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Hi, first of all I have to say that I have never played EDH or a deck containing more than 60 cards but I am very interested in building one, since more and more locals start to play highlander.
Karn, the Silver Golem was always one of my most favourite cards and I really want to play a deck containing him. This is my decklist so far: I dunno anything about the format, but looks like Mutavault and Karakas could be good. Last time I checked karakas was banned, and also Metalworker, which I have to cut now. Mutavault is a good suggestion and I will try it.
I also hear planar portal is pretty good in this deck simply because you make tons of mana. Other than that looks fun. Urza's Armor blanks a lot of smaller effects that could otherwise add up, tokens especially. Well then Mutavault it is. I can add for the metalworker? And planar portal is already in the deck: D Thanks for your suggestions! What's the purpose of Urborg in this deck?
Although legal, it brings no benefit for this deck, and worse, it may help smooth your opponent's manabase. Why not a Vesuva or some other thing in these slots? I can't see how you could benefit from it, almost all of your light creature base stands up 3 power. And you're also too light on removal, I think your deck needs desperately a stronger creature base to survive the combat phases.
Candelabra is especially great with artifact mana and lands that produce more than 1 mana. Question, why no Arcbound Ravenger? Works great with Trisk. I would also suggest Crucible of Worlds, Smokestack and The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale granted this last is expensive, but really good at slowing down horde decks.
I would also suggest the new gargoyle land. How could I forget gargoyle castle. One of my fav's!! Thanks for the great advice! Also I added a phyrexian processor which is quite neat and can win games on its own. Yeah, Candelabra is awesome and supports the megasynergy between Artefact acc - winter orb and mishra's helix: Won a game yesterday with that combo, just by playing the helix.
Edit - I see someone mentioned Strip Mine as a reason not to run Ruins. The benefits far, FAR outweigh the setbacks. I updated the list: What do you think should I cut for the diamond? Also, could you please make a thread for you Edh Azami deck, very interested in this one. I think your deck needs desperately a stronger creature base to survive the combat phases. I didn't even notice the general's ability when I wrote this Doesnt Relic not work because "any color mana" Unless im mistaken.
The same is true of guilded lotus. The rule indicates that the cards cannot have the mana symbol on them if it is not present in the generals cost. Those cards do not have mana symbols on them. It also states in the rules that any mana generated that would be a color not present in your generals casting cost is instead colorless.
So Relic and Lotus produce colorless mana, and are legal because they do not actually contain a mana symbol on them. Same for City of Brass and the other rainbow lands, actually. It's now obvious, but let me be the first one to say: What , is it also unbanned in the EDH format? Man, please, continue ignoring me. It's the second time in the same thread I'm a nonsense retarded. Relic and Lotus only produce colorless mana if you name a color outside of your generals' colors. You can still tap them for blue in an Arcum Dagsson deck, for example.
I'm also working on this guy. I'm buying an Ice Cauldron to put in it just because it'll make people look at it. Clock of Omens is insane in my Sharuum. I assume it will be similarly good here. Lodestone Myr is probably a solid beater for you.
Temporal Aperture seems pretty strong. Solemn Simulacrum can't search, but it at least draws you a card. Similarly, Dross Scorpion and Myr Retriever might let you do silly combo type things. Temporal Aperture is amazingly hit and miss. Null Brooch is iffy. It's great so long as there is something worth countering. There usually is, but they're going to try to bait you with other things too. I would still run Sundering Titan at least.
It's not going to hurt you when they play it and they'll likely kill other people with it before you so they can keep it. Anyone here still working on this deck?
I'm pretty interested, but at the same time I'm worried that the deck is just a pile of unfocused rubbish without Karn. I think the deck should focus a lot more on prison effects or as many as you can humanly run such as 3sphere to halt your opponent from keeping Karn off the table.
Trinisphere Defense Grid Uba Mask In my "testing" against non-broken EDH decks I felt pretty confident to play this deck. It's so fun to play - perfect for casual. If you want to beat everybodys face you should probably pick another deck, but as I said I built it to have fun, not to win, thats what I rather do when playing legacy.
Just proxy and try it, you'll love it. Just to throw this out there though, you may have built or tuned your deck for fun, but Karn is seriously one of the more broken generals in EDH. He is rather combo-tastic. Yea I meant to build this as a more casual EDH, but even casual decks don't want to lose: P Also, the deck can go broke sometimes with combos, but doesn't offer you any consistent methods of accessing them.
Either way, turning your brown mana sideways usually ends the game pretty fast. Sorry if I'm necroing this, but I've been trying out the following list: It also tries to play in a stax-like way at times, and has several means to do so, such as dumping it's hand on the table and playing Ensnaring Bridge, or Posessed Portal and a sac outlet like Crucible or Urza's Factory.
So far, matchups have been mixed: I lost since I couldn't get enough non-land mana out fast enough. I resolve Incubator and use it a turn later. I get out enough tokens and he quit after game 1. White Weenie with Sensei golden-tail. I get an early Ensnaring Bridge, and then topdeck Bottle Cloister a few turns later.
He ragequits and calls me a noob since Disk apparently destroys indestructible artifacts. As for budget, it's pretty expensive. Even if you cut out the Mishra's workshop, the deck still has a lot of 20 dollar or so eternal staples, but it is a rather capable deck.