How to withdraw bitcoins from btce
I remembered back to when they said that they wouldn't be dealing with US customers any more or something, so I switched to a random European country IP and I was able to withdraw my ETH. They changed their website two times.
If you try going to btc-e. Their new website is listed on their twitter account, which is btc-e. Then they made a new one again for some reason, and called it https: I have no idea. The process I had to go through was as follows. I logged into btc-e. They then had me reset my password, which I assume they made me do because of the FBI seizing them and obviously the FBI would have all that data.
Then later they made the site wex. I then did a test withdraw and failed, because it said "Error IP not matching", which made no sense to me. I figured it was due to how to withdraw bitcoins from btce on an America How to withdraw bitcoins from btce at the time. I was luckily able to cancel the withdrawal in the finance section of the site. Then I took the rest that I was allowed to take.
Right now the tokens prices can be seen here. So if you have 1 full ETH Token and you trade it right now you will get. Over time this number will go higher and higher as they buy the tokens back. DO NOT trade your tokens now if you can afford to wait. BitFinex had a similar thing happen to them when they got hacked and they did the same token repay strategy. Or maybe you don't trust them and want to withdraw, but you will take a loss on it unfortunately.
It will take them time to buy back the tokens at a 1 to 1 ratio. Hope that all makes sense. Here are the sources by the way if you want to double check to make sure I am not lying: I was able to withdraw my funds from BTC-E yesterday!!
BTC-E is currently letting people withdraw their how to withdraw bitcoins from btce, but there is a catch it seems. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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