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Metcalfe's law attempts to describe metcalfe s law bitcoin charts value of a network originally intended for use with telecoms. It states that the value of a network is the square of the number of users, or nodes.

This can be extended to decentralized networks, such as cryptocurrencies, that rely on a strong network effect to grow and exert influence. Bitcoin has the widest adoption and thus the strongest network effect — a powerful moat differentiating it from other cryptos.

I first found out about the relationship between Metcalfe's law and cryptocurrencies in this bitcointalk post. It's frequently mentioned in similar discussions of BTC valuation.

I attempted to revise the law to suit developments in the currency since I downloaded price history and unique active addresses per day from metcalfe s law bitcoin charts. In latethe relationship changes and a new constant is required. The initial constant of 0. From onwards, a much smaller constant metcalfe s law bitcoin charts. New, metcalfe s law bitcoin charts mining tech and consolidated mining collectives made mining uneconomical for all but the most sophisticated operators.

Is this an illicit transformation? Is it really fair to retrace the relationship based on a new constant? Clearly, the state of affairs materially changed in The first graph doesn't fit the data from I'd like to hear from you. Do you think Metcalfe's law actually applies to cryptos?

Is it fair to change the constant to suit the data? Does this have any predictive power? This is my first proper post on Steemit, I'm still getting the hang of this website. Let me know in the comments if I should be doing anything differently.

I'm relatively new to cryptos so I'm approaching this with an open mind. I look forward to posting more in the future. You have completed some achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge s:.

You got a First Reply. Click on any badge to view metcalfe s law bitcoin charts own Board of Honnor on SteemitBoard. For more information about SteemitBoard, click here. If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP. Would be interesting to see you recalculate now that it appears market cap has caught up with Metcalf's Law.

The Metcalf plot in here is also not fitting too well in and H1. But your graph is still different. Would you be able to update? Curious where we are at nowadays. I'd love for you to re-visit this and re-chart By upvoting this notification, you can help all Steemit users. Does Metcalfe's law aptly describe Bitcoin's value? Here's the initial period: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

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