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As an electric car owner in Germany, you can share your charging station with other drivers so that they can use it against a tariff fee. Is this blockchain application the best example to be inspired by, if we forget about financial services for a while?

There has been a lot of buzz around blockchain during the last few years and many solutions built on blockchain technology are already live with many more still in the pipeline.

If you are not familiar with blockchain, it is a way to transact securely without an intermediary for example a bank and anyone can take part. The transactions can be between any two parties. Whilst most of the applications so far are related to financial services and often the exchange socket blockchain login digital currencies, this technology could for example be used to enable citizens to vote electronically in future elections.

Other areas where blockchain can be useful are the digitisation of contracts and secure management of patient records and healthcare support. Thousands of startups are currently trying to make the most of the trust element that blockchain provides. This solution caught my eye as I believe it can make people start thinking about a lot of other applications of blockchain technology, bringing value and reducing transactional costs for consumers. As electric vehicles are becoming more popular it is still a concern for owners where and when they can charge their vehicle as public charging points are limited.

Most car owners would charge their vehicles at home and at work semi-public charging stations but going socket blockchain login longer trips, you would be reliant on public charging stations. The number of public sharing stations in Germany is around 6, so with socket blockchain login app, there is already a significant increase in the number of stations to choose from. Longer term, the car itself might have its own bank account, which means the car will pay for the charge, something that would be particularly useful for self-driving cars.

But we are not there yet and will still expect individual ownership of cars for socket blockchain login to come. Personally I socket blockchain login just joined one of the increasingly popular car clubs, which means I can book a car parked in my street for a low fee to use when needed. Another similar idea as of utilising spare capacity is the capability of selling your unused luggage space with your socket blockchain login ticket. Airmule and Grabr are two apps enabling this.

WeForum — Blockchain explained simply. See links below if you want to know more about the socket blockchain login technology itself. Sell Your Luggage Space When Flying Another similar idea as of utilising spare capacity is the capability of selling your unused luggage space with your airline ticket.

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