The @Bitcoin Twitter Account Is Back

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Bitcoin and other virtual currencies, AKA cryptocurrency or simply cryptoare causing much controversy in the financial realm. Their value is defined by a blockchain or complex code that can be shared among multiple computers but is completely anonymous and independent of any government issuer. This makes crypto attractive for both legitimate such as supply chain transactions between a company and its vendors and illegal laundering of money from drug transactions use. Separate from its intended purpose, cryptocurrency has become a vehicle for intense speculation among traders and investors.

Huge daily swings in price, causing fortunes to be won and lost, are common to most cryptocurrencies. While some financial experts see great potential in cryptocurrency, others feel it represents a highly inflated asset similar to bitcoin twitter analyst opinions bubbles of the past. We wanted to hear what the financial experts had to say, so we asked them to weigh in regarding their opinions and advice on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

Here is a technology bitcoin twitter analyst opinions allows anyone to send any amount of money to anyone else in the world at virtually no cost with nothing more than an Internet connection or smart phone. Bitcoin, like the Internet, is one of those innovations that can break down barriers; information barriers in the case of the Internet, and financial barriers with Bitcoin. It is a currency that is free of central bank control, is decentralized, and it has proven that it can serve as a store of value for people who lose trust in their national currency Greece, for example.

However, the bitcoin twitter analyst opinions of every currency is controlled by some function, and in the case of the Bitcoin it is through the process known as "mining. While the sheer difficulty of mining assures Bitcoin users that there won't ever be a massive supply shock in the digital market, the way that Bitcoins are created causes one enormous problem.

Primarily, it incentivizes miners to hoard the currency upon receiving it. The only way to alleviate this issue is to mandate that miners have to exchange all newly-mined Bitcoins for another currency of their choice. Otherwise, volatility will end up killing this currency's potential, and a group of Bitcoin miners will control the supply. Is that really any better than a central bank? While one could make the case for an investment in currencies due to their diversification benefitsa purchase of Bitcoin would be pure speculation, akin to penny stocks.

But as a concept, I love it! A global currency would eliminate the need for exchanges making global commerce easier by increasing efficiency, reducing transaction costs, and ultimately reducing costs for the end consumer. Even better, Bitcoin is not controlled by a central bank, thereby reducing the risk of manipulation from authoritarian governments.

And with a limited supply, inflation should be kept at a minimum. It's truly a global unregulated currency that is not taxed at any level. Multiple attempts have been made to harness in virtual currency, but much like the government attempts to regulate the Internet, the bitcoin twitter analyst opinions so far have failed.

At some point, Bitcoins will likely need to be regulated to have lasting power. The questions will be who and bitcoin twitter analyst opinions.

FinCEN has issued guidance concerting virtual currencies and their administrators and exchanges that subject these companies to the same regulatory responsibilities as other financial institutions. States are also involved. At a time when we're seeing just how much power is abused I think the world is ready for a currency that is decentralized and controlled by the people.

But yes, Bitcoin still has a journey ahead of it. It needs greater adoption, and more simplicity to appeal to the general public. But then again, the general public should be more informed anyway. Monetary decisions affect them more than the people that make the decisions.

Because the Bitcoin supply doesn't increase in proportion to the growth or use of Bitcoins, there is a deflationary effect, creating an incentive for people to hoard Bitcoins rather than bitcoin twitter analyst opinions them. Gresham's Law in economics suggests that for a complementary currency to be successful, it needs to have an inflationary effect that bitcoin twitter analyst opinions inflation bitcoin twitter analyst opinions the national currency.

Until it gains widespread acceptance and price stability, it will never be a mainstream method of payment. And from an investing perspective, Bitcoin's uncertain future and the lack of any meaningful fundamental metrics make it a speculation at best, and gambling at worst. It's nearly impossible to move USD in and out of the largest trading platform MtGox and, as a result, there are very few significant market makers participating in the exchange.

Absent reliable providers of a liquid marketplace, volatility will remain high. This presents major difficulties for businesses and individuals that might otherwise accept Bitcoin as payment for goods and service in forecasting Bitcoin exchange rate risk. Bitcoin can't be a viable long-term currency unless, and until, it is more broadly accepted as an exchange medium for items of real value i.

These challenges are interconnected and the current regulatory assault is the single most important aggravating factor to these circumstances.

But one thing we can all agree on is, while it's much safer and cheaper! On the dark side of it, Bitcoins can be used to hide large transactions from governments which really opens the door to black market activities.

It's far too young for me to get involved in Bitcoin in my own life as I fear that global governments will try to shut it down as they will be losing billions in tax revenue if Bitcoin gets really big. As a trader, it offers some incredible opportunities. Price fluctuations have been all over the map recently. It's too early to be sure which way it might influence monetary aggregates and velocity of circulation.

It could expand the de facto money supply and could increase or decrease the velocity of circulation of the supply of fiat money and near-money. Bitcoin bitcoin twitter analyst opinions bring back Gresham's Law by driving out inferior or "bad" money. Central banks fight deflation by putting more fiat money into circulation. Consumers and businesses then spend it and raise the demand for goods and services. That policy hasn't worked very well since because the consumers and businesses have been so cautious.

They have held onto money instead of spending it. The government should not get bitcoin twitter analyst opinions in regulating private money if there is no fraud. I do not take a bitcoin twitter analyst opinions on Bitcoin and other proposed currencies in a technical fashion, but I understand the political ramifications of them, and I think that government should stay out of them and they should be perfectly legal, even though I don't endorse technically one over another.

