Bitcoin wallet use
Bitcoin current stock price
When we created this website our plan was always to keep our guides free, so you wouldn't have to pay a monthly fee to view them. Common ways of generating revenue for free content that we considered were advertising and affiliates. We decided to go for the affiliate route, where we'd use affiliate programs within the cryptocurrency space.
Our goal in writing this is to get feedback on what you think about the specific programs. In these scenarios we hope to remove affiliates where appropriate and encourage you to contact us here if we're currently promoting a service you consider inappropriate.
The above said, below are all our current affiliates and some information on why we chose them. Any links to services below are the affiliate links we use in our guides, so if you use them - we'd earn some money.
Generally there are two types of affiliate programs. One where you get an up-front fee for example when someone buys a hardware wallet , and one where you get a commission of some sort on future interactions of a referred user for example a percentage of fees on an exchange. Most of the recommended exchanges we found ticked 1 or 2 of these boxes, but not all 3. To our knowledge CEX. IO meets all 3 criteria, and so was a good choice. It also has a good affiliate program.
Recently on Reddit there have been a lot of complaints about this exchange, but we haven't experienced any of these reported issues. See comments by 99Bitcoins on this for more info , and contact us if you have concerns. IO can be difficult. Similar to HitBTC, this exchange supports crypto-crypto trading and has a range of altcoins available currently 88 tradable pairs , many of which aren't available on HitBTC at the time of writing this.
HitBTC is a popular crypto-crypto exchange. IO which, at the time of writing this, has 15 tradable pairs of currencies, this exchange currently has , allowing many smaller altcoins to be bought and traded. This exchange has had lots of complaints recently, with many people reporting being unable to withdraw funds. As a security measure, it looks like HitBTC has enabled email verification for withdrawals on many accounts. In some cases users no longer have access to these email accounts and are unable to withdraw funds or change their email address.
Try contacting them on Reddit if you have issues yourself, they're fairly active. There may be other factors at play here, but we've never had any issues ourselves. If we see any legitimate proof of foul play, we'll stop promoting this exchange immediately. This exchange is more useful for experienced traders, offering very high leverage for margin trading up to x. Trading with leverage is very risky, so we tend to only refer this exchange when writing about margin trading , and give warnings when we do.
IO, they also offer a high commission for referred users, although only for 3 months after someone signs up, not forever. In the UK for example, if a regulated trading platform goes bankrupt or loses funds, your money is often backed by the government. Similar to eToro, IQ Option is a very popular platform for investing in cryptocurrencies. For an affiliate their commission and dashboard are also very good, although similar to Plus they require strict verification before you can use their affiliate program.
IQ Option also have a sub-affiliate program, where if you refer other affiliates you earn commission from people that person refers. Click here to sign up to their affiliate program via our affiliate link. Plus has a good reputation as a CFD trading platform, and offers much lower spreads on cryptocurrencies than alternatives like eToro, as well as stop loss and trailing stop loss functionality on crypto. It also offers a different selection of cryptocurrencies than competitors, currently offering IOTA which eToro doesn't.
Plus offers both an affiliate program for their trading platform, and for their affiliate program itself where if you refer other affiliates you get a percentage of their commissions, perfect for content like this guide. A drawback of Plus is that you need to post related content promoting them before you can use their affiliate program compared to all of the other programs on this page which only require your domain to be verified.
We're currently awaiting verification ourselves and hope that this promotion will be sufficient to pass their verification. A big issue with CFDs is that normally you aren't buying the underlying asset - so you'd be charged a daily fee for a broker to hold it for you. In the past this is how eToro worked, but now you can buy the underlying asset so there are no fees for holding Bitcoin although if you want to short it, that still uses a CFD and has fees.
See our analysis of these drawbacks here. The affiliate dashboard for eToro is also very outdated. A popular trusted hardware wallet, which is a physical device you store cryptocurrencies on considered very secure as even if your computer is hacked this is safe.
Cryptocurrency coin trackers sometimes called portfolio monitors are used to track your investments across multiple exchanges and wallets. This platform has reasonable pricing, but charges per year rather than per month.
Compared to CoinTracking, this is more based around trading and offers advanced features for trading across multiple exchanges. Reporting is very basic compared to CoinTracking. Similar to Coinigy, this is another tool based around trading, offering a range of features like advanced charting tools, cryptocurrency trading ideas by other popular traders and support for a range of exchanges.
