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41 commentsHindi you must watch this video before trading bitcoinsbitcoin trading indiapros and cons
Sadly though, 5, parts equals about 0. Thanks a lot for this post: Miners are starting to get really annoying. I know none of them are considering these economics. I think no one does Bitcoin mining on a VPS really.
I keep seeing clients using CPU miners on our Blue0. Idk WHAT they think they'll get from it, tbh. Virtual currency is useless anyway and hopefully this stupid trend will die out. It is amazing at how much effort people put into mining this fake currency when they get nothing in return apart from a bunch of fake coins in a fake wallet.
Earn money just for browsing with Qmee!: And those "fake coins" can be sold for money, that's what they get. They are sold through people buying them; so people waste money buying more fake coins just to sell them on again. So, they are worth nothing. How about buying products in www anonymously? Doesn't sound so worthless to me. Why would someone want the coins, other than to sell on again? What is the point of buying products anonymously? How about completely scammable and unsecured?
BitCoin is another trend that will die in a couple years once it gains enough popularity to become hacked and corrupted. I work for a public institution, any comments made reflect myself and my personal views only. Go read up on silk road. Does it make you jealous that some people made millions with bitcoin? Does it make you jealous that some people made millions with real money that is actually worth something in real life?
If I wanted to make millions with bitcoins, then I'd make an account. But a bitcoin isn't worth anything other than to sell on, so it is one continous loop of worthlessness. Which was shut down by the FBI. Sell bitcoins get real money, tell me again how it's fake? Because as you said they get real money, they aren't worth anything themselves.
You have a car. If you sell it to someone, you get real money in exchange. So as I said, you get real money, the car isn't worth anything itself.
Tell me how that makes sense to you? All I am saying is bitcoin is useless and should die out now, we should use real money instead. Bitcoin is a threat to real currency.
It has no advantages other than being anonymous and easier to manage. However, the only use for bitcoin is if you want to do something illegal. Because, bitcoin is meant to be a currency, and currency is meant to be worth something.
A pound is worth a pound. A bitcoin is worth nothing currency wise. Paper money is made out of paper which costs barely nothing. All I am saying is bitcoin is useless and should die out now. I totally agree with you. I hate virtual currencies as much as you, if not more.
Bitcoins are basically like trading stock. The main issue here is that people are buying VPS's to do coin mining, which really doesn't pay for itself. This being said, once Bitcoin and all the other coin trends reach a certain point of popularity, they will become hacked and the services will be unstable and ruined.
The virtual coin economy will go to ruins because of hackers inflating the economy with counterfeit coins. This makes me wonder, if you generate fake Bitcoins and throw them into the economy, would it be classified as money laundering since it is an electronic form of currency? I don't own a single bitcoin but i am happy for people who became rich from it. At least this currency helped people to make their life better.
The coins that you mined will be traded in exchanges and profit from the trades. Others only mine and dump that's why there is indeed no profit from it.
If you use the coins that you mined as a capital for trading then it will eventually make a profit. Like texteditor said, Silk Road II was either hacked or a scam from the beginning.
Apparently it just happened yesterday. I was under the impression that mining had moved from CPU early days to specialty GPU later to custom FPGA now and that it was not really worth the time even if you had a dedicated i7 to tie up for months. For LET support, please click here. I have probably had to remove around 70 - customers due to mining over the last 3 months, they all kick up a huge fuss about it, are generally rude and insulting and a lot file disputes.
I really wish I had now. The issue is that it is done with no respect for the quality of service for anyone else, this is either due to lack of knowledge or a "Who cares as long as I get what I want" attitude. I suggest you do more research before doing a useless experiment. That's like comparing an apple to an orange. The comparison is useless and won't get you anywhere.
Redo that little testing by mining Primecoins or Protoshares, and then the thread and the results will make more sense. Other then that mining is not really worth the trouble. You are stupid if you think people are mining bitcoin on a CPU. You are correct, but many people I know of are trying to mine bitcoins on VPSs, thus this point proving its inefficiency.
Yes I know bitcoin isn't built for CPU. However, that wasn't the point of the test. It was the fact that people try to mine bitcoins with CPU. AnthonySmith I agree with anthony. Coin miners causing great troubles recently.
Sometime multiple miners in same node causing the node to be down. I have suspended about 10 miners till now. Switch to Protoshares mining. Use this guide https: As for what Bitcoin is and will be, as well as other ones like it, that is a different story, still, the only way for the Internet to be independent is to have own means of payment for services and even goods.
Maybe a better way will be discovered, right now these are best found. Extremist conservative user, I wish to preserve human and civil rights, free speech, freedom of the press and worship, rule of law, democracy, peace and prosperity, social mobility, etc. Now you can draw your guns. Here is a website to calculate profitability of mining various coins. Put your hash rate and power cost and click on the button.
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February edited February in General. First off, are you stupid to think that it will go well? Here is my test server specs: After a whole day I have done roughly parts. Over a month that would be 21, parts. Please don't use your VPS for mining, it is just a waste of your money. February edited February Thanked by 1 lars. Thanked by 1 soda. There's silk road 2 now.
To buy shady stuff from shady people? The sold bitcoins are worth real money.