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Welcome by Ivan on Tech 2: 51 attack blockchain technology Stream for Pre Sale Supporters. Join the Facebook group. Blockchain in Real Life 3: Assignment - What is blockchain? Blockchain vs Traditional Technologies 7: Assignment - Answer in your own 51 attack blockchain technology Benefits of using Blockchain. Assignment - Digital Provenance. Security and Immutability 4: Assignment - High Availability.
Please leave a Facebook review. Assignment - Blockchain 1. Assignment - Blockchain 2. Cryptography and Mathematics not hard. Assignment - Hash Functions. Public and Private Key Cryptography 7: Assignment - Public Key Cryptography. Role of the Wallets 7: Assignment - Role of the Wallets. Wallet Types - Software, Hardware, Paper Assignment - Wallet Types.
Transactions and UTXO Mining and Proof 51 attack blockchain technology Work Assignment - Mining and Pow. Blockchain and Mining Visually Demonstrated Assignment - Blockchain and Mining Visually Demonstrated.
Assignment - Stale Blocks. Soft and Hard Forks From Wallet into the Blockchain - Putting it all together 5: Assignment - Transaction Malleability. Assignment - Lightning Network. Introduction and Importance Bitcoin Attacks. Assignment - Replay Attack. Consensus Algorithms and Mining. Byzantine Fault Tolerance 7: Assignment - Byzantine Fault Tolerance. 51 attack blockchain technology of Mining 3: Types of miners 4: Assignment - Types of Miners.
Proof of Work Mining Costs 4: Assignment - Proof of Work Mining Costs. Proof of Stake Assignment - Proof of Stake. Anti Proof of Stake Arguments. Delegated Proof of Stake 7: Assignment - Delegated Proof of Stake. Proof of Importance 6: Assignment - Proof of Importance. Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications Assignment - Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications.
Assignment - Web 3. Limitations and Sharding 8: Blockchain as an investment. The global importance of blockchain technology. DAO and Parity hacks. Token Economy, Coins and Tokens. Introduction to Token Economy 1: Cryptocurrency - misleading word 5: Assignment - Cryptocurrency - misleading word. Assignment - Token Economy. Coin vs Token - Technical and Investment perspective 7: Assignment - Coin vs Token. Should you create your own token? Assignment - Should you create your own token?
Token Economy - guest lecture. Introduction and Permission Based Systems 1: Assignment 51 attack blockchain technology Permissioned Based Blockchain Technologies. Blockchain in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Assignment - Blockchain in Manufacturing and Supply Chain. Blockchain in Health Care Assignment - Blockchain in Health Care.
Blockchain in Customer Loyalty 8: Assignment - Blockchain in Customer Loyalty. Blockchain in Real-Estate 7: Assignment - Blockchain in Real-Estate. Blockchain in Insurance 8: Assignment - Blockchain in Insurance. Blockchain in Accounting 7: Assignment - Blockchain in Accounting. Blockchain in Advertising 5: Assignment - Blockchain in Advertising.
Blockchain in Finance Assignment - Blockchain in Finance. Blockchain in Music, Film and Creative Industries 6: What is an ICO? Assignment - What is an ICO? Use 51 attack blockchain technology analysis Assignment - 51 attack blockchain technology case analysis. ICO terms analysis Assignment - ICO terms analysis.
Assignment - Community analysis. Assignment - Team analysis. Tech and feasibility analysis 6: Assignment - Tech and feasibility analysis. Price to Network - Metcalfe's law 6: Assignment - Price to Network Metcalfe's law. National Cryptocurrencies - 51 attack blockchain technology the point? Assignment - National crypto.