Beta meaning in english
Urdu, Punjabi regional language and English. It is the language my soul connects with. When earlier this year my nephew called me Phuppo for the first time, I thought it was the most beautiful designation in the world!
But, I also know that it is a tricky one. There are numerous words that describe love ranging from really liking the new t-shirt you bought, to being hopelessly head over heels for someone, and — if you really start getting into Urdu poetry — all the way up to the highest form of spiritual love one has for God.
The use and interchanging of each is not as simple as having one standard word for each type though. I have no statistics, but I would broadly approximate that this word is used most often between parents and children and, at different times, works to both their advantage. Languages are one of the most beautiful and astounding things on earth, in my opinion. You cannot just substitute one for another; centuries of history, culture, and stories are wrapped up in every single word.
Every language has words and expression that are rooted in or have been adapted from the culture or social norms of its speakers. You are talking about Urdu as if it is some rich language like Arabic that contains words which cannot be translated into other languages. Despite the fact that Urdu is a mix of languages mainly Farsi and Arabic — having the advantage of being able to borrow words from these father languages anytime, it is still a very incomplete language especially as far as spoken Urdu is concerned.
You will never hear an Urdu speaker without hearing an English word in almost every sentence even in cases where the person is not even schooled in the English language. Watch a Pakistani tv channel or watch a Pakistani cricketer being interviewed. Armaan, this mixing of Urdu and English started only a few years back.
Before it Urdu was a beautiful language, developed enough to be complete in itself. Even today English words and sentences in Urdu conversation are used not because we do not have proper Urdu words and sentences but because English has unfortunately become a status symbol in our part of the world and it is our inferiority complex that makes us use words and sentences of this language so frequently.
I adored reading your article and it made me laugh aloud. In fact, I came across the article while searching for verb tenses in Urdu. The sense section consists of one or more definitions, each with its paragraph of illustrative quotations, arranged chronologically. Some words, especially those that have existed for centuries, have acquired many meanings. Because of this, the sense section for some entries is quite extensive. For example, the status symbol tells whether a term is obsolete, used in an irregular manner, etc.
These symbols appear before the sense number or before a part of the meaning. The status symbols used in the sense section are an obelisk or dagger, which indicates obsolete meanings, a catachrestic symbol, which indicates irregular or confused usage, and vertical parallel lines, which indicate non-naturalized or partially naturalized status though it is not usually necessary to indicate non-naturalization of individual senses.
The revised and new entries use only the dagger; irregular and non-naturalized usages are indicated in the definition text or in an etymological note. Senses, or meanings, are ordered according to a structure resembling a family tree, so that the development of one meaning from another can be plotted. The individual meanings are numbered within this structure for ease of reference.
The definition shows the meaning of the word. This usage implies that the term cross-referred to is the more common or significant term: The paragraph of illustrative quotations contains a selection of authentic examples of usage illustrating a definition. The quotations document the history of a term from its earliest recorded usage, and can be extremely helpful tools for clarifying grammatical and syntactic aspects of a definition.
Quotations are selected on a number of criteria, including genre and register of typical sources, geographical spread of evidence, etc. In almost all cases the quotations published are a selection of those available. The date of publication is placed at the head of each quotation. For older texts, especially for those dating from before the invention of printing, this date may be a manuscript date or the date at which the text is thought to have been composed.
The author of a quotation is displayed in capitals. Further information may be found by clicking on adjacent work title. The title of the quoted text cited is displayed in italic type. The title is often presented in an abbreviated style. Further information may be found by clicking on the title.
The text of a quotation is the quotation as it appears in the source cited, and is normally preceded by its location in the source chapter, page, etc. A compound occurs when simple words are joined and function as a single grammatical unit e.
Compounds are frequently collected together in a section or group of sections at or near the end of an entry. They are followed by a quotation block in which examples of each compound are presented in alphabetical order of the compound.
Some major compounds are entered as headwords in their own right. The noun ROCK n. Here are how two adjacent ones are displayed. They are structured like main entries in miniature, with many of the same features and structure.
Derivatives are words formed from the headword by the addition of a suffix for example, enshrined at the entry for enshrine. These are often entered as the final section of an entry. Many derivatives are included as headwords in their own right. They are followed by a quotation block illustrating examples of usage. Derivatives, following the model of Compounds, are structured like min-main entries, but are placed at the foot of the entry in which they are nested: Each letter of the alphabet is entered in the Dictionary as a headword in its own right.
These headwords occur at the start of the range of entries beginning with the letter. Entries for letters of the alphabet also include many initialisms and documentary evidence for their use, and explain the letter as a technical symbol and in abbreviations.
Initialisms are sequences of letters representing the initial letters of the expression they stand for e. Sometimes initialisms are pronounced as words e. Abbreviations are shortened forms of longer words, which are used as words in their own right e. In this dictionary many initialisms and acronyms are found under initial-letter entries e.
HQ at the entry for H. In some cases they are entered in the dictionary as headwords. Abbreviations are normally entered as headwords. A standard initialisms style, with the entry nested within the entry for its initial letter: The dictionary often treats the history of these terms under their own headwords. The words which they help to create are then either entered under the relevant affix or combining-form entry, or are given headword status in their own right.
The beginning of a combining-form entry. Further psycho- words are entered later in the entry. Major words formed with psycho- are entered as main entries e. Proper names are not systematically covered by the dictionary, though many are entered because the terms themselves are used in extended or allusive meanings, or because they are in some way culturally significant. Typically these are the result of misreadings of manuscripts or of typographical errors by printers.
The dictionary includes a number of these entries, indicating that the words have been used incorrectly in former editions of texts or have otherwise achieved some spurious existence.
They do not necessarily follow the regular dictionary structure typically in not being provided with a formal etymology. This entry illustrates the same form, but apparently as a misreading of one-yeared. The length of each entry is normally determined by the number of meanings a word has accumulated during its history.
Some words — often rather short ones — have developed a vast range of meanings, and this results in some very lengthy entries. The entry in the dictionary which has the most senses is the word set as a verb, which in its unrevised state has some meanings and sub-meanings including those of phrasal idioms nested within the same entry. The longest entry in terms of text characters is put the verb , but this contains a mere subsenses.