Bitcoin, Litecoin & Altcoin Payment Buttons

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Checkout securely accepts your customer's payment details and directly passes them to Stripe's servers. Stripe returns a token representation of those payment details, which can then be submitted to your server for use.

With Stripe, sensitive cardholder data does not hit your server, greatly minimizing your PCI compliance burden. Stripe takes care of the hardest parts of PCI compliance, like redacting logs and encrypting card details.

You can integrate Checkout in as little as a single line of client-side code. As we release new Stripe features, we'll automatically roll bitcoin buy now button gif out to your existing Checkout integration, so that you will always be using our latest technology without needing to change a thing.

Upon completion of the Checkout process, Checkout submits your form to your server, passing along a stripeToken and any elements your form contains. When adding the following code to your page, make sure that the form submits to your own server-side code within the action attribute:.

We've placed a random API key in the code. Replace it with your actual publishable API key to test this code through your Stripe account. The above configuration also accepts the user's ZIP code, when bitcoin buy now button gif, and passes this to Stripe.

Although optional, using address and ZIP code verifications is highly recommended as they'll help reduce fraud. The following parameters are submitted to your form's action endpoint, along with any other elements in your form, once Bitcoin buy now button gif completes. The custom integration requires solid JavaScript skills, and you'll have to perform all of the requisite steps that a simple integration does for you.

When your page loads, you should create a handler object using StripeCheckout. You can then call open on the handler in response to any event. If you need to abort the Checkout process—for example, when navigation occurs in a single-page application, call close on the handler. The key parameter must be passed to configure.

Any other options can be passed to either configure or open. Custom strings passed to Checkout e. Checkout also uses the locale bitcoin buy now button gif formats numbers and currencies. If you provide a specific bitcoin buy now button gif, Checkout will use bitcoin buy now button gif locale for number and currency formatting. However, in order to protect yourself from certain forms of man-in-the-middle attacks, you must serve the page containing the payment form over HTTPS as well.

In short, the address bitcoin buy now button gif the page containing Checkout must start with https: If you are not familiar with the process of buying SSL certificates and integrating them with your server to enable a secure HTTPS connection, check out our security documentation for more information.

Checkout verifies card details with the credit card networks to ensure they are valid. For additional protection, you can opt to have Checkout collect the billing ZIP codeand make sure that ZIP code verification is turned on for your account. Checkout strives to support all recent bitcoin buy now button gif of major browsers. For the sake of security and providing the best experience to the majority of customers, we do not support browsers that are no longer receiving security updates and represent a small minority of traffic.

If you have an issue with Checkout on a specific browser, please contact us so we can improve its support. You can prevent Checkout's popup from being blocked by calling handler. Do not call handler.

This design indicates to the browser that the user is explicitly requesting the popup. Otherwise, mobile devices and some versions of Internet Explorer will block the popup and prevent users from checking out.

This only applies to custom integrations. When adding the following code to your page, make bitcoin buy now button gif that the form submits to your own server-side code within the action attribute: The callback to invoke when the Checkout process is complete function token, args token is the Token object created token. A relative or absolute URL pointing to a square image of your brand or product.

The recommended minimum size is xpx. The supported image types are: The amount in cents that's shown to the user. Note that you will still have to explicitly include the amount when you create a charge using the API.

Specify auto to display Checkout in the user's preferred languageif available. English will be used by default. Specify whether Checkout should validate the billing ZIP code true or false. The default is false, but we highly recommend setting to true. Specify whether Checkout should collect the user's billing address true or false. The default is false. The currency of the amount 3-letter ISO code.

The default is USD. The label of the payment button in the Checkout form e. Otherwise, a localized data-amount will be appended to the end of your label. Checkout does not translate custom labels to the user's preferred language. Specify whether Checkout should collect the user's shipping address true or false. If you already know the email address of your user, you can provide it to Checkout to be prefilled.

The text to be shown on the blue button. Default is Pay with Card. Checkout does not currently translate this label. Specify whether to include the option to "Remember Me" for future purchases true or false. The default is true. Called after the token callback for successful tokenizations.

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