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Bitcoin url scheme android day it seems that more Bitcoin phishing scams come to light. In this bitcoin url scheme android, we will review the main types of phishing fraud, what you can do to protect yourself against it and the lengthy measures we take to fight it. Bitcoin fraud happens in many ways, but one of the most persistent scams are phishing scams. With bitcoin url scheme android scams, people trick you into giving away your account information.

These scams are not unique to Bitcoin —they happen in most industries like finance, e-commerce, payments, social media and email. Since Bitcoin is money that can be sent and not reversed, it means that if you accidentally give someone your Luno account information, your money will be gone for good.

With email phishingyou may receive an email that appears to be from Luno, but in fact comes from a scammer, asking you for information or leading you to a fraudulent website. This email clearly comes from a scammer, as is evident from the email address.

The link takes you to a phishing website. With phone phishing someone may call you or send you a bitcoin url scheme android message, claiming to be from Luno, to get you to give up your account password or other information. A phishing advert that tries to get you to click through to a phishing website.

You can protect yourself against phishing scams and most other attacks, simply by enabling two-factor authentication. With two-factor authentication enabled, you will need two things to gain access to your account: If you are using the website, always make sure that you double check the domain name in the browser before logging in.

It should say www. We wrote a more detailed article on how to keep your accounts secureincluding securing your email account, securing your social media accounts, implementing a password management tool and two-factor authentication.

Since day one, we have been committed to keeping our customers and our platform safe from harm. We do this by balancing user experience, monitoring, security and customer education. We take many proactive steps to protect Luno customers and work hard to keep the ecosystem educated and secure.

We show contextual information to customers: We apply this logic in educating our customers, too. When an account becomes attractive to hackers when it has has a bitcoin url scheme android balancewe guide customers to help them secure their account. We provide this feature on all Luno accounts, customers simply have to activate the optional and highly recommended feature. We also have systems in place to automatically scan for phishing attempts and other fraudulent behaviour.

Once we identify a phishing website, we bitcoin url scheme android quick action to bring the fraudsters down. This includes, bitcoin url scheme android is not limited to: In addition to the actions we take and the notices and nudges inside the Luno products, we use multiple communication channels to help educate customers.

We often pay to distribute educational content about scams and phishing. As example, at the height of the OneCoin and MMM Ponzi schemes in Nigeria, we ran paid advertisements and sponsored posts on Facebook and Twitter, targeting individuals who have liked or followed these dubious scams. We constantly write new content, focused on online security and protecting yourself against Bitcoin scams.

We send a mix of targeted and general emails to our customers. We frequently feature stories on the ever-evolving landscape of Bitcoin —the good and the bad— with suggestions on how to stay safe.

She previously worked for two national event companies and is passionate about digital marketing and e-commerce. Buy, store and learn about Bitcoin and Ethereum now. We are using cookies to provide statistics that help us give you the best experience of our site. You can find out more by visiting our privacy policy. By continuing to use the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.

BitX is now Luno. Price charts Bitcoin Price Ethereum Price. Below are the most common ways people get tricked. Email phishing With email phishingyou may receive an email that appears to be from Luno, but in fact comes from a scammer, asking you for information or leading you to a fraudulent website.

Telephone or SMS phishing With phone phishing someone may call you or send bitcoin url scheme android a text message, claiming to be from Luno, to get you to give up your account password or other information. How you can protect yourself against Bitcoin phishing Two-factor authentication You can protect yourself against phishing scams and most other attacks, simply by enabling two-factor authentication.

Other suggestions We wrote a more detailed article on how to keep your accounts secureincluding securing your email account, securing your social media accounts, implementing a password management tool and two-factor authentication. How Luno is fighting Bitcoin phishing fraud Since day one, we have been committed to keeping our customers and our platform safe from harm. Smart features Two-factor authentication As mentioned earlier: Reporting the suspicious domain with all the major search engines Reporting bitcoin url scheme android domain with the domain registrar for removal Copyright takedown requests for using our Logo and content Reporting the emails to the mail sender as fraudulent.

If we find a phishing site, we run scripts that pollute the site with nonsense usernames and passwords, which could stall their efforts Reporting phishing advertisements with the relevant platforms Other channels In addition to the actions we take and the notices and nudges inside the Luno products, we use multiple communication channels to help educate bitcoin url scheme android.

Social We often pay to distribute educational content about scams and phishing. Content We constantly write new content, focused on online security and protecting yourself against Bitcoin scams. These are some of our most popular articles: Identifying Bitcoin scams Google ads bitcoin url scheme android scams bitcoin url scheme android how to avoid them How to prevent your Bitcoin account from getting hacked Tips to avoid Bitcoin scams Email We bitcoin url scheme android a mix of targeted and general emails to our customers.

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