Ethereum logs bloom
This is specifically not meant to cover transaction, creation or call processing, or management of the state trie. Indeed at least one implementation tests the VM without calling into any Trie code at all. It is based around the notion of executing a single piece of code as part of a transaction, described by the exec portion of the test.
The overarching environment in which it is executed is described by the env portion of the test and includes attributes of the current and previous blocks. A set of pre-existing accounts are detailed in the pre portion and form the world state prior to execution. Similarly, a set of accounts are detailed in the post portion to specify the end world state. The gas remaining gasthe log entries logs as well as any output returned from the code output is also detailed.
To provide the possibility of testing to guarantee they were actually run at all, ethereum logs bloom separate portion callcreates details each CALL or CREATE operation in the order they would have been executed.
Furthermore, gas required is simply that of the VM execution: It is generally expected that the test implementer will read envexec and pre then check their results against gaslogsoutpost ethereum logs bloom callcreates. If an exception is expected, then latter sections are absent in ethereum logs bloom test. Since the reverting of the state is not part of the VM tests.
The pre and post sections each have the same format ethereum logs bloom a mapping between addresses and accounts. Each account has the format:. It is an array of maps with keys:. The logs sections is a mapping between the blooms and ethereum logs bloom corresponding logentries. Each logentry has the format:. Finally, there are two simple ethereum logs bloom, gas and output:.
Given as an array of byte values. The actual code that should ethereum logs bloom executed on ethereum logs bloom VM not the one stored in the state address. The total amount of gas available for the execution, as would be returned by the GAS instruction were it be executed first. Each account has the format: The balance of the account. The nonce of the account. The body code of the account, given as an array of byte values.
For key used notion of string as digital or hex number e. It is an array of maps with keys: The receipt address to which the CALL was made, or the null address " The amount of gas with which the operation was made. The value or endowment with which the operation was made.
Each logentry has the format: The address of the logentry. The data of the logentry. The topics of the logentry, given as an array of values. Finally, there are two ethereum logs bloom keys, gas and output: The amount of gas remaining after execution. Read the Docs v:
Under the hood it communicates to a local node through RPC calls. Over time we'll introduce other objects for each of the other web3 protocols. If you want to make asynchronous request, you can pass an optional callback as the last parameter to most functions.
All callbacks are using an error first callback style:. You will always get a BigNumber object for balance values as JavaScript is not able to handle big numbers correctly. Look at the following examples:. The next example wouldn't work as we have more than 20 floating points, therefore it is recommended to keep you balance always in wei and only transform it to other units when presenting to the user:. Should be called to reset state of web3. Resets everything except manager.
String BigNumber - Either ethereum logs bloom number string, or a BigNumber instance, depending on the given number parameter. This property is read only and says whether the node is actively listening for network connections or not. Boolean - true if the client is actively listening for network connections, otherwise false.
This ethereum logs bloom block is used for the following methods optionally you can overwrite the defaultBlock by passing it as the last parameter:. This property is read only and returns the current gas price. The gas price is determined by the x latest blocks median gas price. Not Implemented yet Registers the given address to be included in web3.
This allows non-private-key owned accounts to be associated as an owned account e. Object - the returned uncle. For a return value see web3. Object - A transaction object, see web3.
Executes a message call transaction, which is directly executed in the VM of the node, but never mined into the blockchain. Note For event filter return values see Contract Events. Creates a ethereum logs bloom object for a solidity contract, which can be ethereum logs bloom to initiate contracts on an address.
You can read more about events here. The contract object exposes the contracts methods, which can be called using parameters and a transaction object. String - If its a call the result data, if its a send transaction a created contract address, or the transaction hash, see web3. You can use events like filters and they have the same methods, but you pass different objects to create the event filter.
This method should be called, when we want to store binary data in HEX form in the local leveldb database. This method should be called, when we want to get a binary data in HEX form from the local leveldb database. Boolean - returns true if the message was send, otherwise false.
Boolean - returns true if the identity exists, otherwise false. All callbacks are using an error first callback style: Look at the following examples: Parameters none Returns undefined Example web3. See this note for details. If its an object or array it ethereum logs bloom be JSON.
Returns String - The hex string of mixed. Number - The number of bytes the returned HEX string should have. Returns Number - The ethereum logs bloom representing the data hexString. String - One of the above ether units. See the note on BigNumber. Returns Boolean - true if the client is actively listening for network connections, otherwise false.
Returns Number - The number of peers currently connected to the client. Number - a block number String - "earliest"the genisis block String - "latest"the latest block current head of the blockchain String - "pending"the currently mined block including pending transactions Default is latest Returns Number String - The default block number to use when querying a state.
Returns String - The coinbase address of the client. Returns Boolean ethereum logs bloom true if the client is mining, otherwise false. Returns Array - An array of addresses controlled by client.
