5770 cgminer settings for litecoin
Sh only needed if building from git repo rmf mingw32 config. Any configuration file may also contain a singleinclude filename" to recursively include another configuration file. Here s what I use for scrypt. U p xI 10g 2w
R9 x sapphire r9sapphire litecoin mining rig r9 Posted September 18, at Our problem is as follows: Posted May 14, at 1: Posted April 10, at 9:
Furthermore, do i like to have some case coolers. Posted May 14, at 1: Although the program did not accept it.
I uploaded the zip to mega: Currently I advice you to use cgminer as guiminer-scrypt is still very unstable. Posted May 1, at 9:
Contribute to cgminer neoscrypt development by creating an account on GitHub. Hey, i have a question. Build your own Litecoin Mining Rig, part 3: Our problem is as follows: