Bitcoin Private Fork (Zclassic + Bitcoin Fork)

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Here is all you need to know in order to be prepared for the snapshot and claim your BTCP. First, users must own either Bitcoin, ZClassic, or both, in order to be eligible to claim Bitcoin Private from this fork.

Just like any other fork, you must first purchase your coins through an exchange. The private key is the only thing users need in order to claim their BTCP.

Going back to supported wallets; currently, there are many supported wallets. In terms of desktop wallets, it is recommended for users to use the ZClassic Electrum wallet or the newly released Full node desktop wallet. Coinomi wallet mobile is also available for Android users at the moment. They have a dedicated support article guiding users on bitcoin private fork strategy and zcl prices to claim forked coins using the Coinomi wallet. Once users have installed and set up the corresponding wallets, the next step is to send your obtained coins from the exchange to the wallet.

Double check three criteria:. It is highly recommended to test the functionality of your wallet addresses to confirm they are working ok. Simply send a small amount to your wallet for the first time to test. If the transaction goes through, you should be confident to send bitcoin private fork strategy and zcl prices rest all at once.

Once you input the destination address, send off the funds. The transaction will take a bit of time to propagate through the blockchain and users should see the transaction as verified.

If not, give it some time. If the transaction takes an abnormally large amount of time, users should seek to troubleshoot their wallet for any possible unintended issues. Rest assured if users have sent the transaction to the correct destination with the correct wallet address, the transaction will be valid on the blockchain once the technical wallet issue is resolved. After the transaction has arrived in your wallet, users are already prepared for the fork.

To export a private key file on the Full bitcoin private fork strategy and zcl prices ZCL wallet, right click on your own receiving address and it should allow you to copy the text. You may be prompted to unlock your wallet using your encryption password if it is set. This will prompt you for your encryption password if you have set one. Rest assured, so long as your ZCL is on one of the aforementioned wallets, you will be safe. After the fork, users are recommended to follow best practices for staying secure after participating in a fork.

This post is not financial advice and reflects the personal views of the author. The author invests in digital assets and has positions in the aforementioned cryptocurrencies. Please conduct careful due diligence and consult with investment, legal, and tax professionals before investing in any digital asset. He also co-founded Fam, a Boston based venture-backed software startup.

He is a mentor for the TechStars, a world-wide venture incubator, and is also on the board of the Baystate Financial Charitable Foundation. He is very well versed in both the tech and cryptocurrency world. Skip to content Tokens Tags Bitcoin Bitcoin Private Cryptocurrency trading. Double check three criteria: To reiterate, the core steps to prepare for the snapshot will include the bitcoin private fork strategy and zcl prices First Name Email address:

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The Bitcoin Private fork is scheduled for February 28th. Check out the project whitepaper here. The way the fork will work is Bitcoin and ZClassic holders will get a 1: I've been reviewing what strategies people are using to try and best position for this fork. Here are a couple schools of thought. Here's what I'm planning on doing. I love privacy coins, so I'm skeptically interested in Bitcoin Private.

That being said, if I can take guaranteed profits that's hard to pass up. With that in mind, I bought a very conservative amount of ZCL tokens and am keeping them in my Cryptopia account as we approach the fork.

If by the 27th I feel the value of those ZCL tokens has gone up significantly enough I'm going to take the gains and simply keep an eye on Bitcoin private. I may then purchase into Bitcoin Private later.

However, if the valuation of ZCL is close to the same or even lower than what I bought in at, I'm going to transfer my ZCL to a supported wallet and participate on the fork and collect my Bitcoin Private. I think there is viability in both of the above approaches and I think it's safest to choose dynamically between the 2 near the fork date.

There are 8 days left until the fork so I'm fashionably late to this party, but we all know cryptos can make huge moves in that time. I'd love to hear what others are doing about this fork. Is anybody else buying ZCL? If so, do you think you're more likely to sell off the ZCL or hold for the fork? What thoughts do you have on Bitcoin Private in general? If you want to encourage more content like this, consider a donation.

Creating content is easiest when paired with the smooth finish of a well crafted Scottish ale, and Scottish ale is most delicious when it is generously funded by those who enjoy good content! Bitcoin Private Fork Strategies. Bitcoin Private fork - February 28th Hey all! Stock up on ZCL and hold until fork An interesting dynamic of this fork is the fact that 2 very differently priced cryptos both fork at a rate of 1: If you take this path, you'll want to try to sell your ZCL as soon as you can confirm that the fork took place and you will have your Bitcoin Private.

The reason being that ZCL as a standalone coin might drop significantly possibly even die once Bitcoin Private is out. Grab ZCL and sell before the fork For those who don't have any interest in acquiring Bitcoin Private, there seems to be an opportunity to try and get a decent gain simply by purchasing the ZCL now and selling close to the February 28th fork when the price is likely to max out.

If you happen to have some interest in Bitcoin Private, but you're skeptical of the valuation after the fork holding, you may also want to take this route and then create a buy order for Bitcoin Private after the dust has settled and it has become stable at least as stable as crypto gets. My Strategy Here's what I'm planning on doing.

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