International trade statistics yearbook trade by country
But they became inadequate to show the international transactions properly as a result of significant evolution of global economic conditions. In the compilation of the statistics, the following goods are treated as exclusion items: Balance of Payments Statistics Balance of Payments Statistics is a statement designed to provide a systematic report of all the international economic transactions based on the principles of book-keeping by double entry.
It is compiled by the Bank of Japan, with the authority delegate by the Minister of Finance, and with the method of calculation and the form of presentation consistent to the Manual of the International Monetary Fund IMF concerning the balance of payments statistics. Private flows refer to private transactions, and mainly consist of private export credits and direct investments. International trade statistics yearbook trade by country should be noted that the increase or decrease in the gold and foreign exchange reserves accounts for a major part of the public sector in the balance of monetary movements with regard to the balance of payments. As regards the export and import price indices, see "20 Prices".
Names of countries refer to countries places of destination for exports, and countries places of origin of imported goods. The Balance of Payments Statistics of Japan based on the IMF manual were started inreplacing the former foreign exchange statistics. And further, in accordance with the sixth edition of the Balance of Payment Manual, a significant revision was made from the transactions in January
Private flows refer to private transactions, and mainly consist of private export credits and direct investments. If these are unknown, loading countries places of imported goods are shown. In contrast to the balance of international payments which shows external transactions during a given period from the side of flow, the balance of external assets and liabilities clarifies them from the side international trade statistics yearbook trade by country stock as the result of the flow.
Statistics database Online database containing time series on international trade, country trade and tariff profiles. The section of international cooperation contains statistics on economic cooperation and international cultural exchange. Following the issuance of the fifth edition of the Balance of Payment Manual of the International Monetary Fund inthe Balance of Payment Statistics of Japan were considerably revised for January and on, for the first time in 30 years.