Robot chicken golem
OMG this is possibly the funniest show I've ever seen. Robot chicken golem see the last one? Is it going to move into a 30 minute time slot? I don't know how many episodes are in season 2 but, there are 20 episodes total.
Lionel was trying to robot chicken golem The Great Pumpkin through Satan. Yeah I watch it every night it's on. Best part so far has to be the Voltron skit. That was a pentagram. Anyway, have you guys seen the last episode of Robot Chicken?
And the Cylon with the bulldozer. It was pretty funny. Prime's prostat cancer was great. Yeah, I had barely watche dit at all before last night when I caught it again and remembered why I started watching it in the first place. Robot chicken golem Bunny is the best skit I've ever seen on there though its pretty sacreligous I robot chicken golem gonna kill bunny.
My favorite episode remains to be Toyz in the Hood. Nobody mentioned it but on the first one I was cracking up from the Frying Pan skit. Seth Green is a big Twisted Toyfare Theatre fan or so I've heardrobot chicken golem it makes sense robot chicken golem would do such a show. It was a giant load of crude humor, that I just crack up thinking about it. Never saw it comming
Horrible use of source material. Better than crappy Tom Goes to the Mayor and 8 oz. Santa Claus skit soon Well, he already got robot chicken golem "That 70's Show" cast to do the show, and Burt Reynolds. I'll stick with this one I think.
Its not taking characters from a show and making fun of that show or themselves, its taking characters from a show and putting them into completely random situations and robot chicken golem from there. Cant wait for the next one. Gee, I'm so lame.
My favorite part was the corndog too. The best part from this robot chicken golem episode, besides the nutcracking music, was when the guy walked up to the 2 doors: Gee, I'm so lame. It was hilarious-I so didnt see that coming.