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Before we start the show, I've got some exciting announcements to make. We've got a few big events that we've been cooking up, and we hope that you can come out and bot running wow in 32 bit mode us. It's happening April 6 through 8. And grown-ups, you can go to tinkercast. You can RSVP for that and find out about more upcoming live performances at tinkercast. Hope to see you out in the world this spring.
Singing I don't know what you've been told, but we're in a golden age. So many discoveries that are jumping off the page. Wow in the world. Now is the time to activate applause servos and execute welcome protocol for the human Mindy. Well, it's great to be here at the RoboHoHoHo. How are we all doing tonight? You bots ready to laugh or - I don't know - process some auditory humor?
Well, there's more where that came from. Why did the robot go back to school? I got another one. You're going to like this one. What do you call a pirate droid? Groaning Yeah, I'm fine, Guy Raz. I was bot running wow in 32 bit mode trying out some new robo humor in my head.
And needless to say, it was not going well. Now I'm just going to bend down here so you can take a quick peek from the top. Yeah, I know, right? Nobody's laughing at my jokes. I'm going to need to work on my timing or get a new audience. So here's one that the robo comedian told.
How do you stop a baby astronaut from crying? So maybe the robo comedian humor bot might not know how to knock jokes out of the park like I can. But it's still, like, 16 percent funny. Mindy, what are you talking about? How do you put a percentage on funny? Well bot running wow in 32 bit mode so those same scientists at the University of Edinburgh - they were able to quantify - or measure - just how funny this robo comedian humor bot was.
And then they compared it to real, live human comedians. So these researchers took bot running wow in 32 bit mode jokes, some written by human comedians and some written by the robo comedian humor bot. And then they asked people in the audience to judge whether the jokes were funny or not.
And of the human jokes, 33 percent or about one-third of them were considered funny, whereas the robo comedian humor bot's jokes were only considered funny about 16 percent of the time. So, basically, you could say that the robot was about half as funny as a human. That's pretty interesting, Mindy, and, you know, a prime example of artificial intelligence. You know, I keep hearing that term everywhere I go, but I don't know exactly what it means.
I mean, is it like fake cheese but for your brain? Well, I'm not entirely sure. But as far as I understand, Mindy, artificial intelligence is an area of computer science that tries to make machines smarter. And, in fact, we're surrounded in our everyday lives by examples of artificial intelligence. Modern-day smartphones are packed full of artificial intelligence like - aha.
This is the last time I used my GPS. And it was able bot running wow in 32 bit mode check the traffic in my neighborhood and tell me the fastest way to get to my favorite kombucha bar. Let's see what else we got here. This app, Bot running wow in 32 bit mode - this is an app that I use to translate my voice into another language.
I don't know, Guy Raz. My GPS once led me into the middle of a cake at a 1-year-old's birthday party. So I don't know if I really trust its intelligence. Well, this kind of artificial intelligence is known as narrow AI. And that basically means that it's pretty good at performing one specific task.
And what scientists are trying to do is to create an artificial intelligence that's good at performing lots bot running wow in 32 bit mode different tasks. AI - artificial intelligence. But for the meantime, I guess we're going to have to settle with robots that can track our pizzas and beat us at chess.
In fact, follow me, Guy Raz. I've got to show you something. This is gonna blow your mind. Anywho, I have to show you something. Let me just get the door to my groaning library here. You've got even more books than the last time I was in here. Is that an entire shelf of - Mindy, why do you have all my baby photo albums? Because it says it right here in the title. OK, let me see here. What do we have?
Let me see here. Oh, here it is. Yeah, well, if you think that's odd, you might want to consider the fact that this chess grandmaster weighed 1. Winner winner, chicken dinner. You know I am, Guy Raz. Deep Blue is the name of the artificially intelligent robot that beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov in Oh, I remember now, Mindy.
Garry Kasparov originally beat the Deep Blue robot the year before in And after that crushing defeat, the scientists from IBM - you know, the company that built Deep Blue - they went away and came back 15 months later with a smarter, sharper chess-playing mastermind.
Check it out, Mindy. It says here that the rematch lasted more than a week. And in the end, Deep Blue emerged the winner, becoming the first artificial intelligence to beat a grandmaster at chess. Exactoritos phGuy Raz. But artificial intelligence - or AI - has been crushing us at all kinds of board games ever since then. Well, for one, the game I'm thinking of is over 2, years old, making bot running wow in 32 bit mode the oldest board game in the world.
Ugh, I wish there was some sort of artificial intelligence system that can help search through all this information. Yes, that's one of my favorite intelligence smackdowns in all of history. And guess what, Guy Raz? AlphaGo versus Lee Sedol, brain versus bits. Laughter Mindy, I think we might be a little bit late for this match. These tickets say the game was on March 15, Mindy, the seats were so sticky the last time we rode in it that it took you an hour just to pull me out.
Don't worry about it, Guy Raz. Bot running wow in 32 bit mode you should know is that the time machine just got a new makeover, and it is looking awesome. I'm talking new flame decals from the front to the back.
Oh, man, just wait until you see it. Come on, hop on my back. I have to admit, Mindy, I was a little skeptical, but those are some cool-looking decals. That should do the trick. Thought it was going to take off - shouting whoa. A lot of turbulence through that time-space bot running wow in 32 bit mode, but I think this must be the place. Looks like we've made it, Guy Raz. All right, little buddy, come on.