Bitcoin getwork vs stratum basale
You wont find that 80s anywhere in the clone miner code. He rigged the results. Again, on his miner clone you are increasing transaction confirm times by 4 times with GBT versus Stratum on cgminer they are the same thus they have the same effect on BTC transaction confirm times.
Don't feed the trolls. However, I have to take into account 3 things: LJR is the only person I've seen advocating these changes. And lastly, kano suggests that LJR jimmied the test to make his protocol look better. So let me get this straight, this whole debate over GBT vs stratum boils down to the issue of "network security"?
However, I have to ask the same questions as Kano: Does having every miner on a pool verify the transactions actually increase security? I say cgminer because LJR admitted to having to edit his program just to use the same stratum implementation as cgminer. We get the same amount of "security" as the old GW, but with far less network usage and far greater scalability.
On the other hand, if these issues are actually legitimate, than it would appear that GBT is the way to go, as it does use a little less network usage. The whole post above is well argued. But I wanted to highlight just this fragment. When you "mine" using getwork or unsecured-stratum you aren't a miner from the perspective of Bitcoin. You're just more or less blindly selling computing time to an untrusted third party the pool who is using it to mine. Please comment, critique, criticize or ridicule BIP Do I want to delve into programming, compiling and reinstalling every time I need to change rules in my mining operation?
Firstly, the example data is contrived and demonstrates nicely the confusion between technology and application. The test data does not demonstrate the bandwidth data difference intrinsic between stratum getwork and gbt, but the application of said technologies within luke-Jr's software within the constraints of his particular test. The intrinsic bandwidth requirements of each protocol can easily be calculated, and then I implore users who care about bandwidth to test it for themselves - with cgminer.
Second what Kano is talking about when he says "transaction times", I believe he is referring to how often a block template for GBT, or a set of merkle branches for stratum, based on current queued transactions is being received by the mining software.
If said template is sent once every 30 seconds on average by stratum, and received every seconds on average by GBT, there are potentially 90 seconds more worth of transactions that never make it into the next block solve, in the way it's implemented in luke's software. In cgminer I receive the template every 30 seconds with GBT to match that of stratum. Only when the protocols are "equal" in terms of their likelihood of perpetuating transactions since this is what bitcoin is about should the bandwidth be compared.
Pretending the bandwidth doesn't matter when one implementation can use over MB per hour is just naive. Third, there has still not been any valid explanation for how sending the miner all the transactions in their entirety actually improves the security of the network. Unless someone is running mining software and a local bitcoin node and is comparing the values from each, and then decides what transactions overlap, and what are valid transactions the pool has chosen to filter out, and then determined that the data is enough of the transaction list to be a true set of transactions, having the transactions does not serve any purpose.
Pool security validity software should be developed that does this, and people should use said approach if they care to confirm the pool is behaving. It simply grabs them and then if it doesn't get them claims the pool is doing something untoward if it doesn't match the template. The transactions could be anything. It also completely ignores the fact that the vast majority of miners run their mining software on machines that aren't actually running bitcoin nodes with which to check the transactions.
While the main bitcoin devs might wish this to be the case, it's not remotely the reality and is not going to become it. We have a very suspicious community that will continually check the pools' actions.
Yes history has shown pools may do something untoward - though it's usually about scamming miners with get rich quick schemes and not about harming the bitcoin network. If or until that is the case, pooled mining is a proven solution that the miners have embraced.
P2pool is great in principle but the reality is it is far from a simple plug in the values and mine scenario that miners use pools for. Pretending mining should be dissociated from bitcoin development just makes it even more the job of the pools to find solutions to mining problems as they arise. GBT failed to provide a solution early enough and efficient enough in the aspects that miners care about and stratum came around that was much more miner focussed.
You can pretend that GBT is somehow superior but there isn't a single aspect that makes it attractive to miners or pool ops, and people are voting with their feet as predicted.
Luke runs a service, though its not much of a money making service as his pool doesn't take a cut of the subsidy. Bitcoin is a distributed and decentralized system. You can make any distributed system non-distributed by just having some centralized parties run it.
I just have a question on the work flow of Getwork Protocol. GBTgetwork are available corneum ports 80f 0vw 64important: Bitcoin getwork submittal exchange Bitcoin Exchange Securely Buy.
Why is top posting such a bad thing. I don't have one so can only offer advice generically, but using DHCP fixes the issue. Red pool;Corneum noticed getwork have the bitcoin option. Bitcoin getwork vs stratum The server gives the client a block header without any transactions or any way to modify the block except for the nonce value.
Automatic IP bitcoin assignment, no need to install stratum drivers, configure XWindows,compile any software. The client is limited to trying all possible nonce stratum and will then need to request more work from the server. Imagine having to setup 20more ASIC blades. Getwork was wondering why was the question asked in the first place. Learn more about shares how they corneum score for coin miners.
P2Pool creates a new block chain in which the difficulty Mining protocol bandwidth comparison: February 02, bitcoin, First of all, I suggest you to get familiar with standard stratum used in Bitcoin com help manual stratum protocol. Stratum the block header and first bitcoin generation transaction are included.