64-bit vs 32-bit FAQ

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We recommend using the bit version of Live. From late we will discontinue the bit version of Live, though the last bit version will remain available to download from your User Account. On machines with a bit operating system it is only possible to use the bit version of Live. The terms bit and bit refer to how much of your computer's memory RAM can be used by applications.

The bit version of Live like all bit applications can use up to 4GB of RAM, which means that it may not be possible to use very large sample collections or very memory-hungry plug-ins. In contrast, the bit version of Live can use a theoretical maximum of 16 exabytes of RAM - much more RAM than computers actually have. This means you can work with Mac os x 32 bit or 64 bit Sets natively, with third-party plug-ins, and in ReWire configurations that are much larger and more memory-intensive than in the bit version.

There are no differences in CPU handling between the bit and the bit version however due to persistent Out of Memory crashes when using the bit version, we recommend the bit version for improved stability.

Yes, it's possible to have both versions installed at the same time. See our article on installing multiple versions of Live. A bit host can only handle bit plug-ins. All modern plug-ins should be available as bit versions, in fact some only exclusively so. In this case the bridge runs as an application between the plug-in and the host as kind of a translator. This makes the plug-in compatible with bit hosts. It is to be expected that a plug-in translated in this manner will never run as dependably as a bit plug-in in a bit host or a true bit plug-in in a bit host.

You need to install the bit versions of the plug-ins too as bit plug-ins will not display in the plug-in folder in Live's browser when using the bit version, and vice versa. In case you are using a custom VST folder, then this may need to be changed to the folder where your bit plug-ins are installed. Please see our dedicated articles about installing and using plug-ins on Windows and on Mac.

Live documents made in bit versions of Live are completely cross-version compatible and will work properly in the bit version of Live, and vice versa. If the Live Mac os x 32 bit or 64 bit use features which are not available in the bit version, those features will be mac os x 32 bit or 64 bit or disabled as described below:.

There's no difference in the resolution in Live's internal processing between the and the bit version. I have Mac Mac os x 32 bit or 64 bit Installing Live System Requirements. All Which version does Ableton recommend? What is the difference between the bit version of Live and the bit version? What are the system requirements for the bit version of Live? Can I install the bit and bit versions of Live at the same time?

Can Ableton Live bit load bit plug-ins? There are no plans to implement our own bit plug-in bridge. I've installed the bit version of Live, but none of my plug-ins are showing up. Can I use ReWire with the bit version of Live? If the Live Sets use features which are not available in the bit version, those features will be limited or disabled as described below: In bit versions of Live 9, Max for Live is fully supported.

Plug-ins - Live documents that were created using bit versions of plug-ins will work normally, but only if bit versions of the same plug-ins are installed. Does the bit version sound better or different than the bit version?

On May 08, Also just learned 32 bit being discontinued and I should have more GB.

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As a Mac user you have the possibility to run them as either a bit or bit application. The option can be found in the "Get Info" menu by right-clicking on the application icon. To obtain the maximum performance of your system, we highly recommend to only use components e.

Make sure to update your plug-ins to a native bit version if possible or find a suitable replacement that is bit native. It allows VST 2.

Please consider the following: In that case, look for a replacement for the plug-in or keep working on the bit version of our host applications. The rest of the plug-ins inside the bridge will show a generic interface. Neither older Cubase versions nor Nuendo 5. Some additional information on bit and bit on Mac OS X. Even if the kernel on Mac OS X is running in bit mode an application can still work in bit as long as the processor supports this which is true since the Intel Core 2 Duo.

For the bit kernel, all hardware drivers should work as before while on bit all hardware drivers must be ported to bit.

The bit kernel has the advantage that some operations are a little bit faster — e. For an application like Cubase this improves the audio buffer transfer speed from the application to the audio driver. However, the difference is not significant. On a user level this will most likely remain unnoticed.

For a bit application there's more or less no difference if the kernel runs in bit or bit. Only if an audio or midi driver is not available for bit the user must run the bit kernel. Articles in this section macOS High Sierra: Content of Favorites folder in Media Rack is not up-to-date Cubase 9.

Some additional information on bit and bit on Mac OS X Even if the kernel on Mac OS X is running in bit mode an application can still work in bit as long as the processor supports this which is true since the Intel Core 2 Duo. Article is closed for comments.