Temps bitcoin
It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! May in Mining. Googling didn't give me a simple chart, so I'm going to make one.
Nobody has a definitive answer, so here is an attempt to create a broad understanding what temperatures mean based on many hours of research. All GPU have different safe ranges.
This is an attempt to generalize temperature ranges for mining any coin in general. Because Temps bitcoin may say a temperature is generally safe, doesn't mean it definitely is. No major tasks are running. Are you sure your miner is even on? Might be able to crank a bit more power. GPU is processing at a very acceptable rate! High graphics gaming or optimized mining. We shouldn't get any hotter. Some GPU can handle temps bitcoin range easily, but I'd rather play it safe and back off.
At this range, your GPU temps bitcoin seem like it's doing just fine you don't smell burning plastic, right? Only run this high if you don't expect to use that GPU for another year or two! Don't breath in the burning smell, it's probably temps bitcoin for you! However, let it cool off before you hang it on temps bitcoin wall. Again, these are general estimates aimed to help the community understand what different temperatures mean. If you have any personal experience or professional opinion I'd love to hear them and temps bitcoin edits if needed!
Dig hard, dig proud, dig cool, dig safe! Thanks temps bitcoin your effort! How does it come that my asus Strix R9 with factory settings for gaming etc. Current they running betreten Celsius mining. May edited May MY rule of thumb is to try avoid going over 75c, 80c temps bitcoin.
Useless list pretty much. Different cards are suppose to run at different temperatures. Its matters how they are built, what type of components are used, AIB manufacteur, etc.
Heliox Member, Moderator Posts: Got a few reference cards, they've temps bitcoin running months over 80 degrees, they even started off running at temps bitcoin back in the litecoin days. It all depends i guess, but a good reference none the less! This list is bullshit. Agreed, this chart is meaningless since every temps bitcoin has a different TDP level, and manufacturing processes will determine the resulting ASIC quality of the card and how it handles overall power dissipation.
A lot of temps bitcoin seems to neglect cooling them separately, or users simply don't even know they exist. Not all cards will actively report it's VRM temps, so overclock or mine with caution.
Watching a Sapphire HD s catch on fire on its next power up is a nice lesson to keep an eye on all temps. Anything under 80c is acceptable for me, the reference 's and x's can run hotter as they are made to.
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