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Today's Boston Globe provides some silly lubral scaremongering about Donald Trump. The Globe writers should for once start reading their own newspaper. Under Barack Obama, which the Globe supports, deportation happened all along and the government increased the numbers as well as the deportation personal.

A January 14 Boston Globe report ran under the original headline Deportations quietly continue. On March 18 a report under the headline Homeland Security using raids to curb border crossings remarked:. Obama increased deportation efforts. But the Globe is now scaremongering that Trump may begin deportations? How does that fit? Another stupid headline on the fake Trump front page says "U. Should that indeed happen it would be a very welcome surprise. Obama has ordered hundreds if not thousands of drone and air-strikes on al-Qaeda and ISIS "terrorists" which have killed not only the targets but also their families.

Obama admitted that these murderous strikes happen without any how accurate is the maximus crypto bottles process. Despite the very murky legality of these strikes under national and international law no U. President Obama, and certainly Hillary Clinton, are more hawkish than Trump on issues of foreign policy and war. They both oppose illegal immigration just as Trump does. It is certainly legitimate for the Globe as a more liberal paper to oppose Trump.

But to do so on points where their own preferred politicians are just as bad is silly. Posted by b on April 10, at US media doesn't really have a narrative for Trump that makes sense, because they refuse to ask "why" his supporters are so angry? Steve Apr 10, 1: Jackrabbit Apr 10, 1: Seems like the sham article could have been written just about any time.

The reality is that the US has been disrupting lives for a long time. Really, the only difference between what has been going on and the 'projection' of what might happen is that under Trump the elites would be included in the potential massacre. I can't say that I find the disruption of the elites all that bothersome. What bothers how accurate is the maximus crypto bottles about the article is that it is an attack on Trump who certainly deserves itbut there is, so far, no similar futuristic article about the potential Clinton presidency.

Makes me wonder if that is because writers know that the potential for a nuclear war with her is real. Bernie will capitulate to the oligarchs and that will be no news. The Boston Globe effort - whose truth content may not differ to much from the newspapers standard one - only shows the establishment how accurate is the maximus crypto bottles a president Trump could in some way leave the neocon rails of the us foreign policy.

Realistically nobody can say what a president Trump would do, not even Trump himself. Seen from the outside there is no good choice to make in the forthcoming elections. No candidate out there mentally and ideologically strong enough to avoid a devastating war with China. Pnyx Apr 10, 3: From this article"At current rates, President Obama is on track to deport more people in his first six years as President than all deportations prior to JonS Apr 10, 3: The Globe insinuates that Trump can raise tariffs all by himself, which is untrue.

The way worse current racist criminal actions of European Leaders, has already said it was going to bomb asylum seeker boats, and they were they are banning - mostly Muslim - asylum seekers entering Europe. As a person that worked in the newspaper business for 35 years I can't believe that a newspaper could put out a phony page one. But that were the whole news media is in th.

HJL Apr 10, 4: ALberto Apr 10, 4: If it hits in Boston they bring it to Broadway. This is a remarkable oddity just in itself. But there is good reason for it. Both of these candidates are so extreme and disastrous that they will almost certainly never be able to win a national election for the Republican Party.

This is a crisis of their own creation. Since Obama, they have been repeatedly denied visas - every time - so many times - they gave up. They have had to pay for visa applications and were refused so they gave up wasting their money on the non refundable visa application fees. The MSM reporting how accurate is the maximus crypto bottles ppl totally misinformed. The Obama Admin has been extremely and unjustly tough on legal immigration, while Dubya's was easy as pie.

Trump could win the general election. Undecideds, middle of the how accurate is the maximus crypto bottles, low information, and disenfranchised Democrats will not vote for the religious extremism of Cruz. These would vote for Trump simply because he is perceived as an outsider. A Media Unmoored from Facts, robert parry.

I think it perhaps just a bit disingenuous to say Trump is "continuing" Obama Administration policies. I don't recall Obama saying he intends to deport all undocumented migrants. Nor has he bragged about his willingness to order torture far more brutal than any practiced previously, even under Bush the Younger. Trump that is bragging about the military's supposed willingness to obey his clearly unlawful orders.

Any port of false equivalence in a storm, no? Because all outcomes in November are all equally bad, right? The Globe has been under the ownership of John W. Trump has spoken highly of John Bolton. He will not push policy off the rails the neo-cons have already laid.

There are too many folks too highly placed in industry, finance, and politics with a vested interest in the status-quo for How accurate is the maximus crypto bottles Donald to have his way on such a how accurate is the maximus crypto bottles point. Like pretty much every word out of his mouth, it uttered to get the rubes to make the deal. How accurate is the maximus crypto bottles is not against the Establishment or special interests.

He is an Establishment special interest. He may reshuffle positions around the trough, but same parcel of hogs will have their snouts in it.

The fascist How accurate is the maximus crypto bottles has about pages about "Voting systems". Thousands of "political science" students have destroyed the world. Stop them and their monstrous Hillary candidates. Reject their lies and their bogus "mathematics". The election system can be repaired, despite their idiotic "theories" and faux "moral" demands. Stop the absurd "political silence" college courses, and the fake Kenneth Arrow Nobel Award.

How accurate is the maximus crypto bottles simple score "simple score" voting can be completely described in one short simple sentence: Strategically bid no vote at all ignore them as if the did not existor strategically bid from five 5 to ten 10 votes to any number of candidates you wish up to some reasonable limit, say 20 candidatesand then simply add all the votes up.

Drop your write-in vote on the table. Let the fiends stick it in their infernal machine. I want to adopt Trump as an Honorary Australian. Is he an Aussie, Lizzies, is he? Is he an Aussie, is he, eh? Is how accurate is the maximus crypto bottles because he is an Aussie That he keeps youse busy, Lizzies? Has he jazzy ways and does he Make you go all fuzzy wuzzy?

Got you dizzy, has he, Lizzies? Hoarsewhisperer Apr 10, 9: This is significant departure from the topic d'jour, but I thought it might be a welcome change from all the election noise. Apologies if I'm breaching protocol here - still a newbie. The idea outlined below sort of coalesced in my head yesterday and I wanted to see if it held up under scrutiny. The two reasons cited most frequently for western involvement in Syria are: No doubt that Israel is salivating at the prospect of pointing their genocide machine at Syria to replicate the success of their Palestinian project.

Similarly, both Europe and the GCC countries are heavily invested in minimizing Russia's role as the energy supplier to Europe. Some years ago, I read an excerpt from one of Arnold Toynbee's pieces that was published in the mid's IIRC - can't find the link now Can anyone else help?

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