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Also, thanks to all who contacted us about sponsorship. The pump made no bitcoin mining hardware 280x400, so I held bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 it all and still holding. Hindsight isalways. Pls tell me i didn't buy more bags. Anybody else get a letter in the mail saying their tokens were part of the burn pool?

How do I move my tokens to a new wallet address without them knowing? Ok anons I've been shilling this all week. Are you anons ready for a power ledger style run? Comfy af with a modest 33k stack. There are plenty of ways of providing a living for yourself without establishing a career. MFW you can find the right situation to suit you, you can have your cake and also take bites out of it until it is completely eaten Sergey got hit by a car and died! Just like they did with Paul McCartney.

This fake Sergey is shadowforking the whole project so he can run away with 32 million to open a hamburger restaurant. He's launching a fragrance, idiot. He just doesn't know what to call it yet.

Vechainers stay with me brethren, we gonna make it hard this year. It's a well bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 model, but it's wasn't designed but it's not going to make you rich like other crypto projects make people rich.

It won't moon faster than the actual network grows. You get the point anyway. The token economic model bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 designed with the specific intent to make you rich. It's meant to support an efficient network. Really take the time to ask yourself, is 'cryptocurrency' going anywhere? Three of these are profitable and the other is Linux.

Can you see where I'm going with this? But ofcourse, youre bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 to take a distro of linux and tailor it to your needs. However, dont expect Apple to coming knocking for it. They made their own. See where we are bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 with this? Ever notice the narrative of bitcoiners and cryptopians?

It's all about sticking it to the man Do you think we can push the price down to around 15 cents? That is my target where I will start to accumulate. Because I didn't trust the project, after what happened the first one. And why won't I get in now? Because the price is way too high and I'm capable of basic maths, so know what my returns could be. Average down your buy price now. That's what I did. I bought 2k pre Sibos at ath 50 cents. And 8k more at 14 cent. It is the fact that you can't spell "per se" that makes us aware that you are sub This shit has been ready to moon for days with the most obvious signs and now it's taking off.

Why are you not in yet? This is my last warning. The product will supposedly be finished by So go bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 on a dick, faggot. Can I get a quick rundown? It can be simply industry-wide.

Blockchain immutability still stays intact. And it makes more sense than using your tokens. Each organization runs their nodes, if one goes offline, the data is still safe, if one gets hacked, it gets invalidated by the majority rule etc. Except without tokens and traders. Of course its impossible to time the exact top, but selling at any point during 4 weeks of late december-early jan where delusion was the most insane was easy dont tell me you are still holding my bags?

Good thing the Institutions weren't in yet. Can you imagine if they had regulated months ago and all these bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 had gotten into this shit? THEN it would be over. Good thing we still have 12 Bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 USD that will move in the next months. Normies are fucking retarded. You know this will MOON because the fud on biz is on another fucking level. People deserve to be poor if they are actually selling.

The Request Network team thinks they can avoid a dump by secretly launching mainnet and only post-mortem reveal that it is already launched so that people can't "sell the news" since it's not really news. They are holding off on announcing it to prevent people from selling the news, but a silent launch isn't going to cause a pump. It seems like the timing is perfect for this with all of the Facebook controversy going on, if someone made a decentralized Facebook clone where you controlled all your info and permissions it could be huge.

Peepeth is a decentralized alternative to Twitter. It's unstoppable and uncensorable because it runs on the Ethereum blockchain. No company or government controls the data on Peepeth. That means nobody can remove your account or posts. It costs a little bit of ether a cryptocurrency to use Peepeth. These fees power the Ethereum network. That's why you'll need Bitcoin mining hardware 280x400, which lets you execute Peepeth actions with 1 click.

Bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 fees help secure your data. It's a small price to pay for free speech. Despite blockchain fees, Peepeth is nearly free to use because it lets you bulk-save actions to the blockchain in a single, cheap transaction. Other than saving to the blockchain, Peepeth works like Twitter. Peepeth lets you prove your identity by linking your Twitter account through the blockchain. You'll see a next to your name, linking to your Twitter page. Send ether to any Peep.

Receive ether tips for your content. YouTube not letting you monetize? Post links to your videos on Peepeth to receive tips. Anybody can read from and write to Peepeth's data store the blockchain. That means that any number of front-end applications could be built for Peepeth, without the author's permission. All bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 going to take is one of these Ethereum DApps to go mainstream and everyone will realize the power and implications of this technology.

It's the same with NEO. I can't believe anyone unironically bought this shitcoin. All you retards deserve to be poor. Place a - before a word to exclude posts containing that word: Advanced search Text to find Subject [? Leave empty for any. Leave empty for any user name. Req Insider 14 replies omitted.

Click Reply to view. There's only one survivor of this year's cryptocurrency slaughter: What do bitcoin mining hardware 280x400 guys think? All Posts OPs Only. Show all posts Show only deleted posts Only show non-deleted posts. Show all posts Show only internal posts Show only archived posts. New posts first Old posts first.

