The trading bot wins on computer
In depth explanation of what I believe is the actual trading bot in BitConnect and why it might not be a scam after all. I have recently learned of BitConnect like many others. By looking into other cryptos that offered alternative and innovative ideas. Ever since then, I have been almost obsessed with trying to understand its incredible returns and find out if this is a typical Ponzi Scheme. I've been reading loads of information on forums and sites and watching tons of videos on the subject.
I have come to believe that I think I finally understand how BitConnect functions. And this is my attempt to explain it. I have encountered many different reasons why people believe BitConnect is a Ponzi Scheme. Because of this, I will be mainly addressing the arguments on this article. I also address some other arguments that were not included in his article but that I found, appeared quite often in Forums, Videos and Comment Sections around the web.
The money is made with the trading bot wins on computer cryptocurrency trading bot they have created. And I believe this is exactly what is doing. Unfortunately, while claiming that BitConnect is not innovative enough, he does not mention other promises. Some that came true and some that are still to happen.
The only thing this claim actually proves is that they did not hire some individual with good grasp of the English language to write their website content. Too good to be true returns. So far BitConnect has been producing these returns. So a too good to be true return is only a truthful claim the moment that those returns are not met, just because they are too good to be true does not mean they are not true.
And yes, I am aware of the fact that ponzi schemes work until they stop working. But I'm only mentioning this because this is not a valid proof or at least not yet that BitConnect is a ponzi scheme. They don't ask for BCC, their own currency, they ask for Bitcoin! Because their currency will become worthless as soon as they close down the site, but Bitcoin will still be valuable.
Because their currency will become worthless as soon as they close down the site? The claim that their currency will become worthless as soon as they close down the site is not true.
The currency will become worthless as soon as people stop using it. People can still mine and use the currency if they close the site tomorrow. The wallet is out there for any to use, and miners are still mining the bcc. Either through PoW or PoS. The only thing that will be worthless if they shut down the site tomorrow is all those returns on investment and the great majority of bcc's in existence.
That is, if they don't trade them on some other Exchange. You buy BitConnect with your Bitcoin from their exchange, with other Bitconnect holders. This is very important to realize. Anyone can trade BitConnect for BitCoins and vice versa. The developers do not have exclusivity like this article seems to suggest. The market is volatile, price goes up and down according to demand.
Just look at BitConnect's trading history. The interest is paid in Bitcoin. And this is the most important part of it all. So important I will the trading bot wins on computer it again slowly:. I believe this is almost correct. Another very important clue. This helps to bring a ton of people the trading bot wins on computer the site. It's a snowball effect: The funds of new users are used to pay the old users. Almost everything is correct here. Their marketing strategy functions exactly as stated, except for one thing.
To claim the funds of new users are used to pay old users is just speculation. There is no actual proof this is what is happening. They also have a ton of Bitcoin to sell, but at this point it's worth a lot less than the total amount of BCC they have. They then disappear with all of the money. Again these are unfounded claims but at the same time they pretty much explain exatcly what potentially could make this system work but fails to realize that.
Are ICO's a big ponzy scheme? What if the bots, are actually doing their job. According to BitConnect's website. This is what the TradingBot does: The Bitcoin Price Volatility Software calculates interest in real-time for you, so you can monitor profit at any the trading bot wins on computer.
Increased volatility means there is greater the trading bot wins on computer on the returns of your investment. Again, let's pay attention to what it says: Nothing else nothing less.
And to give people credit, it pretty much, says nothing at all. If this was lost in translation, or if it is deliberately meant to mean nothing is unknown. Probably the latter I suspect. The interesting part is what they the trading bot wins on computer in another part of the site: Again we are back at the trading bot. Now if this trading bot exists. How the trading bot wins on computer it be that we don't see it trading on major exchanges.
This is another claim as an argument why BitConnect is a scam. What if the thing that keeps BitConnect relatively stable while other coins are fluctuating like crazy, is the actual Trading Bot?
The great majority of people flock into BitConnect because of the promises of great returns. Thegrinder actually explained quite well, how the system works when he said. Who do you think is probably buying your Bitcoin when you trade it to bcc on their exchange? Who is taking your bcc after you lend it for profit based on fiat?
And while doing it, sharing a small amount of it's profits with the rest of us? That is a fold increase in its value in less than 8 months.
This tells me 2 things. Either we are talking about massive whales involved in BCC. And these guys are not lending their money back to the bot for insane returns.
Or another option, which I think is more likely, is that these are all the bot's bcc. If these are the bot's, the only reason I can imagine they are sitting in wallets with only 5 transactions in each, with each transaction happening 1 month from each other is because these accounts are staking the coins. Obviously these are not all the coins the bot potentially has, after all it would not be able to perform its daily trades if it kept all its coins locked in 7 wallets.
If we take just the 1st address, the one that contains 1, bcc. In one month that one address will generate in today's bcc value proximately 6 million dollars in PoS. But it does not end there. Remember our good old friend, the compound interest. Well, staking also works that way.
But the bot knows it can stake those coins for a minimum of 4 months, cause that is the minimum time it will hold your coins for. Well at the end of those for months the bot will have generated a total ofnew bcc. That is a Now let's the trading bot wins on computer forget that this is just staking gains.
Only that the bot now knows for a fact that, that initial investment will be locked in the system for at least 4 months. The bot never promised you your 20, bcc back. It promised your 10, fiat dollars back. Which if locked for 4 months would be worth around a mere 2, bcc by the time it had to return your initial investment. The trading bot wins on computer about the daily returns you might ask. Well, there are 3 options you can do with those daily returns.
BitConnect loves when you do that. That way the money is just parked there while the bot makes more money with your initial bcc. Trade to bcc You are forced to do this option if you want any other options.
Well, guess who is more likely to be selling these bcc to you?
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