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This site uses cookies to deliver our services and to show you relevant ads and job listings. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. This tag should be used for unconfirmed transactions, transactions that have not yet been included in a block. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered.
Learn moreā¦ Top users Synonyms. Mycelium Gear testnet confirmation When I send payment to a testnet address generated by Mycelium Gear, it doesn't see the transaction even when it's included in a block. How does the p2p network monitor the validity of a transaction?
Can two signed transactions be merged into one? I'm in a situation where I have a presigned transaction, which, due to a bug in software that generated it, has a fee lower than minimal relay fee. I have that transaction's hex, but it can't be I would appreciate explanations why it is so. How is the balance checked by miners when new addresses are generated? How is it even possible to check all the transactions for balance when there are constantly new addresses being generated?
Shahid Nazir 6 1. Where is the Coin in the Transaction Hash Chain? In Satoshi Nakamoto's diagram: I see a Hash in each transaction block. It would be interesting to see the first block in the chain--it isn't shown. I say that because I do not see anything that How are the transactions chosen from the Mempool if every node has its Mempool?
I have this scenario: So whenever a wallet user is initiating a transaction, this goes as far as I understood into a Mempool. And that each node has its own Mempool.
I have some questions though: Denisa Ioana Sicoe 1. How does one create another transaction when all funds are tied up in an unconfirmed previous transaction? However if I want to create a new transaction in the time that the first Kevin Kelbie 11 2.
Unconfirmed Transactions on Balance and History Is there any way to see the unconfirmed transactions within the balance of the CoPay's Bitcoin Wallet and get notifications when it receives an unconfirmed transaction? Because I didn't see my Can transaction id be used to verify a transaction? I have seen alot of questions here on "Transaction Malleability issue".
Editing of transaction id can be done by miners or nodes which relay the transaction. What I want to know is whether the Does a transaction in Bitcoin Mempool reach many miners during mining or only a single miner? I'm trying to understand the logic around the Mempool.
What I understand is a miner will pick transactions based on an incentive given by the sender, i. How long does a transfer take I made a few transfers from a btc free mining app 4 times each for satoshi and it said it would take 10 days to show up in my coinbase wallet, but nothing yet. Where are transactions to be confirmed stored?
When a bitcoin client sends a transaction to its connecting full nodes, before that transaction is confirmed, where is it stored? Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.