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Hey guys, noticed how we miss new coins sometimes? Please do post only coins you figure may have a merit, may have a future, there are tons of copy paste coins out there and sadly few have the merit. Discussion is highly welcome, but on the coin in subject.

VTC discussion can be found here http: No maxcoin for me. BUT, 2 college classmates want in: Oh, and thanks ZL1, for this thread.

Seems like vertcoin can be our saving grace when asic miners come out for litecoin. Maxcoin does start in a few hours. Likely there will be a GPU very shortly after launch, if not released at launch. This seems to be a pretty heavily pumped one, will probably pumped for a while. Should be a pretty good one to mine and dump. I've never jumped on a coin right at launch before; it seems to me that jumping on it right at launch would be the most profitable, but is getting at it a few days late still worth it?

I think I'll head home during lunch and get the wallet installed and get started. Can it be mined with CGminer? I've always just used middlecoin and hashco. I'm assuming you have 1. Need a new specific version of cgminer.

It's available in the thread for it. Bitcoin talk got overloaded, so they delayed launch. They say there is no premining. People are just trolling. They are going to try again tomorrow at the same time.

There wasn't premine, that can be verified at launch by checking the blocks. Does autotune not work with Vertcoin? My computer gets stuck at it and slows my computer down a lot. Cudaminer will not work. And since nvidia sux for mining, it might not be worth it Get the special miner here https: You need a special cgminer to mine vertcoin. Vertcoin has already posted a "special miner" for nvidia cards. I've put 3 x's on Vertcoin.

I have faith in this one as I believe it's really a step forward tech wise no asic, no multipool. Mined 10VTC over the last 24hrs with the 3 cards and keep the rig mining this one for the coming months.

I don't dump and hold on the coins. This one might really breakthrough I did not pay for the mining rigs, it"s well worth a little gambling! Any info on how to setup the Cuda miner for Vertcoin? What if I wanna mine solo to my own wallet? I was gonna do it, but it doesn't look like there is a miner for windows.

I was going to set it up over team viewer, so it looks like that won't work. Maxcoin, what a joke! D there are many miners in ukraine or wherever he is now, and those guys as seen on recent news dont take things easy.

Oh well, I mean I could compile it myself if I had any idea on how to do it or what that would encompass , but just needing to do things like that hurt the coin or at least a lot of those that would have wanted to partake in the early mining days. By the time we would get to it with a decent pre-compiled maxcoin-qt or whatever it's over. Going to give this a shot, what the hell https: I solo'd with the wallet since block 4, now maxcoin is on block , and I got nadda. Waiting for the pools to come online I vote clean up and sticky, with a strict content policy Not practical.

A thread per coin is more effective. Actually the specific purpose of this thread is a quick heads up of new new coins as they come about.

This thread did not get started by ZL1 to be a discussion of a specific coin. Now an individual thread to discuss mining stats, setup etc on new coins I agree with. But considering the intended purpose of this thread I stand by my statement. This was my understanding of the thread also.

Quick announcements of new or upcoming coins. Anything else should be moved to a coin specific thread. Official clean-up request, please: So how is a quick announcement not going to turn into a drawn out discussion for each coin that's mentioned?

Like I said, not practical. Not in this format anyway. Quick easy and to the point. Irrelevant posts zomg that coin is roxorz I bet it blows up and becomes the next blah blah blah gets click click deleted. For those who felt Maxcoin screwed them, this is the coin you are looking for.

I'm sure that'll make it to an exchange: Riecoin going live in 5mins And reicoin. D I'm waiting too. Still, the first blocks produce no rewards Anyone able to get riecoin working so far? If you are on Unix, you can compile the wallet. No windows wallet yet. I thought Riecoin was going to be a real nice coin. Still waiting for Windows wallet.

For those on Unix systems, the wallet looks like it works: This is supposed to be the wallet: I'm going to wait for the "official" source, but if we hit block , I'll download that wallet you linked just to get in on the action.

I'm up and running. I don't see any impact right now on my hash rate for max coin though. Probably time we move this discussion to a riecoin thread though. The wallet Torin posted seems to be working fine. Also blocks are over now, so should start awarding coins.

Im updating post one with links to their own threads, this should make it easier for peeps to redirect. I don't know anything about it. Looks like there are a few pools already set up.

I am not mining it. Just saw a heads up in the trollbox. All tracked in a public ledger. Darkcoin starts tomorrow night. The Mcxnow chat box told me to mine it I just started on Ultracoin, so I'll stick with it Let us know how it mines. I'm hesitant to keep switching coins.. So far using http: I've mined about K rbbt coins in about 45 minutes.

Maybe time to "hop" on it? Though I think UTC will still be 1 for now. Up to about K. Figured this would be helpful: I'm so gonna mine this!