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This collection of different systems and protocols might at first make certain aspects of use of bitcoin-otc for Over The Counter trading confusing. This tutorial seeks to define various terms, commands, and usage patterns to get you comfortable with using the OTC to trade bitcoins and other related goods or services. If you are unfamiliar with IRC and do not have specialized, stand-alone IRC client software, you can connect via any web browser via Freenode's webchat applet at http: If you have a standalone IRC client, change the settings to use any of the Freenode network servers and initiate a connection.

It is worth noting that IRC and Freenode exist in a more general context bitcoin otc guidelines just for chatting about trading bitcoins. The most significant restriction in the terms bitcoin otc guidelines service bitcoin otc guidelines to not engage in activities that are illegal.

Note that most of the information you provide in your configuration will be publicly viewable. Bitcoin otc guidelines you are concerned about your privacy, do not use your real name or identifying information; there is no requirement to provide your real information.

The IP or host you are connecting from will also be shown unless you request a "cloak" from Freenode admins in conjunction with having registered your nickname through nickname services NickServ. Nicknames limited to only of characters a-z, A-Z,underscore, and dash, must begin with a letter and limited to 16 characters in length.

Note that channels can be configured to require an invite or password. Also, channels can be created by anyone - joining a chanel that does not exist will create that channel. Channels can also be registered with channel services ChanServ so it may be possible to reserve a channel through these services. Most IRC clients that use windows also allow you to leave a channel by killing the window for that channel.

The query command opens a private window for the private chat, while msg sends the message bitcoin otc guidelines doesn't open a new window. IRC servers offer nickname services via a special "user" named NickServ.

This allows you to register and protect a nickname. It is a best-practice to register and enforce your nickname to avoid squatters using your bitcoin otc guidelines. It is recommended that you type any commands that require a password in the IRC status window, not in a channel window, in case you accidentally mistype the command and transmit the password as text.

If you already have a registration, use the GROUP command instead to group a new name into your registration. If you are using your registered nickname, you can omit the bitcoin otc guidelines. Gribble is a bot software agent that uses bitcoin-otc and several other related channels to facilitate OTC trade or provide information about bitcoin. These are not bitcoin otc guidelines of the IRC protocol or server but provided via this bot through communications on the IRC server via private messages or text within the bitcoin-otc channel.

Bitcoin otc guidelines is run and maintained by nanotube. Nanotube also runs http: Gribble is an open-source python-based supybot with plugins to support bitcoin-related queries. You can get the code for supybot at http: Bitcoin-specific functions that gribble bitcoin otc guidelines include managing authentication via PGP keys or Bitcoin address signingmaintaining a Web Of Trust WOT score and feedback messages between users, keeping an orderbook of proposed trades from users, querying bitcoin market prices, and querying bitcoin otc guidelines and blockchain statistics.

Gribble is configured to listen for commands beginning with two semi-colons ';;' or an exclamation bitcoin otc guidelines '! When communicating with gribble in private message you may omit these characters bitcoin otc guidelines you wish. Because supybot and bitcoin otc guidelines are open-source, it is possible for others to run supybots that exist in the same channel; because of this, it is recommended to use the ';;' characters before commands because OTHER supybots frequently listen for the '!

If you have not authenticated with gribble, gribble will reply to your commands via private message; if you have authenticated gribble will reply in channel. It is a common point of confusion for newer users to issue a command and not see a reply and not notice gribble replied in a separate private window.

Here are some basic OTC commands and aliases you will find useful immediately. For a more comprehensive list of gribble commands, please see Gribble commands. Note that elements in brackets '[]' are optional arguments that modify this command. The ' ' character represents "OR" - one of these options can be used at a time. By default it returns values bitcoin otc guidelines USD. If you wish to just get a single value, use one of the options to specify which piece of information, such as the current bid price, ask price, last price, 24 hour high, 24 hour low, or 24 hour average.

