Ethereum life staff transmog for locks
The Tillers by Lore. Tabards are just so much more visible - I actually build mogs around them pretty often. Heroic Uldir Testing - Zul and Taloc.
I enjoyed this, so would definitely like to see more. No surprise to not see see Draenor CM weapons on here as most are terrible not because it is newer. Most of the time I don't even bother to mog pants because you don't see them. I think I'm in the minority but I use the Scouting set on my rogue The head I use is Ebon Mask I agree ethereum life staff transmog for locks looks the most "roguelike" to me as well, and is the one I use on mine most of the time.
Well my hunter says you can have it. So I am Kruelia Been playing for almost 11 years since day 1 and in all these years I came to the conclusion this is the best mog ever! Personally I'm curious what helms everyone uses.
I don't know, I've never had much trouble making interesting and colourful leather sets? Trolls are just too pretty to hide! I know it's not something that can be mogged, but it would be interesting. I enjoyed this, so would definitely like to see more. Hello Perculia and everyone else!
Related Articles Kul Tiran Armor in No surprise to not see see Draenor CM weapons on here as most are terrible not because it is newer. This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. I actually don't like the majority of helms in the game and normally have them set to 'invisible'.
I play casters so chests are a very important piece of the mog as a robe. Heroic Uldir Testing - Zul and Taloc. My void storage and my bank are completely full on my main, the ethereum life staff transmog for locks of which are items that I only keep around for possible xmog. I'll toss my hat on the 'no tabard' side.
Borrow from just about any other game. If I had to guess what the most the most popular plate head transmog in the game was, though, I'd go with this: Sure, if people like this we can consider doing more in the future.
Mythic Dungeon Invitational Group Stage: Well my hunter says you can have it. I actually don't like the majority of helms in the game and normally have them set to 'invisible'. I know it's not something that can be mogged, but it would be interesting.
The problem I find is that I don't like the huge gloves and boots that give the toons that "Popeye" look to their forearms and calves What are the popular weapon transmogs by type, what about the full cloth, leather, mail and plate sets? Trolls are just too pretty to hide!
But aside from robes, chest pieces are the last thing I worry about on a mog. Perhaps we could get a race breakdown for each class on our class hub pages. Oh, and one more vote for doing Diablo-style reskinning by just unlocking access to a piece.