash. You need to do:
If you have any questions leave them in open bitcoin walletdat comments below. Way faster than days syncing with few wallet crashes of Core. Enter a password to encrypt the wallet file or leave blank to disable encryption then click Next.
The final step is to open bitcoin walletdat the private keys used in the dumpprivkey command in the first step. The reason for doing this is to guarantee the creators of the Electon Cash wallet do not have access to your Bitcoin private keys and funds. We will be using the Electron Cash wallet to import the private keys and claim the Bitcoin Cash.
If you have any questions leave them in the comments below. Enter open bitcoin walletdat password to encrypt the wallet file or leave open bitcoin walletdat to disable encryption then click Next. Unfortuantely some of the Electrum functionality gets a bit lost. You will need a Bitcoin Core wallet that contained Bitcoin at the time of the Bitcoin Cash hard fork.
Get private keys for them You need to do: Got so frustrated and eventually found a python script pywallet I think that let me dump it all as a json file. Open bitcoin walletdat transactions since the hard fork will not be available on the Bitcoin Cash chain.