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Services were at 10am Tuesday at St. However, this branch of the Penny greg bitgood middletown ny is not African American, but greg bitgood middletown ny.

Here are the records I have: William "Bill" Thornock Posted on: Memorial services were held at 2: Belvia Wilson McPeters Posted on: I am researching the Penny's from Greg bitgood middletown ny County Maryland. My grandfather was James Preston Penny who married Donzaletta. They had five children.

He was predeceased by his parents, Samuel R. Penny Powell, in From the Edmonton Journal. A reception will follow. A family burial will be in Southlawn Cemetery at My greg bitgood middletown ny names and dates greg bitgood middletown ny birth they are alive and well!

Lewis Dunham Chambers Posted on: Fulton, Madison, and Pope Counties. Emiline died greg bitgood middletown ny when Lewis married a widow with two children Penny E. She filed for his civil war pension. Known children from census are: Gilly Bailey Posted on: Susan Carol Mace Brown Posted on: Erie County Greg bitgood middletown ny mentioned in Diary Posted on: Nettie seemed to have a crush on him!

Also surviving is a companion, Penny Hosler, Huntington. A sister, Shirley Sprunger, is deceased. Calling is from and p. Jones about she died about My name is Penny Ulmer and I am looking for my birth father Posted on: My name is Penny Ulmer, my birth date is Oct.

My mother is Maxine Talbolt from Lucky lake, Saskatchewan. He had taken over for Mr Please don't be too hard on your mom, Penny told me she was easier to keep going than to look back because of fear of rejection for her choic James and Penny had a daughter, Eleanor, that married Martin Moore. Thank you for sending me the added data on the source of the documentation you were kind enough to pass along to me on the Hoff Mound Cem.

Any help is, of course, greatly appreciated. Penny Steuber, Albion, NY. Are they the same Greg bitgood middletown ny Thanks for any replies, Penny Kresl. Dustin family ties Posted on: James Mahurin, moved to Spring Valley, Minnesota about Please contact me to trade information.

Jesse Munday Posted on: I would like to know what else you would have on Winney Bruce, as this is my line. Contact me at taylorsseptic aol. Thanks Penny Moorefield Taylor. Greg bitgood middletown ny have never met you. I lost my mom in Please if you are or know my mom's only sister.

I have notes on Crusenberrys and Robbins. A lot of her family still reside in Lee county. Please e-mail me, we may Jennie Alice Roper Posted on: He married Penny Strickland on Feb. Vicky Firkins, Greg bitgood middletown ny Service Charch Records Posted on: They are my great so on grandpa and grandma. Merchant 29 Dec Maine Census Samuel Flake Posted on: Louis Flake marriend Penny Haddock and had the following children: Sacramento County Ca lookup Posted on: My name is Penny Brown I will help you look-up your family.

Call or email deziduc earthlink. Survivors include a son, Mark A. Lantz, Columbia City; greg bitgood middletown ny daughters, Mrs. Wilson, Fort Wayne, and Rhonda K. Haddaway, Huntington; two brothers, Lonnie Lantz, Hunting It took place in Browning. I have Pictures of it if y Curtis family line Posted on: Please contact me directly at the attached email address.

Thomas Bud Roberts Sneddon Posted on: He was born February 23,in Montpelier, Idaho, to T. Trying to link Harman Strickland to the ot Lloyd Fae Phelps obit Posted on: At the hour of death, when we come face-to-face with our Creator, we will be judged on love, not on how much w George Saunders Posted on: Funeral services will be held at 1 p.

Monday, Feburary 28, at Coffelt's Moon Chapel with Anna Gilbert Three step-children: Berkshire Eagle Judy M. Bachetti, 74, of County Road died Thursday at home after a three-year illness. Born in New Marlboro on Fe Does anyone have an idea why a family would bp a child late in life during the years in Boston at the age of 6?. My gggg was born according my recordsbut he was not listed in baptism

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My 8-year old son has been asked to play for a 8U Travel Baseball team — starting this Fall. In fact, they went undefeated this past Spring and have not lost a game yet this Summer to date. Anyone out there have any experience with being on a travel team, or as a parent of a player on a travel team, that they are willing to share? I was on a travel team when I was younger.

It was a lot of fun. I have friends that coach on travel teams that go up and down the eastern part of the United States. Some are regional — like the Northeast part of the U. S, others are in-state travel. Again travel teams vary a lot, the elite teams tend to really mix it up and want to face the best competition.

I find it can be quite a mess, even with the ones that are run really well. Travel teams are great, but you better be ready to spend some money on hotel, gas, and food. I guess what I am wondering about are the not obvious things to be aware of, etc. My son also plays in our local Little League. And, there are bound to be conflicts regarding games and practices for LL and travel.

Also, he plays basketball in the winter and does gymnastics every week during the school year. So, what happens when he needs to choose one over the other? Or more so, will be forced to choose one and then stop doing the other thing completely? I know that some travel teams practice year-round. He gets up at 6: And, he is constantly practicing his batting and catching mechanics.

