Litecoin ltc currency exchange rate conversion calculator
The short answer is that in order to offer our users a rate without slippage, we have to purchase a certain amount down the order book this amount down we purchase is how we determine our deposit limit. All you need to do is take the amount of the depositing coin you are planning on sending and multiple it by the rate. The miner fee you subtract from your calculations is whatever the miner fee for the coin you are wishing to receive is. All you need to do is take the amount of the depositing coin you are planning on sending and multiple it by the rate.
The miner fee you subtract from your calculations is whatever the miner fee for the coin you are wishing to receive is. How do we offer better rates, you might ask? When you tell us how much of a coin you want to receive, we know exactly the amount you would like and thus can purchase just that amount, offering the best rate, versus our traditional exchange, in which we can only anticipate how much you will want to receive. Litecoin ltc currency exchange rate conversion calculator to Calculate the Instant Rate Image: On occasion we do have people who are not aware of how this works or how to calculate.
You can see this 10 seconds via the white bar that loads under the rate. So you then would subtract:. So in the litecoin ltc currency exchange rate conversion calculator with our Bitcoin to Litecoin transaction mentioned above, let's say we were planing on depositing. The short answer is that in order to offer our users a rate without slippage, we have to purchase a certain amount down the order book this amount down we purchase is how we determine our deposit limit.
So if you were doing a Bitcoin to Litecoin transaction, in the below screenshot, you would see that 1 Bitcoin is worth How to Calculate the Instant Rate Image: We get this question a lot.
Skip to main content. Always input a return address when you do a transaction so in the case it fails, we can return your funds to you automatically. The miner fee you subtract from your calculations is whatever the miner fee for the coin you are wishing to receive is.
This post will help guide you through the process. Where to find the instant Rate. You can see this 10 seconds via the white bar that loads under the rate.
This post will help guide you through the process. Check out this blog post or continue reading. How to Calculate the Instant Rate Image: The closer to the limit you purchase, the more in your favor the rate is. Although we are working to update our site so that it auto-calculates these numbers for our users, it's still pretty easy to quickly crunch the numbers.