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You are correct, and when miner flush that out you come to a conclusion of what bitcoin is. We'll all direct it. Could not start frontend Untitled log file logger: Their system miner that every one uses the us bitpim. You can get the same benefit as Bitcoin by making entries on a piece of paper, bitcoin with physical gold and silver when necessary.

Unlike most other sources, bitcoin is very short and to bitpim point. Check out the wiki and how hard they try to get rid of 'myths' No private entity should ever control a super powers money supply again.

I think the issues of taxes and security are the wrong place to be looking. One doesn't legacy bitcoin may survive, but it would be something closer to deravative that you see now and that caused the financialcrisis in the US bitcoin cash could survive and be bitcoin, a p2p worldwide cash using a decentralized networkd for trustless transactions and have many layers built on top of it, used everywhere and by everyone.

He has a lot on agorism and counter-economics, but he sometimes gets distracted with irrelevant stuff like voting and protesting. What are the forces that will make people fork off versus want to stay with the majority chain, even if they have some disagreements? Some will go broke because they issued too many notes. I wouldn't say that bitcoin is fiat money. While most bitcoin the stated implementations are forks of the original Bitcoin Core client, not all of them are.

Great to hear, we should find a way to contact all the github miner from leagcy bitcoin and send this info their way, I think half of them have listed emails. I couldn't find anything. Bill Rempel - He talks about finance and trading. With a million computer users running bitmining processes using hot-rodded machines such as I saw last night, bitpim total aggregate miner power makes the NSA's bitcoin rumored Exaflop bitpim look like a pocket calculator.

New file, no logs written to it. I had it set to the default before, but now it's at and still not logging anything. Is the number in square brackets [] the log level in the output? I have some showing up with , or also - but nothing is written to the log. At this moment I'd like to log everything, so that I can review the logs after a while and look for errors etc.

Got 60 jobs Still nothing after shutting down with Ctrl-C. I have also deleted the file just to make sure it's not locked or something. It is recreated, but with 0kb and again nothing after Ctrl-C. I'll let it run over night and see if there is anything logged by tomorrow.

But it was running for hours with logging enabled and log level , so it should have already logged something during the past few hours. I also tried python run-mpbm. Since it was git which created my directories, I copied the whole MPBM folder to another location and replaced all permissions with my own 'Full' permissions, this didn't make a difference.

I am really puzzled, but I guess it's not really a bug in your code if piping the command doesn't work either. Maybe it's python which doesn't have permission somehow? Now I just found this: March 25, , How do I get the fixed code without overwriting my config or other files? I've just released MPBM v0. We should probably have some place for howtos, especially explaining how to install required drivers on windows.

I've made some packages for windows users who haven't got Python installed, see the first post. Can somebody who doesn't have the neccessary stuff installed on his system yet please try these out?

If I test them locally, I never know if they're really self-contained or if something just picked up a library that was present on my system anyway. Just extract both zip files to the same directory and run mpbm.

Just upgraded the instance I was using for my Xs. I added the workers and pool to my config but I'm getting the following error for each board: Pulled the latest version and works without problems. Logging to the log file now also works.

I can stop the miner with Ctrl-C. This makes it very easy for State thugs to spy on Bitcoin users, especially if there's a backdoor decryption key.

State tax collectors can run a Bitcoin client, apply their secret encryption backdoor, and see who's a heavy Bitcoin user. It's very easy for State thugs to identify heavy Bitcoin users.

I don't like Bitcoin. It's inferior to gold and silver. You can get the same benefit as Bitcoin by making entries on a piece of paper, settling with physical gold and silver when necessary. I haven't seen an "alternate monetary system" that's more attractive than gold and silver.

Are State insiders intentionally promoting Bitcoin, knowing it has exploitable flaws? That's the only real potential crypto- related vulnerability in the system, as it would allow an attacker to spend other people's bitcoins. Please educate yourself before spouting off nonsense about something which you don't understand.

