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Deciding where to place your advertisements is one of the toughest decisions that an advertiser has to make. Design-related businesses can have an especially difficult decision to make because there are literally hundreds of excellent design-related websites or blogs to choose from; each of which would be a great place to find some targeted clicks.
Marketplaces like Buy Sell Ads are great for identifying these types of sites but you might find the shear number of publishers out there to be a bit overwhelming.
In this article, we hope to narrow down your choices with this list of 50 Excellent Design-Related Websites to Place Your Advertisements. Grant Friedman is a graphic design, blogger, and author. In addition to being the founder of this website, Grant is also the editor of Psdtuts, one of the world's most popular tutorial websites. Thanks for including Vandelay Design and DesignM. Really cool list Grant.
Thanks for including Fudgegraphics. Hi, I just wanted to say, though I am not seeking a place to put any advertisements at present I wanted to say that this is still a great list for me: P These are some of the best design related sites on the web. Nice top 50 list! Another great list of sites to check out. Thanks for adding Web design ledger buysellads discount to the list!
Appreciate the mention here Grant. Thanks for including Fuel Your Creativity on this list. Truly an honor to be featured among all these amazing sites!! It is difficult to get started with ads, but even a little bit is such a big help.
Most of these sites do a really nice job of working the ads into the design, they arent too distracting, but they still give their sponsors a spotlight. I hope to build my design blog up to such a high a high standard as web design ledger buysellads discount. I am completely honored to be in this list! What a great idea! This should make it web design ledger buysellads discount easy for advertisers to jump into the design community with some quality sites.
Keep up the good work!! Whoah — sweet list over here! I might need to do some advertising on other sites as well for Marcofolio. Thanks for this list and especially for including Marcofolio.
Keep up the great work mate: Thanks a lot for including SpyreStudios in your post, much appreciated: A great post idea. This is an awesome list! Thanks for putting these all up. Can you put up sites that target the coders?
Got a few more sites to look into now. Fab list for potential advertisers! I would have loved to have been included as i run a design blog http: The ad details are: Cheth vs Richard Dell. Friday Web design ledger buysellads discount July 27 - 31 Inspiredology.
Great list of places to advertise! I guess you could really ask any website to exchange links with web design ledger buysellads discount, or advertise on their site. Great list…I am looking for places to start advertising for both my blog and my Web Design company…you just made my day so much easier. Identifying Facebook Spam April 1, Is Facebook a Virtual Gravestone? Grant Friedman Grant Friedman is a graphic design, blogger, and author.
Hey Grant, Nice top 50 list! Thanks for all that you do Grant ; Keep up the good work!! Nice list, thanks for including stockvault. Thanks for including us Grant! Amazing list…totally love it. Thanks for all nice ad website, including list your good. Sadly missing however are… Design Inspiration http: Thanks for web design ledger buysellads discount the list. Check out my blog: Good to see Marcofolio in there. I am gr8 fan of tht site.