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What is bitcoin used for today
These are considered to be advanced techniques, and we do not officially support them. Please use this information at your own risk. To move a wallet means copying several files at once. If you are not confident with using a computer like this then you should ask a trusted friend to help you.
You may want to move a wallet to a different location, such as on to a USB drive or a different directory. The files you will need to move will be named according to the original name you gave the wallet not the description showing in the sidebar. For example, let's say you wanted to move the original wallet, "multibit. Sometimes however you need to move your wallet from one application to another.
This may be because you would prefer to use another Bitcoin wallet rather than MultiBit Classic. This help file describes how to move a MultiBit Classic wallet to the blockchain.
The general outline is that you export the private keys in your wallet from MultiBit Classic and then import them into Blockchain. There is a known issue with some wallets failing to import correctly. If you only have a few keys to import, you can do them individually using the "Import" option on the Blockchain. Back to Table of Contents Moving a wallet to different directory These are considered to be advanced techniques, and we do not officially support them.
Ensure you have the destination available e. USB stick plugged in, network drive mapped etc Locate "multibit. Closing will not delete the wallet. Moving from MultiBit Classic to Blockchain. Follow the instructions in the Exporting private keys help page, making sure you export your private keys without password protection.
This is in step 5 on the 'Exporting private keys' page. Open the private key export file in a text editor and select all the contents. Copy to your paste buffer. Go into your blockchain. Select the 'Import Wallet' option on the left hand side. Paste your private key export from MultiBit Classic in the text area and click the 'Import Wallet' button. This is to prevent someone reading them later and stealing your bitcoins.
Use a fresh Notepad and copy the.