Bot maker rotmg pets
The Upgrade Pet modal found in the Pet Yard is used to fuse two pets together. There are a few things to observe about the pet Fuse modal: Click this box to select the pet with the abilities you wish to retain in the resulting pet. This pet must be of the same family and rarity as the first Pet.
The fusion strength indicates how high the maximum level of your new pet will be. For best results, always fuse at MAX strength. Once you have selected the pets you wish to fuse, click your payment option fame or gold to fuse the pets into one new pet of the next rarity. The abilities are retained from the pet you selected in the first pet box left.
A drawing of the results can be found here. Although all of the abilities are predetermined, a common level pet will only have one functioning ability. When you fuse two commons into an uncommon, the second ability will be unlocked. In order to unlock the third ability, the pet will need to reach the Legendary rarity level.
For example, if the fist pet has a level 20 first ability and the 2nd pet has a level 10 first ability, the new pet will have a level 15 first ability. Using our example from above: Fusing two pets with maximum levels MAX strength fusion will result in the highest possible level cap for the new pet. Feed your pet any unwanted items to increase the levels of their abilities.
All items have a feed power value, which is displayed in the item description. Food items for your pet can also be bought in the Nexus.
In other words, feed power values are not divided between abilities. In your Pet Yard you can fuse one pet into another to upgrade its rarity level. In order to fuse, the two pets must be from same pet family and have the same rarity level. The Pet Yard must also be upgraded enough to allow for the fusion. In the fusing window, the pet on the left is the one that will get the rarity upgrade and the pet on the right will be consumed with the fusion.
When fusing up to the Rare or Divine level, the appearance of your pet will change. The ability level cap of the resultant pet will depend on the first ability levels of the two pets that were fused. Fusing two pets with maximum ability levels MAX strength fusion will result in the highest possible level cap for the new pet. There are 14 Pet Families. In order to fuse two pets, they must be from the same family and have the same rarity level.
For each family, Common and Uncommon pets have the same sprite assortment, Rare and Legendary pets share another sprite assortment, and Divine pets have their own sprite assortment. Pet Skins are used to change the appearance and the family of your pet. Pet Abilities and Pet Rarity Levels will stay the same. A Pet Skin item can be used on any pet of any rarity level.
The process is not reversible and the item is consumed with use. Note that the appearance change associated with fusing your pet will replace the pet skin given by the item. Unlike most other pets, vanity pets have no relation to the mechanics of the Pet Yard, and can be used alongside a traditional pet.
Prior to release For information about pets as they existed before functional abilities were implemented, refer to Pets Prior to Release It seems like you have disabled javascript. The site uses it extensively, so expect a much degraded experience!
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