Returns Number - The number of the most recent block. Parameters String - The address to unregister. Parameters String - The address to get the balance of. Number String - optional If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with web3.
Returns String - A BigNumber instance of the current balance for the given address in wei. Parameters String - The address to get the storage from. Number - The index position of the storage. Ethereum logs bloom String - The value in storage at the given position. Parameters String - The address to get the code from. Returns String - The ethereum logs bloom at given address addressHexString. Parameters String Number - The block number ethereum logs bloom hash. Or the string "earliest""latest" ethereum logs bloom "pending" as in the default block parameter.
Boolean - optional, default false If truethe returned block will contain all transactions as objects, if false it will only contains the ethereum logs bloom hashes. Returns Object - The block object: Number - the block number.
String32 Bytes - hash of the block. String32 Bytes - hash of the parent block. String8 Bytes - hash of the ethereum logs bloom proof-of-work. String32 Bytes - SHA3 of the uncles data in the block. StringBytes - the bloom filter for the logs of the block. String32 Bytes - the root of the transaction trie of the block stateRoot: String32 Bytes - the root of the final state trie of the block. String20 Bytes - the address of the beneficiary to whom the mining rewards were ethereum logs bloom.
BigNumber - integer of the difficulty for this block. BigNumber - integer of the total difficulty of the chain until this block. String - the "extra data" field of this block. Number - integer the size of this block in bytes. Number - the maximum gas allowed in this block. Number - the total used gas by all transactions in this block.
Number - the unix timestamp for when the block was collated. Array - Array of transaction objects, or 32 Bytes transaction ethereum logs bloom depending on the last given parameter. Array - Array of uncle hashes.
Returns Number - The number of transactions in the given block. Number - The index position of the uncle. Returns Object - the returned uncle. An uncle doesn't contain individual transactions. Parameters String - The transaction ethereum logs bloom.
Returns Object - A transaction object its hash transactionHash: String32 Bytes - hash of the transaction. Number - the number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one. String32 Bytes - hash of the block where this transaction was in. Number - block number where this transaction was in. Number - integer of the transactions index position in the block.
String20 Bytes - address of the sender. String20 Bytes - address of the receiver. BigNumber - value transferred in Wei. BigNumber - price paid per gas in Wei. Number - gas used. String - the data send along with the transaction. Parameters String - A block number or hash. Number - The transactions ethereum logs bloom position.
Returns Object - A transaction object, see web3.
In most cases a properly designed application can work even without knowing what kind of client it is connected to, but we are looking into adding an API extension for communicating different client capabilities in order to provide a future proof interface.
While minor details of LES are still being worked out, I believe it is time to clarify the most important differences between full and light clients from the application developer perspective. Light clients do not receive pending transactions from the main Ethereum network. The only pending transactions a light client knows about are the ones that have been created and sent from that client.
Currently you can only find locally created transactions by hash. These transactions and their inclusion blocks are stored in the database and can be found by hash later. Finding other transactions is a bit trickier. Unfortunately, if the server says that the transaction does not exist, it is not possible for the client to verify the validity of this answer. Ethereum logs bloom is possible to ask multiple servers in case the first one did not know about it, but the client can never be absolutely sure about the non-existence ethereum logs bloom a given transaction.
The only thing a light client always has in its database is the last few thousand block headers. This means that retrieving anything else requires the client to send requests and get answers from light servers. Latency is the key performance parameter of a light client. Running API functions in parallel whenever possible can greatly improve performance.
Unfortunately, ethereum logs bloom a MIP-mapped filter is not easy to do with a ethereum logs bloom client, as searches are only performed in individual headers, which is a lot slower. Note that the current Geth implementation uses around Mb of memorywhich can probably be further reduced. Bandwidth requirements are also lower when the client is not used heavily. Sometimes it is unnecessary ethereum logs bloom pass data back and forth multiple times between the client and the server in order to evaluate a function.
Many of the limitations mentioned above, including the difficulty of obtaining MIP-mapped bloom filters, follow the same pattern: Fortunately there is ethereum logs bloom safe and trustless solution to the general task of indirectly validating ethereum logs bloom calculations based on an input dataset that both parties assume to be available, even if the receiving party does not have the actual data, only its hash.
This is the exact the case in our scenario where the Ethereum blockchain itself can be used as an input for such a verified calculation. The details of this feature are still being worked out and are outside the scope of this document, but the general idea ethereum logs bloom the verification method ethereum logs bloom explained by Dr.
Christian Reitwiessner in this Devcon 2 talk. Complex applications accessing huge amounts of contract storage can also benefit from this approach by evaluating accessor functions entirely on the server side ethereum logs bloom not having to download proofs and re-evaluate the functions.
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