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Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. A computer language developed by Microsoft. Learn moreā€¦ Top users Synonyms. Net pooled mining server as an exercise of getting into the Bitcoin universe. Are there any C ports of the libraries needed to achieve this? If not Are there any BitCoin New Guy 3 9 C parse bitcoin blockchain to get balance of an address Is there a way to scan the Bitcoin blockchain in C without using an external API?

I am looking for the amount of spendable money of a Bitcoin address. I am using NBitcoin. At the moment it seems to me on the. I decided on NBitcoin. It has a great book to learn from. Note I will not form opinion on my How can i send bitcoin using c and the nbitcoin library?

I am using NBitcoin library to create my private keys and addresses, but I can't find an example of how to send Bitcoin. Does anyone have a c example code to send Bitcoin using the NBitcoin library? Neuter ; I will need to give the online server the Haddar Dogecoin mining applicationwhat is a bitcoin how does it work 1 7 I am generating public key from my private key. I did in Java script and C. My Code in c KeyCore. I'm developing on the Test network.

I'm testing a C port of the client on the Test network and need to test for a variety of conditions. Should I communicate to others regarding my actions on the network? If so, what method of CHI Coder 6, 8 41 How to get the bitcoin balance of a public key in C?

How can I get the bitcoin balance of a public key in C? It's been mostly successful, however there seems to be a persisting problem when using only private How to determine if transaction is going to propagate?

So I am creating a transaction using TransactionBuilder like this: What is wrong dogecoin mining applicationwhat is a bitcoin how does it work this C code that converts a block's bits into a target? The code in this question works for all test cases Hurray! Abs function and don't think it's true to the OpenSSL implementation.

I can see in the 'vout' of this How to generate a Litecoin Private key and correspondent Public Address in C I found this C tool to generate addresses for Bitcoin compressed and uncompressed: I am trying to encode and decode a Base58 address in C.

The following function is a start, but it has a few issues: This code does not normalize leading zeros what does that look like? Options for a Client Only C application If I want to create a client only, C desktop application, what are my options for working with Bitcoin? I could try to port BitcoinJ, which seems like a lot of overhead in terms of initial effort Avram 2 6 9.

Supposedly both versions give the same hash. Gox websockets API, but I can't seem to get a good response from the server. I'm sending the following captured with Wireshark: C BC, successfully creating and signing raw transaction First time on stackexchange to ask for help, sorry if i make mistakes english is not my native language. As per this code sample, I'm attempting to make a.

However, I'm only receiving a bad request at webRequest. C library for exploring Bitcoin Cash blockchain Does anyone know of a good C library which would enable me to explore the Bitcoin Cash blockchain by communicating with my own node? Something like Nethereum Web3 for Dogecoin mining applicationwhat is a bitcoin how does it work.

I need to convert a public key into a form suitable for use with BouncyCastle. To do this I open the debugger and write: ListAddressGroupings I then pick an address and write validateaddress Looking for unit testing data for Block. Everything seems to be running fine. If I go to https: When I use CoinService. Matching KeyPath in application with Wallet32 Keypath for Bip44 wallets I have an application where I create an HD wallet with a passphrase and save the public master key to the database for the user.

Then, I want the user to be able to back up the wallet to their own Coinbase IPN test page not posting data? This ashx page has the code: Tom Gullen 4. Alex Ashmore 6 1. How can I see the wallet balance using Blockchain Api? C Stupid question, but I cant get it So, then I type my wallet adress on blockchain. David Bowman 6 2. I'm trying to modify the CoiniumServ codebase https: I know using bitcoin-cli you need to add -regtest to the bitcoin-cli Fernando Tiberti 4. Creating publicKey from random programtically in c I've been looking around I can't understand or find a complete explanation of how to accomplish this, I've tried multiple way even this link How do you get a Bitcoin Public Key from a Private Key I've put dogecoin mining applicationwhat is a bitcoin how does it work the following code based on various examples I found online e.

I am using Bitsharp, though I don't think this should matter at all. First off the InvokeMethod: Chen 1 3. C code for Bitcoin Cash address conversion between legacy and new format I need to convert legacy Bitcoin Cash addresses to new format and back.

I need it done in C with no Igor Yalovoy 4. Yura Sultanov 11 1. I have added my own IP address with its credentials. Now, using the server details, i Following the book blockchain programming in C book, I am trying to make a transaction in c. But I am facing an error while broadcasting the transaction and also Dogecoin mining applicationwhat is a bitcoin how does it workHow can I actively query the crypto-market? Are there any wrappers to get the real-time crypto-currency value similar to coincap.

Right now I am using Json to deserialize a download string from CoinMarketCap, however, the api does not I want to make bitcoin wallet with Deposit functionality. I need generate address dogecoin mining applicationwhat is a bitcoin how does it work users need to pay.

How do I know when is paid? I can know this only with callback but I don't know how to David Markan 1 2. I am using coinService Coinpayments transaction not happening I was referring the following link to make a transaction through my test faucet. Looking for C libraries to assist in building a utility I'm going to be needing to generate a significant number of bitcoin addresses tens of thousands over time for a project I am working on.

Unfortunately, the technical aspects of bitcoin are more Marshall Tigerus 4. Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available. Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.

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