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These begonias Begonia coccinea can grow to 2m with straight stems and showy clusters of pendulous waxy flowers from mid-summer to late-autumn. Their form and foliage makes them perfect plants for mixing into borders or using in pots in courtyards and balconies.
Allow morning sun, take care not to over-water and prune mature plants hard in late-winter to encourage new growth from the base. Make new plants from stem cuttings. This begonia is grown for its large foliage, which may be coloured, patterned or have an intriguing metallic sheen, rather than for its insignificant flowers.
Bright and unusual shades of green, pink, red, silver, purple and grey combine to make bold patterns on the leaves. Grow rex in pots and baskets in a well-lit position indoors. Because of their succulent leaves, begonias store moisture and need less frequent watering. Indoors they need high humidity and good ventilation to avoid disease problems. To boost humidity, sit them in a tray of pebbles and water. Dry air will cause leaf margins to brown. These are grown for their huge colourful blooms and are best in a cool shade house, with part or filtered shade, and good ventilation to discourage powdery mildew.
There are erect varieties suited to pots, and cascading varieties suited to hanging baskets. Charming begonias for indoors, these are grown for their clusters of pretty pastel flowers. They are happy to grow for a season or two near a bright windowsill or kitchen table. Avoid wet or waterlogged soil. Flowers come in pretty soft shades of peach, lemon, white, pink and apricot. Feed with liquid feed and a sprinkle of controlled release.
It never stops flowering and lasts one season. It comes in red, white and pink flowers with green or purple leaves. Watch for powdery mildew fungus on the leaves, treat with a fungicide. To get an extra year out of the plants, try cutting it back over winter, top with straw, keep it dry and it should grow back in spring. It happily grows to 45cm and will flower continuously through to late autumn.
It is very robust and will thrive in hot dry weather in a window box, hanging basket, or in the garden as a border. Feed with liquid feed. Plants die back over winter, re-emerging in spring. Begonia biggest enemy is frost. Planting them under other shrubs will help protect them.
Pots can be brought close or into the house over winter in frosty regions. Check out the new begonia garden at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney Bed 31 , and if you like what you see, consider joining the. I live in Tasmania and trying to buy Cascading Begonia tubers, can you assist thank you. Any time from spring to autumn is suitable for taking daphne cuttings. Take a cutting of approximately 10cm length, including a node a swollen section of stem where leaves, stems, roots originate.
Dip this into rooting hormone gel or powder and place into propagation mix deep enough so that it stands by itself. A plastic cover over the pot will help retain humidity. Place in a protected position out of direct sunlight. Keep moist and expect roots in a couple of months. You should be ready to harvest your first batch in February. Simply use your hands to feel through the light mix you have used and pull up as many potatoes as you need for dinner.
You can keep on harvesting as you need the potatoes until you run out, or until the start of next winter. How to grow Begonias. But there are many other types of begonias, some with beautiful patterned leaves as well as those simple, charming, waxy flowers. Freshen up houseplants 18 Feb Hanging Around 10 Feb Leave a Comment Your Name Optional. Help us prevent spam and type what you see below. About this article Date: Stars of the season Ask Us!
Plants It's time to Stay in touch We'll keep you posted and promise not to bombard you. Ask us What is the best time and method to propagate daphne?
I planted potatoes in layers of manure and straw in early July and would like to know when they will be ready to harvest.