Silver Nitrate Solution
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Silver salt is silver salt, and can not be disposed of down the sink, per the EPA. Chemically, by adding sodium chloride, a bottle of liquid silver nitrate clear silver nitrate has been a bottle of liquid silver nitrate into silver chloride, which is now white and which is not very soluble in water, hence the precipitation turning visible.
However, it is still a silver salt which cannot be disposed down the sink. Now, if you filter this through a filter paper, collect up the silver chloride on the filter paper, you should at that point be able to throw a away the clear water. You might wanted to have your safety department check the water first, to see if you did remove all the silver salts from the water. Safety a bottle of liquid silver nitrate will send it out for analysis. Then, let the filter paper with the silver chloride dry overnight in a hood is fine - dries faster and it's out of everyone's way.
Put the dried filter paper into a zippable plastic bag. These plastic bags with filter paper with silver chloride can be hauled away by your hazardous waste hauler. Now you are properly disposing silver nitrate via EPA rules, and you are not paying for disposal of water which is very heavy by weight. Another method for disposal of silver nitrate solutions is to add equal amount by volume of 1. Again, silver chloride will precipitate out, collect on the filter paper and dried as mentioned above, and the "water" part can now be disposed down the sink if tested and OK'ed to go this.
Then we reuse the plastic bottle for the next collection, as the some silver does stick to the inside plastic and turns black. There's no danger in this, it just looks ugly. After a few times of collecting and precipitating, we have the waste hauler dispose of the bottle too, and just start with a new plastic bottle. This bottle cannot go into the regular trash, as it is contaminated with silver, and the EPA won't like it in a regular land fill. We are a large institution, and are doing lots of silver stains a day, so we collect silver in large quantities.
If you are a small institution, collect the silver solutions in a smaller bottle. Ammoniacal silver such as used in the retic stainif allowed to dry, can be explosive. So don't let the silver solutions dry out when you are collecting a bottle of liquid silver nitrate.
Add some water, if needed. Friday, April 27, 6: We only use it on large specimens, breast, lumpectomy etc. MaryAnn Hancock Ahhh Check outnew cars at Yahoo!