If you wish to query the price in a different currency, use the currency option. Valid currencies are any currency listed on mtgox. The ticker command or other commands can be embedded into this command by surrounding it in brackets '[]'. Note the brackets '[]' in this section are not meant to indicate optional arguments, but are bitcoin otc guidelines by gribble to embed one command within another.

You should ephasize trust, not "ratings". Ratings can be artificially inflated or deflated via creating a number of shill accounts. You should use ;;gettrust bitcoin otc guidelines measure the trust between you and bitcoin otc guidelines or between two known parties. This better utilizes the web of trust and relies on the emergence of trusted networks within the overall web of trust.

Note that trust is directional, so 'gettrust nick1 nick2' will produce different results from 'gettrust nick2 nick1'. This command will fail if you are not registered and authenticated or if the nickname you are rating is not registered. There are suggested guidelines to the rating you give: You only need to use one of the registration and authentication methods there are 2 PGP methods and one Bitcoin Address method but you should consider having both a PGP and a Bitcoin registration in case you lose one or the other.

This is the same command that was embedded within brackets in the rating commands above. This will display their PGP fingerprint, bitcoin address, and a link to this information on the bitcoin-otc. This is generally the easiest method for users if your wallet supports "signing" messages. It does not require installing any other software. Bitcoin address signing is supported in bitcoin otc guidelines base client wallet "Satoshi" bitcoin otc guidelines some other wallet software and some online wallets.

The function to sign is usually found bitcoin otc guidelines the "Receive Coins" page. Be sure to use the same address to sign that you register with. You need to re-authenticate with gribble each time you leave the channel or if gribble gets reset or leaves the channel.

An easy way to do it is to run the following command:. For examples, bitcoin otc guidelines GPG Authentication.

You may find it easier to view the orderbook online at http: They are simply listings. If you wish to accept someone's offer, contact them and deal with them manually. You should delete any orders that you have already honored. Orders also expire on their own, though you can refresh them. You can not edit an order, but you can simply remove bitcoin otc guidelines and make a new one. If you don't include an options gribble will show your orders.

Note that things in the order book can be listed by all sorts of different names i. You can use arithmetic as well bitcoin otc guidelines a few macros to automatically adjust prices relative to mtgox usd. There is are many more commands supported by gribble and the IRC environment. For more info see Gribble commands. This document is a simple beginner's guide to using Gribble and bitcoin-otc on Freenode. Retrieved from " http: Personal tools Log in.

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Please follow the IRC channel guidelines at all times: Interaction with the order book and rating systems is done via the gribble bot. Bot's control sequence is ';;'. You are also encouraged to talk to gribble in PM, rather than clutter up the channel with your commands, unless you specifically want public output. You can also use the testing channel gribble. To enter orders, and participate in the rating system, you must register and authenticate to the Gribble bot. You can register using a bitcoin address, a GPG key, or both.

Authentication is used to maintain your identity on the order book and rating system when conducting trade on the the bitcoin-otc IRC channel bitcoin-otc via web. It is also a good idea to register your nick with nickserv , and turn on nick protection set enforce , so that others can't use your irc nick when you're not around. Of course, you don't need to register if you want to trade without using the order and rating systems - just come into the channel and talk to people.

You will find it harder to find willing counterparties for trade if you don't register, though. The order book holds offers not just for buying and selling bitcoins but for physical goods and services as well. As stated above, the default order expiry is 14 days - if an order is not refreshed within that time period, it expires and is deleted from the order book.

However, those who have sufficient trust in the OTC Rating System currently, a sum of level 1 and level 2 ratings from nanotube of at least 15 , can put in 'long' orders, which have a default expiration of an extra 90 days. You can also refresh your orders with an extra 90 days. To do this, you add the --long option to the buy , sell , and refresh commands.

So for example, to put in a long-standing buy order, you may try:. Please only use the long expiration option on orders that are indexed to current exchange rates, so that your old orders won't become outdated and end up just crufting up the order book.

