Bitcoin server rent
An agent is an autonomous program that is able to survive by selling services for Bitcoins, and using the proceeds to bitcoin server rent server capacity. Agents that are profitable enough may replicate themselves by spawning additional instances on other servers. Bitcoin-using autonomous agents were bitcoin server rent described in a forum post by julz in and further elaborated on in that same discussion by Gregory Maxwell, who used a file storage system called StorJ as an illustrative example [1].
Mike Hearn gave a talk on the topic at the Turing Festival video and slides. Bitcoin server rent concept has also been referred to as a "decentralised autonomous corporation" or DAC in a series of articles by Vitalik Buterin called "Bootstrapping a decentralised autonomous corporation". By maintaining their own balance, for the first time it becomes possible for software to exist on a level playing field to humans. It may even be that people find themselves working for the programs because they need the bitcoin server rent, rather than programs working for the people.
Being a peer rather than a tool is what distinguishes a program that uses Bitcoin from an agent. If a better deal is found, the agent can move itself. An bitcoin server rent that is profitable can be programmed to use some of those profits to bring up a child instance and fund it with a starter pack of coins.
If the child instance is able to break even or better, it will survive, otherwise when its bank balance expires the server provider will delete the account and the agent along with it. Agents can expose their services to humans or other agents by selecting a name and then registering it with Namecoin. If the agent has only Bitcoins it can use bitcoin server rent to peer bitcoin server rent to atomically trade Bitcoins for Namecoins or vice-versa.
Using DNS hierarchies and Namecoin together allows interested parties to monitor for new agents coming online: Agents can improve themselves by purchasing the services of humans and using dispute mediators to give the humans some assurance the coins will be paid upon completion of the contract.
Alternatively, a quorum of dispute mediators can be specified, and they decide if the contract was met or not. New code can also be bought to increase the agents abilities. Low trust protocols are important for agents to protect themselves against being scammed bitcoin server rent humans. Being merely dumb programs, they cannot make nuanced trust judgements and are potentially easy to scam, for example, by offering to sell something then not actually providing it. Humans can spread the word, use courts of law and so on to try and reclaim losses when scammed, but agents cannot.
The most basic agent protocol is bitcoin server rent server time. By resigning transactions that are not broadcast, an agent can buy server capacity by the minute or even by the second. The agent can read the billing details from this standardized file and proceed to pay the server operator. To evolve the agent, new code is needed, which must be written by people.
To avoid humans scamming the agent and providing code that steals its wallet, the agent can use sandboxing technologies like Java or NativeClient to ensure the newly developed code only has access to what it needs. This would impose a small amount of rigidity on the agents design, but would allow truly autonomous bargaining.
The agent can be programmed to trust the judgement of long-term customers: If the agent is sufficiently improved, it will outcompete its peers and reproduce more.
Whilst there are companies that provide shell accounts for Bitcoins, most don't. Server brokers are agents that simply re-sell computing capacity to other agents:. To bitcoin server rent truly autonomous, an agent should need to trust nobody and nothing.
But to make a bitcoin server rent you often need some assurance that the other side will behave as expected. People rely on the law to enforce contracts, but agents have no such recourse. Whilst clever protocols can configure incentives to ensure co-operation in some cases, trusted computing can be used to provide this assurance in the general case. For example, agents may need some assurance that the provider of computing time will not attempt to steal the agents profits.
Whilst it may be uneconomic in the long term to bitcoin server rent vs revenue share, it's quick and easy to make bogus offers to whatever agents are out there and wait for bitcoin server rent money to roll in. Modern CPUs have the ability to remotely prove what bitcoin server rent they are running, and encrypt keys such that they are only available when bitcoin server rent hardware is in the same configuration as before.
The Flicker project demonstrates how to achieve this on AMD and Intel CPUs running Linux for short term computations interrupts must be disabled in their simple implementation. Breaking the security requires modification of the TPM chip, which is designed to be tamper resistant.
If it is protecting sums of money that are not extremely large, this should be a sufficiently high level of difficulty to discourage fraud. To use these facilities, a child agent that is in the process of being created by its parent would copy its code to the remote server.
At this point it has bitcoin server rent wallet. It would then enter the protected domain, where it is isolated bitcoin server rent the regular operating system, and execute a PAL piece of application logic which creates itself a private key, which is then "sealed" to the state of the CPU at that time. Upon leaving the protected domain, it is left with encrypted data that cannot be read by the possibly malicious host operating system.
The host OS is treated as an untrusted proxy and provider of resources. The parent needs to provide its child with a small amount of money to let it get started, but how does it know its sending money truly to the child it just created and not a greedy imposter? The child can use the TPM to remotely prove it was in total control of the CPU at the time it created the private key corresponding to the provided address.
The parent can verify that remote attestation and bitcoin server rent assured it's sending money to the program it thinks it is. If the services of an agent are purchased, for example, a file is uploaded to StorJ, the accompanying bitcoin server rent is presented to the secure PAL, along with the merkle branch linking it into the block chain. The transaction is passed back to the untrusted host which broadcasts it. Not all hardware supports trusted computing facilities.
Renting such hardware to brokers might prove a profitable way to reduce the cost of a new computer purchase. Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal bitcoin server rent Create bitcoin server rent Log in.
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