I only get 14 days off from work per year in addition to the few holidays that my employer allows. Basically, that allows me to take some extra time around Xmas and one family vacation per year.

And, I am fine with it — since I love him, baseball, and watching him play. And, the only way around that is having her do something else with my wife — and then my wife misses the games. When you join a travel team, they want that to be your number 1 commitment as far as extracurricular activities go.

Our daughter played travel soccer for 2 years. I was happy when she committed to it and just as happy when she said she wanted to play other sports in HS so she wanted to stop.

It was expensive, inconvenient to the rest of the familys schedule and she needed to be reminded she had made a committment and had to honor it a time or two or 5 or Good luck with your decision. My deal may end up like yours — maybe after one season, or thereabouts, it will end?

I second the feedback. The committment level needs to be high. Dollars, time, separation of family time, etc…. I still have the signed contracts in a draw somewhere. The kids often get home late on Sunday night and are still wasted come Monday AM. Get a big calender, hang it in the kitchen, and mark off both the baseball in blue and school in red obligations test days, term paper due dates, etc… so everyone can see them. It can be great fun with the right teammates and the right coaches.

It can build character and it will improve his skills. What can suck, and it is always tough to explain to other parents who are committed to just one team is, when that superstar kid shows up then he needs to be in the lineup if you want to win. It really sets up a effed up precedence. Like you said, there are teams that go year around. I know parents that are going to batting cages on Christmas day, if they are open. Their child might be that good so they are committed to making sure they get either a scholarship, or they have some other grandeur dreams.

You have a tough decision here my friend. What happens if your child is really good? What happens if he wants to start playing for other more elite travel teams as he gets older?

Good luck to you and your boy!!! Thanks for the feedback. He was already warned that the 3rd grade would not be a repeat of that — and now we have the travel team as a carrot on a stick.

He knows that we will pull him from the team if school suffers. I have seen guys who were all-state in H. Baseball is a mountain that few can climb. At this point, I just want him to be good enough to start on his H. Just my opinion though. I have asked them some of these questions. But, of course, you never know the answer until you have actually lived it.

I know that 8 sounds young. But, trust me, I have seen how hard it is for others to crack into a good team at a later age. Better to get started and grow with the team as they move up to 9U, 10U, 11U, etc.

Better to start you and grow into it. My aunt juggled two boys on a travel team, but to be fair, she had support with her in-laws, my Dad and I. My uncle was working and whatever down time he had was spent working in, on or around the house, and keeping the youngest a girl in line.

The only issues were disciplinary issues, stuff that comes with the age. My aunt and uncle did the same where they simply called the coach if my cousin was acting up and told him to bench my cousin if he got too far out of line. Good luck and have fun with it.

The cool thing to me was watching the parents bond it becomes something of a community and watching the kids grow into their skills. I am hoping that the perks, like the ones you mentioned, offset any of the other things that are going to be items to deal with, etc.

I think 8 is a little young for travel ball but I know it exists big time. As a parent you would have to be viewed as a bad guy to not let your son, as enthusiastic as he appears to be about baseball at least give it a try. I would be very interested if I were you about the quality of the instruction being given by the coaches. I believe I was very fortunate as my son had excellent coaching in little league as well as travel ball which he started at age 15 Good luck to you and your son!

I agree that 8 seems young. And, when I see him out on the field with some of his teammates, who are like days older than him, he really seems small out there. But, if he can hang with them, this should make him an even better ballplayer. So, my son had his first two Travel 8U games yesterday. It was a home-away split doubleheader. His team got waxed, , in six innings, in the first game. The other team was too good. He played 3B for the 1st 4 innings with no chances. He play CF in the 5th and made a nice catch on a fly ball.

And then played 2B in the 6th inning and made a nice, clean, , play for an out. They won the road game at night, He played CF for most of the game and switched to RF for the last few innings. First time up, he singled up the middle on a pitch with the bases loaded to drive in a run. And, the second time up, he singled to RF and advanced on an error. No chances in the field for him. Most of the team was shut down when the other team changed pitchers and brought in a kid who was throwing GAS.

Between his travel team and his Little League team, he has 20 games over a 7-week period — and then the playoffs in the travel league. One day we traveled an hour and a half to Middletown, NY for a double header. After one batter a torrential downpour and a rain out. Luckily it was the only rain out of the season. We finished second in that league and lost in the championship to the one other CT team. I would not be surprised if you end up traveling up to CT some day as we have a facility here, the CT Sportsplex that hosts numerous weekend tournaments for teams from U8 to U I have heard stories of 11 year olds going from NJ to Maryland and Cooperstown for tournaments.

Most of the players were actually My son was They were a talented group. My son did not make his D3 college team but on that team there was a player who made his D3 team and two who made D2 teams. This was summer ball but what you will find is that in the fall many kids play up as there are kids playing football and other sports in the fall.