If you later learn that bitcoin is an good monetary system on par with precious metals, you will see the potential damage a post like yours could cause to the adoption of bitcoin. Please spend some time in the bitcoin wiki, forums, and bitcoin-discussion and bitcoin-dev channels on freenode and learn. I think that the biggest potential for a security hole would be from within windows itself. I am pretty sure there are several doors into Windows and Mac, not sure about Linux, since it is an open source.

To believe that would be same as to believe that the government is here to help. They have to keep pushing new OS versions, because the existing ones are being patched. They are most active on pushing out old ones by incompatibility tricks, understandably so, because a user on old OS is less vulnerable has fewer doors open.

That said, there is a way to run windows on hardware not linked to you, on a connection not linked to you either and as such to be as secure as BitCoin itself, unless BitCoin does something as "ingenious" as Facebook, where you are vulnerable primarily because of other people, and not your own information leaks dumb friend may tag your photo, or open his piehole about your life.

It is interesting, anyway, I need to learn more about it. Thanks, Anonymous about info on BitCoin. You don't front for NSA, do you? There is a good discussion about Bitcoin here: I wouldn't suggest anyone place all their wealth into bitcoins, the experiment may very well fail. However, bitcoin does have a lot of the properties of gold and silver with the added benefit of being digital. You can move wealth worldwide, anonymously, in a matter of milliseconds with no or very low transaction fees.

I suppose it's possible that it's a gov't conspiracy, but I highly doubt it and I've worked on the source code There is no central bank to steal wealth and trust is distributed throughout the community of bitcoin users. I won't comment on the conspiracy theory or how bitcoin fairs as an alternative currency. Instead I wanted to say something these remarks: Alternative currencies aren't used instead of gold but as the perfect complement to it.

I'll explain what I mean. The problem with these statements is that they seem to mix up the ideas of medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value aspects of 'money'.

Bitcoin hopes, from what I can tell, to be a medium of exchange and perhaps a unit of account. But taking on those roles does nothing to prevent gold from being the ultimate store of value function of money. You say so yourself: You can trade bitcoins for gold or silver That means that bitcoins are gold currencies because the market already treats gold as the store of value; therefore, any alternative medium of exchange can't help but be like those "entries on a piece of paper.

All it needs to do is float against gold, i. So the "attraction" of any currency, alternative or otherwise, is that "the money used as a store of value must be something completely separate and different from the medium of exchange.

The assumption is that this is where the price of gold will stay for a long time, if you manage the system properly. So what is the result? You artificially constrain the expansion of the medium of exchange fiat currency while also restricting the value expansion of the store of value.

You are locking the two together. When physical gold is freed from this and legal tender laws are dropped on state currencies , there would all kinds of reasons to experiment with different currencies with gold as the focal point. They would compete for respect by reference to a market for a stable supply of above-ground physical gold. Freeing that market is where we should focus, though it's not likely to need much help the way things are going.

If you try to set up a business that makes it easy for people to convert State paper money to gold or silver, then you will be treated as a criminal. State thugs make it very hard to use gold and silver as money. Also, if someone offered to pay me via Bitcoin, I'd probably accept it and immediately convert it to State money or gold or silver taking into account exchange fees when quoting a Bitcoin-denominated price.

Most coin stores and Internet dealers: With a million computer users running bitmining processes using hot-rodded machines such as I saw last night, the total aggregate computational power makes the NSA's new rumored Exaflop computer look like a pocket calculator. But one thing is obvious. There is a huge surplus of CPU work being done in the crypto code, far in excess of what is needed to support bitcoin transactions.

If it isn't the NSA behind this, then it is hackers, and none of our data is safe! As a final historical perspective, at the end of WW2 the United States and Britain made gifts of captured German Enigma machines to friendly governments Then there was the Crypto Ag scandal in which the owner of a European commercial cryptography company accepted a bribe from the NSA to include a trapdoor in his system he was selling.

There are many other such examples.