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Dogecoin Car to Feature in ‘NASCAR 14’

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And its founder thinks that's a bad sign for the cryptocurrency market in general. Jackson Palmer, 100 dogecoin car a product manager at Adobe, created dogecoin — a fairly simple Bitcoin clone — back 100 dogecoin car Back before bitcoin become a global phenomenon, dogecoin quickly garnered a strong following, primarily focused on memes including dogecoin's mascot, a Shiba Inu dog, and jokes about reaching "the moon," which in crypto lingo means becoming rich.

Even Dogecoin is rallying in this cryptocurrency boom. Having a four-year-long history in the world of crypto is a big deal, and as Dogecoin's following got stronger, its price steadily increased. That has set off some alarm bells among people in the cryptocurrency community, including Palmer. But here's the deal: Dogecoin does not offer many significant technological advantages over Bitcoin.

And it's not something that's seen any improvement, having not received a significant update in years. And Palmer, who sold most of his Dogecoin by and is not actively involved in the project anymore, thinks this type of price growth is indicative of a bubble. It's not just about Dogecoin, though. After an article in crypto-oriented media outlet Coindesk focused on Palmer's comments on Dogecoin, he posted an 100 dogecoin car statement on Twitter.

As a result, we're seeing even highly centralized assets such as Ripple achieve extremely high valuations, despite their lack of technological innovation and misalignment with the original vision of Bitcoin," he wrote. In general, the current market is a "bubble," claims Palmer, though he doesn't dare predict when it will burst.

Need to differentiate between getting hundreds of billions of dollars of digital paper wealth sloshing around and 100 dogecoin car achieving something meaningful 100 dogecoin car society. Palmer is not the only one who's worried that enormous valuations of cryptocoins and greed have eclipsed the technological innovations that the cryptocurrency space offers.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin recently tweeted that "billions of dollars of digital paper wealth 100 dogecoin car around" isn't quite the same as "achieving something meaningful for society.

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In its days of existence, Dogecoin has done a lot. While it started as a joke, the meme-themed cryptocurrency helped send the Jamaican bobsled team to the Olympics, fundraised to provide clean drinking water to towns in eastern Kenya, and pointed itself squarely at the moon. Now, boosters of the virtual currency have set their sights on a new target: It was then that Pavel had an epiphany.

The response was immediate and overwhelming. Pavel discovered that racer Josh Wise was driving without a sponsor.

An excited Pavel laid out his vision:. There are two major races that are very exciting and people are digging to watch. Now imagine a Doge. A Doge that is going MPH into victory lane. Anyone can win Dega. Underfunded or not, for example last years race where David Regan and the underfunded team brought home the win. Now imagine on TV. Pavel has set up a dedicated Reddit account, fundraising page , and Twitter account for the project.

Even so, some within the community have expressed skepticism about the whole endeavor. We need an official fundraiser, preferably backed up by the Dogecoin Foundation or someone with better credibility. Previously, funds for recent causes were held and manage by the foundation, not just one random person from the internet…. This is going a bit too fast. We really need to plan this out a bit more to make sure it all goes as planned, such as the design of the car.

Pavel said he reached out to the Dogecoin Foundation, but officials there declined his offer for them to get involved. Other Redditors have created a contest where community members can submit their own designs for what the paint job would look like. And I hope to be a part of making this a reality. The wallet for the fundraiser is now being managed by the well-respected cryptocurrency payments service Moolah. Aaron Sankin is a former Senior Staff Writer at the Daily Dot who covered the intersection of politics, technology, golden retrievers who know how to dunk, organizations adapting to our increasingly connected world, online privacy, the role of dank memes in popular culture, Twitter bots, and that same golden retriever who as it turns out is also pretty good at lacrosse.

He lives in Seattle, Washington and became a reporter at the Center for Investigative Reporting in Senate Democrats officially kick off net neutrality fight Andrew Wyrich — May 9. An excited Pavel laid out his vision: Aaron Sankin Aaron Sankin is a former Senior Staff Writer at the Daily Dot who covered the intersection of politics, technology, golden retrievers who know how to dunk, organizations adapting to our increasingly connected world, online privacy, the role of dank memes in popular culture, Twitter bots, and that same golden retriever who as it turns out is also pretty good at lacrosse.

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