See previous section about order price indexing. If you want your order to be part of the data that makes up the ticker data, please use one of the supported currency codes for your BTC buy or sell orders. So if you're selling for paypal, put 'USD' for the currency, and mention paypal in the notes field. Please don't post spam orders on the book. While initially it was amusing to have funny orders on the book, with the increasing depth of the book spam becomes more of an annoyance.

We'll know it when we see it. If you have to ask, it probably is. Also, don't spam your wares on the channel. The 'spam' threshold is flexible, depending on the content of your message and level of channel activity. Roughly speaking, mentioning your offer once every few hours is usually fine.

Pasting too many lines of text is also frowned upon. Use a pastebin if you want to share lengthy content. There are no automatic systems set up to match buyers and sellers.

Issues to discuss may be: What escrow agent do we use that is mutually trusted? Remember, this is a direct negotiated transaction - so every detail is negotiable. The party you wish to contact may be offline. Some alternate methods for making contact include:. All transactions that may occur are conducted directly between counterparties, without any participation or intermediation from bitcoin-otc. As such, it is each individual's responsibility to conduct due diligence on their counterparties, and otherwise act in a prudent way to avoid falling prey to fraudulent users.

Below are some guidelines that you should consider when engaging in OTC transactions. When you trade OTC you engage in a transaction with people you possibly know nothing about. You may send your BTC to the person, and never get anything back. This is a highly undesirable outcome for you, and you should do your best to guard against that. If you do not have a history of previous transactions with this person, or otherwise do not trust your counterparty, there are several mechanisms you can use to mitigate the risk of fraud:.

Additional warnings, just in case the above was not enough. When trading BTC for reversible methods such as paypal or credit card transactions , beware of chargeback risk. It is strongly recommended to avoid PayPal or credit card transactions with persons of unknown reputation, since even with escrow, your counterparty may chargeback the PayPal funds after receiving the BTC. One possible way to partially mitigate the chargeback issue with PayPal is to use the "personal" transaction I like the 'payment owed' type , making sure they come out of PayPal or bank balance rather than credit card.

These transactions cannot be charged back via the usual method claiming non-delivery of goods by seller , and as a bonus, incur lower fees 0 fee for within-country, and a 0. However, even these transactions may be reversed by PayPal, if your counterparty either uses a stolen PayPal account, or fraudulently claims that his account was stolen and the transaction was unauthorized.

So it's best to avoid PayPal when dealing with counterparties with no reputation. Further, PayPal has stipulated that trading Bitcoin is against their AUP, since they consider Bitcoin a currency, and currency trading is not allowed. There have been a handful of reported chargeback cases, and several high-profile account freezes by PayPal for bitcoin dealing businesses bitcoinmorpheus, and coinpal.

It is thus strongly recommended to avoid using PayPal for bitcoin transactions. See the payment methods page of the bitcoin wiki for notes on the various payment methods' suitability for P2P bitcoin exchange. In case of dispute, it is a great idea to have a double-gpg-signed contract prior to the transaction.

This way, if any party claims non-receipt of funds to an address, incorrect price, or other issues, you have a gpg-signed contract you can lean on. Of course, this won't help you if you have run into a scammer who is just out to take the money and run, but it will be helpful in case of a legitimate dispute between honest parties. Some suggested items to include in your contract text complete list may vary depending on nature of the transaction:. The procedure for creating a double-signed document is straightforward: Then party 2 verifies the signature, then clearsigns the entire clearsigned document, including all headers, and sends the double-signed document back to party 1.

Party 1 verifies the second party's signature, as well as own nested signature inside. Now, both are in possession of a double-signed contract document. It is prohibited to engage in activity that is illegal in your jurisdiction.

You must also follow freenode's unlawful activity policy. Retrieved from " http: Personal tools Log in. Navigation Main page Recent changes Random page Help.