Bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017
The Counterparty Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 advancing the Counterparty protocol and its products, educating the community on the Counterparty technology, driving global Counterparty awareness, and ensuring Counterparty remains a bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 and growing financial platform. On May 1st last year, the Counterparty community bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 four Counterparty Foundation community directors to help shape the direction of the Counterparty project and grow the community around it.
With the term of one year now coming to an end, the Foundation is preparing for new elections and invites everyone to participate by nominating candidates to fill four 4 Community Director seats. For the next two weeks, from April 3rd till April 17thwe are inviting everyone to participate in the election process by nominating candidates to fill four Community Director seats.
The only requirement for the nomination is that the candidate hold at least 50 XCP and prove this by broadcasting a message from his or her address with the name of the nominee. Please note that the sitting board of directors, by a super-majority vote, may disqualify non-viable candidates from election as per https: This will be the official election thread used to gather the names and addresses of qualifying candidates. If you would like to nominate yourself or another candidate, please reply to this thread with the following candidate information:.
On April 17th, Names and addresses of all candidates will be published on a public Blockscan voting scoreboard. After the two week long voting period, at the voting closing block, top four addresses that receive the highest number of votes will be announced as winners, and their owners receive Community Director positions for the term of one year. This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 until it is dismissed by the user.
Each of these gentlemen have been involved with Counterparty for a long time, and have demonstrated a level of commitment and integrity that I believe Counterparty needs. Should any of these candidates accept the nomination, they can expect to receive election votes from myself and others.
It is true, I am a fellow longtimer. Thanks to some encouragement to fill the void, I will toss myself in the mix and would be happy to assist the Counterparty Foundation for the next important year. Also been working on a cryptocurrency project called COVAL which we just finished migrating to Counterparty last week. I am happy to accept the nomination and if elected, I will look forward to working hard for the community.
I am a registered radiographer for the last twenty two years, and have been working in the medical device industry for the last ten. Currently I am employed as a regional trainer for a Fortune medical device company.
For the past year I have managed the Counterparty facebook bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017helping boost it past 3, 'Likes' please 'Like' when you get a chance.
I am also a founding member of the Rare Pepe Foundation which helps verify both the 'dankness' and 'rareness' of submitted trading cards into the directory. Prior to coming to Counterparty I worked on the New Economy Movement project doing community building, marketing and tutorial voice-overs.
Please reach out bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 on here, the slack or on Telegram ShawnLeary. I served on bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 Counterparty Foundation during the term.
I often write updates about the Counterparty ecosystem and perform other forms of outreach to grow the Counterparty community. Counterparty has made significant progress over the past year and if elected I intend to carry that momentum forward with the new board members. Tx of the broadcast used to verify the ownership of 50 XCP: I've been active in the community since the very beginning, and my project CounterTools won the 1st prize in the Devparty contest. I hope more features will be added to Counterparty.
I currently try to get community support for an Automated Randomness Oracle for XCP Betting but many other features can, and should, be added bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 the protocol. I encourage the community to come up with ideas, discuss them thoroughly, formalize CIPs Counterparty Improvement Proposals and eventually raise development bounties. I have an extensive background in just about all aspects of Internet technologies since That's the same year I became involved with domain names.
As an early and long time "Domainer" I am close to that community and have been actively educating them about Counterparty assets since My Counterparty asset portfolio is a pretty respectable one and I see great opportunities for the platform and the potential uses for assets. I have been an enthusiastic proponent of sub-assets since early and I have spoken to many fellow domain investors who are equally excited about it.
When I stumbled upon Bitcoin init quickly became a passion and I 'went deep' shortly thereafter. This coming year is bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 important one for the Counterparty project and I'm optimistic about the advances that can be made.
Announcing the Start of the Counterparty Foundation Election - Nomination Period Apr 3rd - Apr 17th The Counterparty Bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the Counterparty protocol and its products, educating the community on the Counterparty technology, driving global Counterparty awareness, and ensuring Counterparty remains a successful and growing financial platform.
If you would like to nominate yourself or another candidate, please reply to this thread with the following candidate information: Hello, It is true, I am a fellow longtimer. More info on Linkedin http: Hi, I am happy to accept the nomination and if elected, I will look forward to working hard for the community. First and Last name: Been in cryptocurrencies since on and off and the lead developer of Rarepepe. My name is Dante DeAngelis Bio: This topic is no longer a banner.
It will no longer appear at the top of every page.
Those with doubts about Bitcoin's viability have some new ammunition, after the Bitcoin Foundation fluffed a board election it tried to run using its own technology. News of the election emerged last December and voting eventually generated the need bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 a bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 election to determine final winners.
That election didn't get off to a great start when email notifications bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 the poll didn't all land. Then bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 foundation had a the-medium-is-the-message moment and decided it would be an excellent idea to develop a blockchain-based voting system.
This initial version is clunky, imperfect and a bit confusing. Being the first of its kind, we knew it would be. No system is perfect on its first day out. So thanks for hanging in there and for your willingness to think bitcoin foundation board election balloting 2017 of the box with us. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts. The Register uses cookies.
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