In early cloud mining was widely considered to be a scam as there were many services claiming to offer cloud mining that ran away with money, or offered pyramid-based affiliate programs that weren't scalable. In early several cloud mining companies are starting to grow past that stigma although many people still think buying hardware yourself is better value, which we'd argue for ourselves - although it's also more technical. HashFlare is the most popular of these cloud mining companies.
We posted this guide on how cloud mining companies work in general if you're curious. Given that HashFlare's reputation is improving each day, and their very competitive affiliate program, we tend to focus our cloud mining content around HashFlare. This company offers both cloud mining and GPU mining rigs. Their affiliate program isn't as competetive as HashFlare, but some contracts they offer are better value - so well worth including in cloud mining content.
In late when HashFlare grew in popularity still offering cloud mining contracts, Genisis Mining was out of stock on most of theirs - and they only tended to offer pre-orders at fairly high prices. It's slightly more expensive than other options, but is very fast and makes a big deal out of security. Also offering the ability to hide files and shred files so they can't be recovered, all useful features when moving around and storing things like cryptocurrency private keys.
If we post any content related to physical items for example mining hardware , we'll use Amazon affiliate links to buy these items. The financial products offered by the above companies carry a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your funds. You should never invest money that you cannot afford to lose.
Programs we considered but don't use. We considered using Coinbase, but after some research found their affiliate program to be questionable. A post by 99Bitcoins updated in October sums this up quite well. This site cannot substitute for professional investment or financial advice, or independent factual verification.
This guide is provided for general informational purposes only. The group of individuals writing these guides are cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors, not financial advisors. Trading or mining any form of cryptocurrency is very high risk, so never invest money you can't afford to lose - you should be prepared to sustain a total loss of all invested money.
This website is monetised through affiliate links. Where used, we will disclose this and make no attempt to hide it. We don't endorse any affiliate services we use - and will not be liable for any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer from using any of these. Don't rush into anything, do your own research.
As we write new content, we will update this disclaimer to encompass it. We first discovered Bitcoin in late , and wanted to get everyone around us involved. But no one seemed to know what it was! We made this website to try and fix this, to get everyone up-to-speed! Click here for more information on these. All information on this website is for general informational purposes only, it is not intended to provide legal or financial advice.
Best Bitcoin Affiliate Programs Oct 15th, Updated Apr 25th, Basics When we created this website our plan was always to keep our guides free, so you wouldn't have to pay a monthly fee to view them. This guide lists the affiliates we currently use, and why we chose them. IO fees for referred users indefinitely. Binance Similar to HitBTC, this exchange supports crypto-crypto trading and has a range of altcoins available currently 88 tradable pairs , many of which aren't available on HitBTC at the time of writing this.
BitMEX This exchange is more useful for experienced traders, offering very high leverage for margin trading up to x. Plus Plus has a good reputation as a CFD trading platform, and offers much lower spreads on cryptocurrencies than alternatives like eToro, as well as stop loss and trailing stop loss functionality on crypto. Wallets Ledger Nano S A popular trusted hardware wallet, which is a physical device you store cryptocurrencies on considered very secure as even if your computer is hacked this is safe.
Trackers Cryptocurrency coin trackers sometimes called portfolio monitors are used to track your investments across multiple exchanges and wallets. Coinigy Compared to CoinTracking, this is more based around trading and offers advanced features for trading across multiple exchanges. TradingView Similar to Coinigy, this is another tool based around trading, offering a range of features like advanced charting tools, cryptocurrency trading ideas by other popular traders and support for a range of exchanges.
Cloud Mining HashFlare In early cloud mining was widely considered to be a scam as there were many services claiming to offer cloud mining that ran away with money, or offered pyramid-based affiliate programs that weren't scalable. Genesis Mining In late when HashFlare grew in popularity still offering cloud mining contracts, Genisis Mining was out of stock on most of theirs - and they only tended to offer pre-orders at fairly high prices.
Other Amazon If we post any content related to physical items for example mining hardware , we'll use Amazon affiliate links to buy these items. Programs we considered but don't use Coinbase We considered using Coinbase, but after some research found their affiliate program to be questionable. April 17th, How to Track a Crypto Portfolio? Written by the Anything Crypto team We first discovered Bitcoin in late , and wanted to get everyone around us involved.
Never invest money you can't afford to lose.