It program with vba dashboard user forms database and timebased billing
And they never tell you how much to charge. Someone reading this post is charging half that much. You are doubly welcome. Use that other time to improve your skills. That leads me to the suspicion that the above is the wrong approach. Plus expenses at cost. The second approach of charging for everything is in effect what happens with contract staff.
You pay them to work 40 hours and you get whatever they do in that time. Rates I have seen on jobserve. I have tried looking how much to charge per hour for my field of work different then VBA development but all discussions rarely give a actual amount to start from.
Having come from electrical engineering to programming and self educated myself and read a ton of books on Excel I recently got my first job consulting for an Excel project. Looks like we are mostly in the same ball-park. I only do project-based work from my office with a predefined deliverable end-product rather than contracting at a customers site. Hi guys, I worked for about 1. I charged my client for 9.
I thought this is the normal range of payment. I got the job from banagalore carigslists and noticed that most freelance excel jobs are with the same range in Indian carigslists.
Does it differ if the developer is from India, Egypt, or another poor country comparing with if the developer from USA or Europe? Does it differ if the developer is from the same town of the client and they can meet from time to time comparing with if the developer it program with vba dashboard user forms database and timebased billing from another country and all their sessions are by Internet?
Finally, I would like to ask my colleagues, where are the best sites to get Excel development freelance jobs? Also, it would be interesting to know what type of projects people people usually work on. My first and only project is a heat map for stadiums. I could probably repeat what he said word for word for how I work as well. I feel it was over-priced…. Scott that would depend what they did per hour. I dont bother much with short term stuff now, but for offsite work I would look for something around gbp per day.
But it depends very much on the client and the project. However, it was a very niche experience set we were looking for. They did good work, no doubt. So if you did not have the resources, and it made business sense to do it, the contractor cost would it program with vba dashboard user forms database and timebased billing a small part of the payback?
Not overpriced then; just good timing. Ah, but did it? It really ended up being very expense change management…. Charles, you are worth twice that I think! So far all of my contracts have been medium term months fixed hours contracts.
How do you classify activity such as googling for a specific piece of code to save you hours of manual work e. Always a tough one. Charge waht the work is worth. For those who have quoted freelance rates, what would or have you accepted for a full time in-house role? Rates have been dropping past 2 years….
As a self-employed dev I have extra expensive! Your salary is only part of it. You have vacation, sick leave, holiday leave, health insurance, self-employed tax, social security tax, etc. I was once employed by one company through another company. Of course, I still had to pay my personal share of social security tax, income tax, health insurance, etc. You only have about actual working hours out of the hours in a 8 to 5, five day a week year.
As it program with vba dashboard user forms database and timebased billing freelancer, you have to charge enough for those hours to pay the overhead expenses and give your self a salary. The other way is to feel your way through.
Record your chargeable hours for a period. Iterate until you reach equilibrium. If you have to turn away work, raise your rates immediately. I would like to know what planet everyone else is living on. What you can charge will depend on your strategy to get work. If you have lots of opportunities, you can charge whatever will drive the demand down to a workable level.
Hey, I just recently took up a project in VBA. In my opinion, I thought it was pretty basic. I thought it was going to take 2 weeks, but it ended up being 4 weeks since this is my first project.
I probably worked a total of 29 days, and about hours a day with most of those hours being reading, researching, troubleshooting, and face-palming. Hi all, there are 52 weeks in the year. That give 45 Working weeks. Take the yearly amount paid for a position that equal your skill as a starting point. Divide by the 45 working days. Then divide by the 8 hours. This should be your hourly rate. We are bunch of people who are experts in Excel and Advance Excel,Dash-boarding.
We love to work on challenging assignments because we enjoy it. Please mail me the details to vijayadvanz gmail. I think a lot of the information in this thread is outdated.
Of course the agency advertising needs to take a cut of your salary before paying you. Also, these are the easiest jobs to get.
You just need a resume that has some VBA experience on it. As others have mentioned, the more active you are to drum up work, the more you can charge. People will pay more if you can demonstrate that you are actually an expert. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Leave this field empty. Protect a global variable in another VB project. List all folders in a Microsoft Outlook account.
While I it program with vba dashboard user forms database and timebased billing busy, I definitely could do with more work. I wonder what others think. So how much experience did you guys get before starting to charge your rates? Increase price Other note to self: Actually do some consulting: How many hours are you billing in a week.
Give me a call: Feel free to contact and waiting for your valuable replies. For me, the crucial answer here was posted by David: July 12, at 2: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.