I call the Federal Reserve Notes system a dismal failure. I hope the Bitcoin model, which bitcoin twitter analyst opinions created by the powerful innovative free market system, will earn serious traction and acceptance as a global alternative digital currency model, and will compete with all fiat currency systems. The power of Bitcoin is that no central bank can print Bitcoins and dilute its purchasing power parity. Even though there are some who claim Bitcoins are the currency of the future, I just don't see it.

It has also been linked to drug trafficking and illegal gambling. I see it as a fad and nothing more, and as more people lose real money because of the legal issues surrounding Bitcoin, I eventually see it fading from existence. Editor, Insider Monkey Website Twitter.

Former CMO of cryptocurrency exchange Crypto. Founder of payment bitcoin twitter analyst opinions FreshPay. National Economist and Financial Reformist Website. Subscribe to our award-winning newsletter Over bitcoin twitter analyst opinions, Lessons from the Pros readers.

Check out last week's issue.

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Login or Subscribe Newsletter. The team's algorithm allowed for increasing profit black relative to the price of Bitcoin blue. Scientists have crunched data to predict crime, hospital visits, and government uprisings — so why not the price of Bitcoin?

Earlier this year, principal investigator Devavrat Shah and recent graduate Kang Zhang collected price data from all major Bitcoin exchanges, every second for five months, accumulating more than million data points.

Specifically, every two seconds they predicted the average price movement over the following 10 seconds. If the price movement was higher than a certain threshold, they bought a Bitcoin; if it was lower than the opposite threshold, they sold one; and if it was in-between, they did nothing.

Shah says he was drawn to Bitcoin because of its vast swath of free data, as well as its sizable user base of high-frequency traders. In the future, Shah says he is interested in expanding the scale of the data collection to further hone the effectiveness of his algorithm.

When Shah published his Twitter study in , some academics wondered whether his approach could work for stock prices. With the Bitcoin research complete, he says he now feels confident modeling virtually any quantity that varies over time — including, he says half-jokingly, the validity of astrology predictions. If you want to give Bitcoin a try without spending money, have a look at http: Bitcoin is unpredictable,crime however can be predicted along with all the other variables you mentioned because they have been around much longer than bit coin and we at least have a understanding of where it came from.

We still don't even know who configured bit coin which is problematic because for all we know someone is in the system itself. Think about it,whoever made this technology knows the inns and outs.

We might not be able to remove Bitcoin volatility at this point, but perhaps having it be predictable will remove the concern over volatility, or lead to more stability as more players enter the market. These guys are full of it. The correlation they have found won't last; they never do when dealing with the future. Pretty soon they will be telling us that they drive to work by only looking in their rear view mirror.

It will work until the big truck behind them loses its brakes. Oops, hard to predict that. This kind of trading is good for price stability over the short term. Let's hope it becomes more widely adopted. If you take part in an experiment then you affect the outcome of the experiment. If you observe how cattles graze and the environment that predicts their habits is one thing.

But to graze with the cattles is another. By taking part in the experiment the outcome over time is not predictable. You add an element to the unpredictability. There is indeed nothing new with this approach: I used it back in when trading on the interest rate futures for a French bank, then a Houston-based Commodity trading advisor.

The returns were good. Am I missing something? It appears these guys didn't actually trade anything. So these results mean nothing. My algorithm did 80x over 6 months and I'm an undergrad working alone Bayesian regression was used 25 years ago to predict stock returns with no great success. The problem is data-mining bias, which the authors do not address. They select the best performing models without a correction for multiple comparisons.

Obviously, the best model did well but many other models failed. The problem is which model to use forward. Add friction and you get a negative result. Let the algorithm wars commence! If you want to make money, find an unsophisticated place and start a smart war. The algorithm that evolves the quickest wins. Long-Term Capital Management rev 2.

Taleb has written extensively on the errors of this general approach. Interesting how people are attracted to the idea of getting money without producing anything of value.

If you give me the ton of money that those guys got to produce such a crappy paper, I will debunk it and explain everything that is wrong with this They would have done better to simply buy at the start and sell at the end.

This is all over fitted. These sort of papers are worth less than the paper to print them. It is a shame that prestigious institutions such as MIT allow to publish such a rubbish. I am in the business of automated trading since years and papers showing such results are seldom reproducible. Authors claiming such a performance should either a provide access to code and data to make their experiments reproducible after all this is science , or b stop working in academia and start their hedge fund.

Those not acting according to a or b are charlatans, see http: Note that someone tried to reproduce the results of the paper here: The heavy math needs the manually picked-up clusters to work Protecting confidentiality in genomic studies Self-driving cars for country roads Building AI systems that make fair decisions Vinod Vaikuntanathan wins Edgerton Faculty Award. Fluorescent dye could enable sharper biological imaging Depth-sensing imaging system can peer through fog Scientists gain new visibility into quantum information transfer Exploring his depth of field.

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Comments Kenneth October 21, How do I give you my money? And how will it get it back if it is a success? YOP October 21, Dominik Z October 21, I'm happy to give you my money to invest haha. Johnathan James October 21, Marcus Walker October 21, Kevin October 21, Dave Wu October 21, Coinspring October 22, Were exactly do you get data from "all major Bitcoin exchanges, every second for five months"?

Ben October 22, Bruce Jeffries October 22, Paul Jorion October 22, BitWorldCoin October 23, Sounds like another great innovation for bitcoin advocates. DK October 24, Michael Harris October 25, Dawkinsfan2 October 28, Freddy Kruger October 28, Dectis October 28, Noah Liot October 30, Davin Stewart November 2, Sorry, am I missing something here?

Again, am I missing something? Yooo November 14, Overfit, forward looking, and other leaks could explain this result. Archives Networks of probability Predicting what topics will trend on Twitter Improving recommendation systems.