Bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver
In the context of data security, the immutability of data stored bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver blockchains is important. In this post I try to explain the key concepts. This provides benefits for audit. For bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver if I send an email to a large list of friends, that data is pretty immutable from my perspective.
She will not be able to change the contents of a row in that database. In existing systems and organisations, we try to create segregations of responsibility, so that no single person can do something bad undetected.
These organisational systems are put in place to deter that individual from making the changes. We need to trust that the organisational system works. However there is no control mechanism making the data immutable in the first place. Blockchains are essentially databases with some inbuilt pre-agreed technical and business logic criteria, kept in sync via peer-to-peer mechanisms and pre-agreed rules about what new data can be added.
With respect to immutability, there are two key ideas that help to make tampering easy to detect: A bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver function is a type of mathematical bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver which turns data into a fingerprint of that data called a hash. The fingerprint f…b9bb is called the SHA hash of the input phrase.
Hashes are the basis of the security and immutability of blockchains. You can play with them online here. Creating a ledger of transactions with blocks that refer to previous blocks is a much better idea than numbering pages in a book.
In a book ledger with numbered pages, 1, 2, 3, etc it would be easy to tear out page 40 and replace it with another page 40 with slightly different transactions.
So it looks more like:. So, blocks are explicitly ordered by reference to previous block hashes, which reflect content, bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver of being ordered implicitly by a numbering system 1, 2, 3 which is content-agnostic. What could you do with the data on the stick before passing it to someone else, like a regulator? Could you change the data and fool them?
The first thing the regulator could do when receiving the USB stick is re-calculate all of the block hashes based on the block dataand check that the block hashes supplied are valid and consistent with the contents of each block.
However this breaks the chain. So the blockchain chain is broken, which is an obvious failure. However, there are safeguards to make it very hard or impossible to rebuild a blockchain. These safeguards differ based on the block-adding mechanisms bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver rules of different blockchains, and there are two dominant schemes: For public proof-of-work blockchains such as Bitcoin, there is a concept of mining difficulty.
See a gentle introduction to bitcoin mining for further detail. This takes some significant computational power. You then need to do this to every subsequent block. Colloquially, you need to re-mine the entire blockchain from that block onwards. Given the large amount of computational effort required to generate a valid hash that meets the criteria, this would be problematic, and furthermore, the earlier your block in the chain, the longer it will take you to do, as you have more blocks to re-mine.
For private blockchains, such as a Multichainthe block-adding mechanism tends to be a little different, and instead of relying on expensive proof-of-work, the rules can be set up where block-adders take it in turns to add blocks in a randomised round-robin fashion, and bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver block needs to be digitally signed by the block-adder. The blockchain is only valid and accepted if the blocks are signed by bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver defined set of participants.
Stealing these keys is a very different challenge to proof-of-work hashing. If you did all of that then the data on the USB stick would be internally consistent bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver would look like a valid blockchain. All of the above assumes that the data on the stick is the only version that the regulator sees.
All it takes now for the regulator is to check other copies of the blockchain — and check one single number — the hash of a recent block.
They just need to see the hash of a recent block. There are now two competing blockchains, one which isblocks long and bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver your amended block, and another which isblocks long. The only way is to make the change and create a longer chainrequiring lots of computing power or the private keys of other block-adders depending on who is allowed to add blocks, and how and push an entirely new lineage of blocks out, longer than the existing one.
You need a significant amount of computing power to be in with a chance of outcompeting an existing proof-of-work chain like Bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver. And even if you manage to do this, although technically your new chain would be valid, realistically the community would notice if there was a block re-organisation more than a few blocks deep; this would get investigated.
How PoS-based, private chains differ in terms of mutability from PoW-based chains is crucial to understand. Downloaded multichain and had a bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver with it today. Is anyone you know testing or using this so far? Bits on blocks Reply-To: Bits on blocks Date: Monday, 29 February at 8: I would like to start a discussion about this!
What are the negative implications? Are bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver talking about transparency and the fact that there exist multiple copies of the data? Or are we talking negative implications against a bad player? Certain censorship is sometimes useful.
I have a feeling things will get messy. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Immutable means that something is unchanging over time or unable to be changed.
So immutability is relative, and relates to how hard something is to change. Hashes A hash function is a type of mathematical function which turns data into a fingerprint of that data called a hash. So it looks more like: The chain fails However this breaks the chain. Chains are hard to rebuild For public proof-of-work blockchains such as Bitcoin, there is a concept of mining difficulty.
Summary If you did all of that then the data on the USB stick would be internally consistent and would look bitcoin difficulty december 2012 mailserver a valid blockchain. In other words, it is extremely difficult to try to create a fake blockchain. Anthony, Downloaded multichain and had a play with it today. Watch this space… Will have a post up soon on Multichain which I agree is quite cool! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.
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