Bitcoin XT

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Download and run from our website as normal. Bitcoin XT uses the same data directories and configuration as Bitcoin Core, so if you were previously running that you won't need to download the block chain again.

On first run you will need to reindex the blockchain by adding the -reindex switch. Bitcoin XT was created due to a series of fundamental disagreements between Bitcoin core developers. The disagreements revolve around questions like "Should the block chain grow to match user demand? The biggest and most how to configure bitcoin xt disagreement is about the block size: The Bitcoin Core project has made no move towards increasing the limit, in order to incentivise the creation and use of alternative, non-block chain based financial systems such as the so-called Lightning network.

This is an irreconcilable difference of vision that has proven impossible to surmount. Additionally, the Bitcoin Core developers have made statements that imply they how to configure bitcoin xt longer care about unconfirmed transactions or lightweight peer to peer wallets, although both are relied upon by many users. Without the Bitcoin Cash fork these features would not have remained viable.

The final area of disagreement is around how decisions are made. Bitcoin Core has no process for resolving disagreements amongst its developers or defining who those developers actually are.

After a long series of attempts to find compromise init became clear that there was no way to resolve these differences except via a fork. You can read a longer article on the topic called "Why is Bitcoin forking? The max block size limit is a rule that every node checks. It was put in as a temporary measure by Satoshi and always intended to be removed, which implies a hard fork as older nodes will reject blocks created by newer nodes.

The alternative most heavily promoted is the "Lightning network" by Blockstream, which is an entirely different system: Lightning posits a set of relationships between quasi-institutional entities that settle up between each other on the block chain from time to time.

It is unimplemented and many design elements are not yet defined. In short, the only alternative seriously proposed involves abandoning Bitcoin as we know it today and attempting to convince users to move to a largely undesigned and potentially worse alternative. In the case of a block size change, no soft fork is possible because old nodes will realise they are not checking the same rules as soon as they see a block larger than what they are how to configure bitcoin xt.

Any attempts to trick them into believing the 1mb rule is still being followed how to configure bitcoin xt require radical modifications to the protocol and major changes to all wallets, which is impractical.

Additionally, as old nodes would have to upgrade anyway in order to preserve their security level, there is no benefit to doing how to configure bitcoin xt soft fork.

Decisions are made by the current maintainer with input from the Bitcoin XT development team. When there is a disagreement the current maintainer will have the final say. If a patch seems in line with the principles of the project it will be considered for inclusion.

If the developer is willing to assist with rebasing work, that also helps build the case for inclusion. Frequently asked questions How do I switch to XT? Is there any risk involved in running XT? When running on the Bitcoin BTC network, segwit transactions cannot be fully validated.

Why did the Bitcoin XT fork happen? Why can't alternative approaches to the hard fork be used? Can a soft fork be used instead? How are decisions made?

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Bitcoin XT embraces Bitcoin's original vision of simple, reliable, low-cost transactions for everyone in the world. Bitcoin XT originated as a series of patches on top of Bitcoin Core and is now a independently maintained software fork.

We do deterministic builds so anyone can check the downloads correspond to the source code. The XT mission statement defines what the project believes is important: We try to follow Satoshi's original vision, as it is that vision which brought the Bitcoin community together.

Many years ago, a capacity limit was introduced into Bitcoin by Satoshi. He intended it to be removed once lightweight wallets were developed, however, this was never done. As predicted Bitcoin has run out of capacity and users are experiencing reliability problems as a result. Miners and users who disagree with them have switched to Bitcoin XT or switched to other clients following the Bitcoin Cash consensus.

There has been much community debate on this topic. You can read analysis and explanations for why we think raising the block size limit is important here:. By mining with Bitcoin XT you are empowered to vote on a new maximum block size limit. This indicates to the rest of the network that you support updating the limit. Bitcoin XT supports configuring the maximum size of blocks to mine. When set your node will not create blocks larger than the limit, although it will still accept them.

By running Bitcoin XT you take no risks: If enough does, you will follow the new chain and things will continue as normal. Additionally, XT has a useful feature: By running XT you help propagate information about double spends across the network, making it harder for payment fraudsters to steal from sellers by broadcasting two conflicting transactions simultaneously. Get in touch via our chatroom on Gitter.

What we stand for The XT mission statement defines what the project believes is important: Scaling the network up to handle user demand is important , even if that means the network changes along the way. It's what Satoshi wanted and the idea of a global system used by ordinary people is what motivated many of us to join him. XT provides people with information they need , even if using it requires them to make risk based decisions.

We believe unconfirmed transactions are important. Many merchants want or need to accept payments within seconds rather than minutes or hours. XT accepts this fact and does what it can to minimize the risk, then help sellers judge what remains. It is committed to the first seen rule. We will not adopt changes that make unconfirmed transactions riskier.

Lightweight wallets are important. Most users cannot or will not run a fully verifying node. Most of the world population does not even own a computer: These users must sacrifice some security in order to participate, so XT supports whatever technical tradeoffs wallet developers wish to explore. Decision making is quick and clear. Decisions are made according to a leadership hierarchy. The XT software encodes decisions that follow the above principles: We do not consider writing principled software to be centralizing and do not refuse to select reasonable defaults.

The Bitcoin XT community is friendly, pragmatic, cares about app developers and considers the user experience in everything we do. We value professionalism in technical approach and communication. Block size hard fork Many years ago, a capacity limit was introduced into Bitcoin by Satoshi. You can read analysis and explanations for why we think raising the block size limit is important here: A series of essays by Gavin Andresen Why the block size limit must be raised and why the proposed alternative schemes will not work , by Mike Hearn.

Miners By mining with Bitcoin XT you are empowered to vote on a new maximum block size limit. Users and merchants By running Bitcoin XT you take no risks: Discussion of new patches Questions around usage or how best to configure XT for mining Development ideas please at least try to implement your idea before asking others to do so!

Be polite and debate ideas rather than people.