Tripod delta robot icons
This would add an extra axis of control to an already robust CNC setup. It will be exciting to see how this technology develops in the future. Until then, check out the video after the break: Nice machine but I can see some flaws.
The UJs coupling the motors to the threads are going to introduce some non-linearity at the extremes. That could be accounted for in software but CV joints are what you really need there. The threaded rod into a tube is difficult to get both lash and flex free.
It looks like there are nuts of some sort at the tops of the tubes to help with backlash, but I can see plenty of flex particularly in the leftmost pair. Pretty cool that EMC can be made to control it accurately though. That is shockingly disturbing. Dave — Thx for the video! Whatnot… it looks 3 sided to me. The concept is great as a full CNC machine, but the engineering can be tricky due to the torque of the spindle motors.
Real machines like this would have to be servo — not steppers. How is this tripod different than a delta robot? Another iteration in the following video. This moves the work instead of the cutting head as it is a add-on for a standard bridgeport type knee mill. A Delta robot works with three arms that are rotating rather than changing length as this one does. A machine shop in China have supplied me some stepper motors and controllers for a similar project. You are commenting using your WordPress.
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